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22:24 Lindner: With Harris, it won't be simpler than with Trump

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After meeting with Biden, Netanyahu will meet with Vice President Kamala Harris later in the day.
After meeting with Biden, Netanyahu will meet with Vice President Kamala Harris later in the day.

22:24 Lindner: With Harris, it won't be simpler than with Trump

Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner does not believe that cooperation with Kamala Harris would be smoother in case of her winning the US Presidency than with Donald Trump. "Some believe that with Kamala Harris everything would be easier than with Donald Trump. I do not belong to that group," Lindner told "Handelsblatt." The deficits of the Republicans are known. "However, the Democrats also have protectionism, an unstable fiscal policy, and on the left wing, a woke politics that is divisive," so Lindner. Nevertheless, a President Trump "would challenge our diplomacy more." Moral lectures would not reach him, instead it would be more about realpolitik and working on commonalities.

22:00 Harris: Ready for debate with Trump Kamala Harris is "ready" for a debate with the Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. This was stated by the Vice President in a conversation with reporters before a meeting with the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. According to her, the voters would deserve to see the different positions of herself and Trump "on a debate stage." Harris added: "I'm ready, let's go." She had previously agreed to the debate on September 10. The debate, which is scheduled to take place on the US broadcaster ABC, was originally planned as a duel between Trump and Biden. Whether it will actually take place is currently unclear, according to CNN.

21:43 Biden's staffers have mixed feelings The staffers and staff of Joe Biden have mixed feelings after the withdrawal and the speech of the US President, according to the "Washington Post." Press Secretary of the White House, Karine Jean-Pierre, said: "There is a mix of pride, energy, and the knowledge that there is still a lot of work to be done."

21:12 Harris and Trump are almost even in the latest poll According to a New York Times and Siena College survey, Donald Trump is barely ahead of Kamala Harris. Trump receives 48 percent, Harris receives 46 percent, it is stated under reference to the survey. The margin of error is 3.3 percentage points. A total of 1142 registered voters were interviewed nationwide. The result is a significant improvement for the Democrats compared to the Times/Siena survey from early July, which put Joe Biden six percentage points behind.

20:45 Former advisor: Israelis were disappointed by Netanyahu's speech The Israeli population has shown disappointment with Netanyahu's speech before the US Congress, explained a former advisor of the Israeli Foreign Ministry. In an interview with "Sky News," Laura Blumenfeld said: "There is a real difference between his lofty rhetoric yesterday and the grim statistics and reality in Israel." The speech did not go well. "The Israelis were disappointed with this speech. They say it was a speech for an American audience," she continued. Accordingly, they had not heard what they wanted to hear. "Namely that he [Netanyahu] has taken responsibility for the attacks on October 7."

20:10 Trump calls Harris a "radical Marxist"Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump once again attacked Vice President Kamala Harris. On his platform "Truth Social," Trump labeled Harris a "radical left Marxist," stating that the USA "are not ready" for her. Trump had previously referred to Harris as "radically left" and held her responsible for "mistakes in the Biden administration."

19:50 Biden meets Netanyahu in the Oval OfficeJoe Biden met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the Oval Office. The Israeli prime minister thanked the president for his support of Israel over the past 50 years and expressed his excitement for cooperation between the two in the coming months, as reported by Reuters.

19:20 Yellen: Biden has restored the good reputation of the USAUS Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen praised President Joe Biden for his economic policy. In her first public comments following Biden's withdrawal from the campaign, the former Federal Reserve chairwoman stated that Biden had restored the USA's good reputation in the world. The high growth rates of the economy were no coincidence. Since Biden's inauguration, 15.7 million jobs had been created. This had also stabilized the world economy. Yellen added at the sidelines of the G20 Finance Ministers' Meeting in Rio de Janeiro that the data on Gross Domestic Product and inflation in the second quarter had confirmed that the USA was on track. The likely Democratic presidential candidate, Kamala Harris, would continue the key issues of the Biden administration, according to Yellen. She understood what was necessary on the international stage.

18:50 Harris' stepdaughter counters "cat lady" remarks from VanceFollowing J.D. Vance's remarks labeling Kamala Harris as "miserable" and a "childless cat lady," Harris' stepdaughter Ella Emhoff responded in an Instagram Story. She wrote, "How can you be 'childless' when you have such sweet kids like Cole and me?" She added, "I love my three parents." Ella Emhoff is the biological child of Harris' husband Doug Emhoff. His ex-wife previously denounced Vance's attacks on Harris as "baseless." Harris was described by her stepdaughter as "loving, nurturing, protective, and always present" in her role as a parent.

18:20 Harris: We want to ban guns and they want to ban booksIn her speech before the American Federation of Teachers in Houston, Kamala Harris first praised President Joe Biden. His speech in the Oval Office showed "what real leadership looks like." Harris then thanked the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and called them "a proud product of public education." Harris criticized the "culture warriors" who wanted to limit instruction on ethnicity and gender. "We want to ban guns and they want to ban books," Harris said, and added, "They have the audacity to tell teachers they should strap a weapon to themselves in the classroom." For her statements, she received applause from the teachers and union members.

17:55 Harris condemns "despicable" actions at Washington protest

Kamala Harris condemned certain actions during the recent protests in Washington. In reaction to the speech of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu before the Congress, some demonstrators and demonstrators tore down and burned the American flag. "Yesterday in Washington D.C., we saw despicable actions from unpatriotic demonstrators and dangerous, hate-fueled rhetoric," Harris said. Pro-Hamas graffiti and rhetoric are despicable and "should not be tolerated in our country." She added: "I condemn the burning of the American flag. This flag is a symbol for our highest ideals as a nation and represents the promise of America."

17:25 Trump allegedly disparaged people with disabilities

Fred C. Trump III accuses his uncle Donald Trump of disparaging people with disabilities. In his book "All in the Family: The Trumps and How We Got Here," coming out next week, Fred Trump writes about a meeting with his uncle during his presidency in 2020. The former president is said to have remarked about people with disabilities: "The condition they're in, all the costs, maybe they should just be allowed to die." The relationship between Fred Trump and his uncle has been strained since then. According to his own statements, Fred Trump's nephew himself has a child with a disability. Trump is also reported to have said about this child: "I don't know what that is. He doesn't recognize you. Maybe you should just let him die and move to Florida." The corresponding passages of the book were previously published by the "Times" Magazine. Trump has not reacted to a request for comment.

17:00 Trump urges Israel to end war "and quickly"

The Republican US presidential candidate Donald Trump is calling for a quick end to the Gaza War and the release of hostages from Hamas' grip one day before his planned meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. "Israel must end the war and do so quickly," Trump said in an interview with the US broadcaster Fox. In addition, Israel must improve its public relations. Trump also criticized those who protested against Netanyahu's speech before the US Congress.

16:40 Biden praises himself and Harris for growing economy

Harris spoke to reporters upon landing at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland.

US President Joe Biden praised the report on the growing Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in the US. He also mentioned his Vice President Kamala Harris. "When I took office, we were in the midst of the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. Today's GDP report shows that we now have the strongest economy in the world," Biden said, according to the "Washington Post." "Thanks to Vice President Harris and me, our economy grew by a robust 2.8 percent in the last quarter, which is based on strong American consumers and business investments." Biden also pointed out that the government had created nearly 16 million jobs, wages had risen, and inflation was declining.

16:20 Trump announces third book "Save America"

The Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has announced the publication of another book. "I'm excited to announce the release of my new book 'Save America,'" Trump wrote on his Truth Social platform. "Compared to my previous works, this is the best one - especially considering the fact that we're now living in a failing nation," it continues. According to the publisher, the book will be released on September 3.

15:50 "Republican Voters Against Trump" launch campaign for Harris support

The organization "Republican Voters Against Trump" has launched a poster campaign to support Kamala Harris. The posters of the $500,000 campaign are visible in the US states of Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. On them, originally Republican voters, both men and women, are shown endorsing Vice President Harris in the campaign. "I am a former Trump voter. I am a gun owner. I vote for Harris," is written approximately on one poster. The group aims to convince Republican voters to vote for Biden in the presidential election against Donald Trump, as they believe he is "unfit" for the office of the President and threatens democracy. He will "lead America on one of the darkest paths in our history," it says on the homepage.

15:20 Pelosi supports Harris: "Don't be fooled"

Nancy Pelosi, the former Speaker of the House, said the USA is still "blessed" with Joe Biden's leadership. Regarding the president's speech of yesterday, she added, "He passed the torch with eloquence and vision." Harris stands for "strength and determination," Pelosi added at a press conference in Washington. "She is a deeply religious person who selflessly serves the public." Pelosi urged the public, "Don't be fooled- she is a politically savvy President."

14:55 Jennifer Aniston speaks against Mike Pence

Jennifer Aniston has criticized Mike Pence for his comments about Kamala Harris. The Republican vice presidential candidate called Harris "miserable" and a "childless woman and cat lover." In her Instagram Story, Aniston writes that she "can't believe" such comments come from a potential next vice president of the USA. She adds, "Mr. Pence, I pray that your daughter has the luck to one day have children of her own. I hope she doesn't have to resort to artificial insemination as an alternative. Because you're trying to take that away from her too."

14:30 Biden as Lame Duck: "Nothing will happen in the USA until January 2025"

Since his withdrawal from the race for the presidency, Biden has been referred to as a "lame duck" in the White House. What does this mean for the USA, and what chances does Harris have in the race against Trump? These and other questions are discussed by ntv with USA expert Simon Wendt.

13:59 First campaign video released: Harris makes Beyoncé's "Freedom" her anthem

Under the title "We Choose Freedom" (We Choose Freedom), Kamala Harris, the potential Democratic candidate, has released her first campaign video on social media. In the video, Harris announces that for her, the rights and freedoms of US citizens are the central issues of the election in November. In the campaign ad, which is set to the song "Freedom" by Beyoncé, Harris portrays Trump and his allies as people who "think we should be a country of chaos, fear, and hate." Harris calls on US citizens to join her and "choose something else." "We believe in the promise of America and we are ready to fight for it," she adds. "Because when we fight, we win. So join us."

13:30 Jaeger: Harris could give Trump a "significant advantage"
Just a few days into Harris' frontline position among Democrats in the race for the White House, opponents Trump openly hurl insults and lies at her. According to political analyst Thomas Jaeger, this is part of a calculation. However, Harris could pose a serious threat to Trump.

12:47 Jill Biden arrives in Paris for Olympic Games
Jill Biden has arrived in Paris. At her first public appearance since her husband's withdrawal from the presidential candidacy, Jill Biden stood by her husband's side. Then, the First Lady boards a plane for Paris. For the opening ceremony of the Olympic Summer Games on July 26, the President's wife will visit the French capital to encourage US athletes and athletes.

11:55 Biden calls for unity in the US
In a post on the online service X, US President Joe Biden called for unity in the US. He writes: "We just need to keep the faith and remember who we are. We are the UNITED STATES of America." Biden believes that the US can accomplish anything if they do it together.

After meeting with Biden, Netanyahu will meet with Vice President Kamala Harris later in the day.

11:20 Video goes viral: Allegations against Kamala Harris
In an interview on Fox News' "Tucker Carlson Tonight" in 2021, J.D. Vance claimed that Harris and other Democrats (like Buttigieg and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez) didn't really care about the future of the US because they were "childless people." Three years later, Vance is the Republican vice-presidential candidate in the presidential elections. The accusation from three years ago is being heavily promoted again during the campaign to discredit possible Democratic candidate Harris. A video from the interview is going viral. On X, the video has been viewed more than 25 million times. Kamala Harris has no children of her own. She is a stepmother to her husband Cole Emhoff's two children.

10:37 "RealClearPolling" poll shows Trump ahead of Harris
According to the latest calculations by "RealClearPolling," the Republican candidate, Donald Trump, is currently leading in polls for the US presidential election on November 5, 2024. "RealClearPolling" shows the average of various data collections from different media companies. These are national polls, not polls from individual states. However, they are currently very volatile. The race could be close. According to "RealClearPolling," the difference in the polling averages between Trump and the possible Democratic candidate, Kamala Harris, is currently less than two percentage points.

09:55 "Wall Street Journal": Trump could lose to Harris
Regarding the new scenario that Vice President Kamala Harris might run for president instead of Joe Biden for the Democrats, the "Wall Street Journal" writes: "The Democrats rally behind Kamala Harris as their presidential candidate. (...) The US is now facing a presidential race that Trump and the Republicans could lose." Harris campaigns skillfully as the future against the past, as a new generation against the old, according to the "Wall Street Journal."

09:13 ntv-Reporter: Republicans were caught off guard by Biden
In his first speech since withdrawing from the presidential race, Biden swore an oath to the US about a choice between democracy and called for no comments on discussions about his age. This must have come as a surprise to the Republicans, according to ntv-Reporter Stephan Richter.

08:30 Harris' emotional thank you: Biden's legacy is unmatchedIn a post on online service X, US Vice President and potential Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris thanked Joe Biden for his enduring services to the nation. It has been an honor of her life to serve as Vice President by Joe Biden's side, Harris said in her speech. Joe Biden has achieved more in his entire career and in the last three and a half years than any other in modern US history, Harris added after Biden withdrew from the presidency race. "During his presidency, he has already surpassed the legacy of most presidents who served two terms," she further said. For that, she is grateful. Similarly, Harris had already expressed her gratitude at her first appearance in the White House after Biden's withdrawal. In conclusion, she said, it is an honor to count on Biden's support in the US election campaign.

07:27 NBC: Obama to publicly support HarrisFormer US President Barack Obama is reportedly going to publicly support Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democratic presidential candidate, according to a media report by NBC News, citing sources familiar with the matter. Obama has already privately supported Harris' candidacy and maintains regular contact with her. Joint campaign appearances are also planned. This was discussed by Obama's advisors and Harris' team. However, no dates have been set yet. A statement from the Obama Foundation is not yet available.

06:31 Trump calls Harris his "new victim"Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump attacked his alleged opponent in the US presidential race, Vice President Kamala Harris, during a speech in North Carolina. Trump referred to the Democrat as his "new victim, whom it is necessary to defeat" and accused Harris of deceiving the public about President Joe Biden's ability to run for a second term. The event in Charlotte, North Carolina, was Trump's first public campaign event since Biden's withdrawal from the 2024 campaign. Trump's sharp words indicate that the next phase of the campaign could be particularly brutal and personal.

04:30 Congress committee to draw lessons from Trump attackThe US House of Representatives intends to investigate the failure of security services during the attack on Donald Trump. The House chamber voted to establish a bipartisan committee, which will be tasked with this mission. The voting result of 416 Yes votes and no Negative votes underscores the widespread horror over the possibility of such an attack. The protection of the country's security knows no party lines, said Republican House Speaker Kevin McCarthy.

02:53 Biden praises Harris in the highest termsIn his address to the nation, US President Joe Biden recommended his deputy Kamala Harris as a replacement candidate for the November election. "She is experienced. She is tough. She is capable," Biden said of his Vice President. Harris has been an "incredible partner" for him in the past government years and a leadership figure for the country, Biden added. "Now the election is in your hands, the American people," he emphasized.

02:15 Biden announces withdrawal: Defense of democracy is more important than titleUS-President Joe Biden declared his withdrawal from the presidential race "to pass the baton to a new generation." "This is the best way to bring our nation together," Biden said in a speech to the nation from the Oval Office of the White House. "The defense of democracy is more important than any title," the 81-year-old added. He drew strength from this and found joy in serving the American people. But it's not about him, the Democrat stressed. "It's about you. About your families. Your future."

01:55 Trump: Harris is more liberal than Bernie SandersKamala Harris' presidential candidacy is not yet secured, but Donald Trump is already warming up against his potential opponent in the campaign: For three and a half years, the current vice president has been "the ultraliberal driving force behind every single Biden disaster," the Republican said at a campaign event in Charlotte, North Carolina. "Kamala Harris is the most liberal elected official in American history. Did you know that she's an ultraliberal politician?", Trump asked. Harris is "absolutely terrible" and even more liberal than left-wing politician Bernie Sanders. The 59-year-old is unfit to lead the country. "She will destroy our country," so Trump to his supporters.

01:14 Harris seeks potential running mateThe presumptive Democratic presidential candidate, Kamala Harris, has begun the search for a "running mate." Approximately a dozen candidates for the vice presidential nomination are being considered, sources report. This is one of the most important decisions of Harris' presidential campaign. So far, the debate has focused mainly on four names: Senator Mark Kelly from Arizona, Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro, Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear, and his colleague Roy Cooper in North Carolina. To the extended list of potential candidates whom Harris' campaign team has requested information from, according to sources, belong Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo, Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, and Minnesota Governor Tim Walz.

00:22 Leading Republicans warn party friends against racist comments about HarrisLeading Republican representatives in the House of Representatives, including Speaker Mike Johnson, have urged their party colleagues not to comment on Vice President Harris' ancestry. A series of Republicans had made her gender and her heritage as the daughter of an Indian immigrant and a father from Jamaica an issue in their attacks on Harris. In a closed-door meeting, Johnson and others had advised their party friends to focus on Harris' political achievements and her tenure in government, instead of attacking her identity, as reported by the "Wall Street Journal."

23:13 Democrats want to nominate Harris before party convention in mid-AugustThe Democrats plan to nominate their presidential candidate virtually before the party convention in mid-August. The responsible committee of the Democratic Party has approved this procedure. The "Washington Post" and CNN report that the voting is expected to begin on August 1. Potential candidates have until the end of July to file their presidential campaign. So far, Vice President Kamala Harris is the only candidate.

22:09 Withdrawal from Biden? His spokesperson is making it clear

The White House is dismissing calls for US President Joe Biden to resign. His spokesperson, Karine Jean-Pierre, told journalists that it's "laughable" to demand that Biden step down from the presidency after his withdrawal from the White House race. "Any suggestion of this nature is laughable and not in line with our views."

US Vice President Kamala Harris and the former US President Barack Obama during a meeting at the White House in April 2022. If she were to become a presidential candidate, Harris would likely depend on Obama's support to win.

You can read about previous developments here.

  • Despite Lindner's reservations, some believe that cooperation with Kamala Harris in the US Presidency Election 2024 could be easier than with Donald Trump.
  • Lindner, however, sees Democrats' protectionism, unstable fiscal policy, and divisive woke politics as challenges, stating that Trump's realpolitik approach might provide for more workable commonalities.
  • A potential President Trump, on the other hand, is believed to challenge German diplomacy more and disregard moral lectures, instead focusing on concrete issues.
  • Kamala Harris has expressed her readiness for a debate with Donald Trump, emphasizing the importance of allowing voters to see their differing positions.
  • According to a New York Times and Siena College survey, Donald Trump is barely ahead of Kamala Harris in the latest poll, with Trump receiving 48% and Harris 46%. The margin of error is 3.3 percentage points.
  • Despite Republican attempts to discredit Harris, she continues to draw support from unexpected sources, like former advisor Laura Blumenfeld and Republican Voters Against Trump, who launched a campaign for Harris' support in key states like Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.

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