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20:49 "Eastern flank out of balance": Lithuania plans to allow cluster munitions

Ukraine war in the live ticker

Donald Trump wants to end the Ukraine war with a "deal" if he is re-elected
Donald Trump wants to end the Ukraine war with a "deal" if he is re-elected

20:49 "Eastern flank out of balance": Lithuania plans to allow cluster munitions

Lithuania, facing Russia's attack war against Ukraine, intends to withdraw from the international Convention on Cluster Munitions. The government of the Baltic EU and NATO country approves the corresponding bill proposed by the Defense Ministry. The parliament still needs to agree. Cluster munitions refer to rockets and bombs that burst in the air and scatter numerous sub-munitions. Lithuania's government considers them an effective defense weapon.

Russia and Belarus could use cluster munitions in case of armed conflict, thus gaining a military advantage. "Even if Allies wanted to use this tool on our territory, they couldn't, not even to transport it through Lithuania," says Lithuania's Defense Minister: "This completely disrupts the entire Eastern front and must be addressed." Estonia, Latvia, Finland, and Poland have not signed the agreement, like the USA.

20:12 White House: Russian offensive on Charkiw likely failedThe US government announces another security package for Ukraine, the seventh since the approval of aid in April. It includes rockets, artillery ammunition, additional rocket systems, and other military equipment from US military stocks. More systems are reportedly ordered with the allocated funds. Additionally, the White House Press Secretary commented on the situation in Ukraine. According to her, it is "clearer than ever" that the Russian offensive on Charkiw "has failed."

19:26 Ukraine's 47th Brigade: Russians use massive infantry, "huge cemeteries" of vehiclesThe surroundings of the eastern Ukrainian city of Pokrovsk in the Donetsk region are currently the focus of the frontline action. According to the 47th mechanized brigade of the Ukrainian armed forces deployed there, Russian troops are attempting to breach the Ukrainian defense lines: with massive infantry attacks supported by combat drones, explained Brigade spokeswoman Anastasia Blishchyk. "The fact that we have hardly seen armored vehicles on the battlefield for a month is at least unique, as they have run out of these weapons," said Blishchyk. Reconnaissance drones showed "huge cemeteries" of destroyed armored vehicles. Therefore, the Russian side is trying to dominate the combat situation with strong infantry forces. According to the General Staff in Kiev, the Russian military is attempting to increase the combat power in the Pokrowsk region.

18:49 House committee approves armament package with 105 Leopard 2A8 Tanks105 Battle tanks, four Patriot and Lenkflugkörper air defense systems, as well as artillery ammunition: The House committee of the German Parliament brings a more than six billion Euro package for the new equipment of the German military on its way. With the Leopard 2A8 tanks, the future Brigade Litauen should be equipped, and at the same time, significant and long-standing gaps in the German military should be filled, says Defense Minister Boris Pistorius (SPD) after the meeting. "The procurement of ammunition will be significantly accelerated and expanded. This provides the German industry with a substantial basis for planning for this decade, the Bundeswehr will have full stocks, and Ukraine will receive urgently needed supplies," share the government party reporters. German production capacities for ammunition will be significantly expanded. The Brigade Litauen is expected to be ready for deployment by 2027.

18:17 Zelensky: We want to know from Trump if US support will end after the electionUkrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky asks Trump for clarity on how he plans to end the war in 24 hours. Zelensky expresses his readiness to meet with Trump and his team and listen to their proposals in an interview with "Bloomberg TV." "We want to know if we will have the powerful support of the USA in November (after the US elections) or if we will be alone," says Zelensky. Trump has repeatedly claimed that he can end the war in Ukraine in 24 hours. He never provided details. "If Trump knows how to end this war, he should tell us today," says Zelensky. "Should there be risks for Ukraine's independence, should we lose our sovereignty - we want to be prepared, we want to know that."

17:39 ROSATOM Chief complains about Ukrainian attacks on nuclear power plant substationIn a drone attack on a substation at the southern Ukrainian Enerhodar, eight employees of the nearby Saporischschja Nuclear Power Plant were reportedly injured, according to Russian statements. The men were engaged in repair work to restore power supply, says the head of the Russian Atomic Energy Agency, Alexei Likhachev. This not only compromises the safety principle of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), "it is a flagrant violation," complains Likhachev. The substation is part of the infrastructure of the nuclear power plant and supplies the city with power. There were reportedly three drone attacks within an hour. He demands a reaction from the IAEA regarding the attack. Russia took control of Europe's largest nuclear power plant shortly after the start of its military campaign and has held it since then. The nuclear power plant is located on the southern bank of the Dnipro, the northern bank of which is controlled by Ukraine.

Remains of Russian missiles and cluster munitions in the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv

17:14 Video: Russian National Guards shoot at conscriptsIn the Russian city of Osinniki, conscripts are dancing on the roof of the draft board. The National Guards cannot stand this and attack the apparently drunk-looking men. Then shots are heard, a woman falls to the ground. It is unclear whether she was hit by a quoits or a bullet.

16:39 Russian Army makes Tschassiw Jar quarter "level with the ground"According to Russian reports, the Russian Army is taking control of a district in the strategically important city of Tschassiw Jar in the eastern Ukrainian region of Donezk. The troops have reportedly "liberated" the neighborhood of Nowi, the Russian Defense Ministry announced. It is unclear if the Russian soldiers managed to overcome a canal in the east of the small town that serves as a natural defense line for the Ukrainian Army.

The military-affiliated news channel "DeepState" reports that the neighborhood has been "completely leveled." Further resistance would have resulted in heavy losses, it adds. The retreat from the neighborhood is therefore a "logical, if difficult decision," it further states. Tschassiw Jar is about ten kilometers from Bachmut, which was captured by the Russian troops in May 2023 after long battles. A breakthrough could give the Russian Army easier access to important mining towns in the Donbass region, such as Kramatorsk, which are still controlled by Ukraine.

16:04 Russian Intelligence: French "Agent" Vinatier confessesAccording to Russian intelligence, the Frenchman Laurent Vinatier, who is being held in Russia, has confessed to gathering information on the Russian military. The employee of a Swiss non-governmental organization, Vinatier, has reportedly admitted to his guilt "in full," the Russian domestic intelligence service FSB reported. Vinatier allegedly established numerous contacts with military experts, scientists, and officials during his visits to Moscow. Through these contacts, the Frenchman reportedly collected "military and military-technical information that could be used against the security of the Russian Federation." Vinatier works for the Swiss non-governmental organization Zentrum für Humanitären Dialog (HD) and was arrested in Moscow on June 6. He is accused of failing to register as a "foreign agent."

15:34 Video: Russians report massive Ukrainian drone attackAccording to Russian reports, Ukraine is attacking Noworossijsk massively from the air and water. The Russian Defense Ministry reports the downing of twelve objects. Sniper fire and explosions illuminate the night sky over the Black Sea port city on the shores of the Caucasus Mountains.

15:02 Poll: Ukrainians see Germany as conditionally reliable, fear US secret negotiations with MoscowAccording to a survey conducted after nearly two and a half years of war, almost half of the Ukrainians in a poll conducted by the European Council on Foreign Relations think that the USA could negotiate a peace plan with Russia behind Ukraine's back. 47% expressed this concern, while 49% had little or no concern. The perception of the allied partners in the defense war against Russia varies depending on the country. 84% see Great Britain as reliable or conditionally reliable, the highest percentage. 76% felt the same way about Germany, but only 19% considered the support of Berlin to be very reliable.

The Leopard 2A8 tank (left) at an armor exhibition next to the Leopard 2A-RC-3.0.

14:23 Scholz: Germany will not be a war party in the future
During the government questioning in the Bundestag, the topic of Ukraine also came up. When the Left's parliamentarian Gesine Lötzsch asks if Chancellor Olaf Scholz would give people "the guarantee" that Germany would not be a war party, Scholz replied: "Yes, I give this guarantee. I stand for that as Chancellor." As for when a ceasefire could be achieved, Lötzsch asked further. "In my opinion, a ceasefire that aims for Ukraine's capitulation is one that we cannot support from Germany," answered Scholz. This is not an abstract question, as one can see from Putin's "strange peace offering," he said. Putin has stated that he is ready for a ceasefire "if Ukraine also gives further annexations, essentially for free," Scholz added. This shows "how cynically they think and that the Russian president does not at all intend to end his aggressive war." Putin speaks only of peace negotiations to continue the war. "We will not tolerate that," Scholz assured.

13:55 International Criminal Court investigates torture of Ukrainian prisoners of war and civilians
The International Criminal Court (ICC) is investigating the torture of Ukrainian prisoners of war and civilians in detention facilities in the formerly occupied territories and in Russia, according to the Ukrainian agency "Ukrinform." The Ukrainian Prosecutor General's Office is working with the ICC on this matter. Ukrainian photographers Kostiantyn and Vlada Librov show on Instagram photos of Ukrainian soldiers who had fallen into Russian captivity and have since been released. "This was the most difficult shooting of the last six months," the photographers write later.

13:19 Russian postal workers to replace doctors in rural areas
Due to a lack of medical personnel in rural areas, postal workers in some regions of Russia are now taking on medical tasks. This was reported by the "Moscow Times" on Telegram. In rural post offices, health and midwife stations are being set up. The postal workers are to diagnose and perform various medical procedures. Russian publicist Alexander Nevzorov called this practice a return to the Middle Ages, according to the "Kyiv Post."

12:58 NATO countries: No agreement on multi-year Ukraine aid
NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg failed to convince NATO countries to make multi-year commitments for military aid to Ukraine. The 32 allies could only agree in the run-up to the summit in Washington on providing support in the amount of at least 40 billion euros within the next year. This was reported by the German Press Agency and refers to statements from several delegations.

12:24 Ukraine: 5 dead after attack on Dnipro
According to Ukrainian reports, the number of casualties from the Russian attack on Dnipro has risen to at least 5, with at least 39 people injured, including a 14-year-old girl. The attack reportedly took place with rockets and drones, causing several explosions and fires in the city. Reports indicate that a shopping mall and a weapons factory were hit.

11:31 Ukraine receives additional two billion euros from the IWFThe financially stricken Ukraine has received an additional tranche of over two billion Euros from the International Monetary Fund (IWF). The money is part of an ongoing credit program worth around 15 billion Euros. The money will be used by the government according to Prime Minister Denys Schmyhal, primarily for social aid and salaries of civil servants, including doctors and teachers. Since the Russian invasion in February 2022, Ukraine has reportedly received over 80 billion Euros in financial aid from foreign partners in the form of household budget support.

Laurent Vinatier (right) after his arrest on June 7

11:01 Military base in Russian Kursk on fireVideos from the Russian city of Kursk show a large smoke cloud over the city. An Ukrainian attack is reported to have set several vehicles on fire on a military base in the city. The regional governor has confirmed a fire in the city center.

10:40 Multiple civilians killed in Russian attacks in UkraineRussian troops reportedly shot at the village of Borova in the Charkiw region overnight. The Military Administration of Charkiw reports on Telegram that one man was killed and two others were injured. In a Russian rocket and drone attack on the eastern Ukrainian city of Dnipro, at least three people were reportedly killed and 18 others injured.

10:19 Kremlin: No talks with Trump over UkraineRussia is not i