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2:52 pm: Trump's security advisors propose strategy for Ukraine engagement

Live updates on the ongoing Ukraine conflict

Schwesig with Selenskyj in Kiev
Schwesig with Selenskyj in Kiev

2:52 pm: Trump's security advisors propose strategy for Ukraine engagement

Trump, advised by two senior advisors, proposed a strategy to end the conflict in Ukraine. The plan aimed to prompt both parties to agree on a ceasefire and initiate peace talks. In case of Trump winning the US Presidency, he'd inform Ukraine that future weapon supplies from the US would be contingent upon engaging in peace negotiations. Simultaneously, Russia would be told that Ukraine would receive more US support if Moscow rejected negotiations in any form. Russia would be tempted with the extension of Ukraine's potential NATO membership delay. The strategy was devised by retired General Keith Kellogg and Fred Fleitz, previously part of Trump's National Security Council.

14:38 First Delivery from Czech Ammunition Initiative to Ukraine

Initial success is observed with the Czech initiative to supply artillery shells to Ukraine. Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala shared on platform X, "The initial delivery of ammunition under our initiative has reached Ukraine." The ammunition shortage is Ukraine's major challenge in countering Russia. The objective is to secure up to 800,000 artillery shells for Kiev from countries outside the EU. To date, 18 partner countries have promised around 1.6 billion Euros in financial support for the project, including Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark, and Lithuania.

14:20 Ukrainian Ambassador Makeiev Dismisses CSU Proposal as "Populist"

Ukrainian Ambassador to Germany, Oleksii Makeiev, criticized the CSU proposal, which aims to exclude non-working Ukrainians. Makeiev described the move as "depersonalized and very populist" during an interview with Phoenix. Makeiev, in contact with Germany's Labor Minister Heil, Interior Minister Faeser, and the federal states, along with job centers, endeavors to assimilate more Ukrainian asylum seekers into the German labor market. Makeiev emphasizes that "Ukrainians integrate three times better into the labor market than representatives of other nations, they want to work."

14:01 Mardan, Putin's Propagandist, Slams Serbia as Final "Whore"

For years, Serbia has maintained close ties with Moscow, but these connections have been damaged as it was discovered that the country sold ammunition which ended up in Ukraine, and President Aleksandar Vucic defended the deal as crucial for the domestic arms industry. Russian TV host and Kremlin propagandist Sergey Mardan is livid. According to Mardan, the Serbians have taken on the role of the last "whore." Mardan claims the Serbians are no longer Russian brothers but enemies.

13:40 Ukrainian Drones Allegedly Hit Gas Pipeline in Belgorod

Russia accuses Ukraine of drone attacks. Videos suggest strikes in which several buildings and a gas pipeline were damaged. Multiple injuries and at least one death were reported. Kiev remains silent on the alleged attacks.

13:18 EU Extends Protective Status for Ukrainian Refugees

The EU extends the quick protection for Ukrainian refugees for another year. EU ministers agreed to the extension in Luxembourg. The extension of the protective status ends on March 4, 2026. EU interior ministers had previously approved the extension in mid-June. According to Brussels, the conditions for the refugees' return due to ongoing Russian attacks on Ukraine's infrastructure are not met. German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser welcomed the extension but also called for "a more balanced distribution" of refugees across the EU. The absorption of nearly 1.2 million individuals in Germany remains a "massive effort."

13:02 Beijing Demands Lifting of Recent Russia Sanctions

China vehemently opposes the latest EU Russia sanctions that also affect Chinese companies. It's about "unfounded sanctions," according to China's Foreign Ministry's spokeswoman. "We urge the European side to promptly lift the sanctions, and we will take necessary measures to protect the rights and interests of Chinese businesses." The West alleges China's support for Russia in its war against Ukraine, which China denies. Brussels added 61 more companies to its sanctions list on Monday, including 19 Chinese companies. Trade restrictions affect major players in the Chinese satellite industry. The companies are accused of transacting millions with the Russian mercenary group Wagner and selling them satellites.

12:58 Arrest Warrant Issued for Shoigu and Gerasimov

The International Criminal Court issues an arrest warrant against former Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and General Staff Chief Valeri Gerasimov. They are accused of assaulting civilian targets in Ukraine, according to the ICC announcement.

Day 2 of Manuela Schwesig's visit to Ukraine as Federal President sees her meeting with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Kiev. The conversation reportedly lasted an hour, with Schwesig reassuring Kiev of the solidarity of all 16 federal states. During the train journey to Ukraine's capital, she had declared that Ukraine must win the ongoing conflict, differing from her party ally, Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz, who focuses on ensuring that Russia doesn't win the war while Ukraine doesn't lose. Criticism has been directed at Schwesig concerning her commitment to the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline in Ukraine. Following the Russian attack about two years ago, she distanced herself from the project and deemed her earlier stance a mistake.

At 12:28, the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg convicts Russia for human rights violations in the Crimea following the annexation of the Crimean Peninsula. Russia has refused to acknowledge the court's judgments.

Ukrainian soldiers have been grappling with ammunition deficiencies in their battles against the Russian army for a considerable period. However, with the $61 billion aid package, the stockpile issue seems to be improving. According to a Ukrainian commander named Vasil, the "ammunition shortage" has been resolved.

On 11:52, Ukrainian security forces stopped 100 men attempting to illegally leave the country in the Odessa region. Last Friday, a group of 47 men were stopped in four minibuses on their way to the border, as per the state investigation bureau. Another 53 men were stopped on their way to a "collection point." They were planning to bypass checkpoints and cross the border on foot. The Odessa region shares a border with Moldova, and the neighboring country Romania is separated by the Danube River. Men aged 25 and over, who can be called up for military service, have been transferred to the local military enlistment office. Human traffickers reportedly demanded between 4600 and over 17,000 euros from each man.

At 11:07, EU State Secretary Anna Lührmann speaks of a "historic day" for the EU at the official start of EU accession negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova. She claims that both countries have made significant progress in areas like the rule of law, anti-corruption, and press freedom. admitting that it will take several years for Ukraine and Moldova to meet all the requirements for EU membership. As a prerequisite for Ukraine, a peace with Russia is necessary. There is no accession guarantee.

On 10:38, Russia is said to be considering retaliatory sanctions against the EU due to the frozen funds intended for Ukraine's armament. The Kremlin deems such sanctions as "against international law" and "illegitimate."

On 10:09, four bankers have been found guilty by a Swiss appeals court in connection with the administration of funds linked to the environment of Russian President Vladimir Putin. The Zurich Appellate Court has fined the bankers for failing to adequately verify if the money in accounts labeled as belonging to Russian musician Sergey Roldugin actually belonged to him. The court has imposed fines on the four bankers. In 2014, two accounts were opened at the Gazprombank in Zurich, with Roldugin listed as the beneficial owner. Media reports suggest that the Russian cellist and conductor is the godfather of one of Putin's daughters. He was added to the Swiss sanctions list shortly after Russia's attack on Ukraine. Roldugin is widely known in Moscow as "Putin's Briefcase."

At 09:44, a Somali soldier named Adil narrates his experiences as a mercenary in Ukraine, where he was forced to fight despite enlisting for a job that promised him a monthly salary of almost 1900 Euro and Russian citizenship. After four days of combat, he fled and is now imprisoned in Ukraine, stating, "I didn't come to kill. I lost my weapon. I didn't know how to hold it. Everywhere there were drones, artillery, rockets. I just ran."

21:37 Trump ex-advisors suggest strategy to cease Ukraine conflictPer Reuters, Trump's two key advisors have proposed a potential solution to the Ukraine war. This plan involves supplying Ukraine with more US weapons only if it participates in peace talks. Meanwhile, the US would warn Russia that refusal to negotiate would lead to increased support for Ukraine, according to retired General Keith Kellogg. This proposed strategy is the most comprehensive plan from Trump's associates, who believe he can end the Ukraine conflict swiftly. If approved, the plan would signal a significant change in the US's stance on the war and could face opposition from European allies and Trump's own party.

19:49 Russia reports destruction of Ukrainian dronesRussia declares it has shot down 30 Ukrainian drones in the border region between the two countries. The Russian air defense reportedly intercepted and destroyed 29 drones in the Belgorod region and one drone in the adjacent region of Voronezh, according to the Russian Defense Ministry on Telegram. Tragically, an elderly woman was reportedly killed in the Belgorod region.

19:18 Ukrainian security services arrest alleged Russian spyUkrainian security forces have allegedly detained a border guard soldier suspected of spying for the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB). According to the Ukrainian Security Service (SBU), the man provided intel on weapons and ammunition depots and Ukrainian troops in the border region with Belarus. He was purportedly recruited remotely by an FSB agent based in the occupied Luhansk region and communicated with him anonymously through online messengers. If found guilty of high treason, he faces a potential life sentence, the SBU stated.

18:46 ISW predicts Russian goals before Western aid arrivesThe US think tank Institute for the Study of War anticipates that Western aid deliveries won't result in significant benefits right away. "The ISW assumes that the Russian military is trying to achieve significant tactical and operational gains before Western military aid reaches Ukrainian troops in large quantities and that it will take some time for the weapons provided by the West to become tactically and operationally effective," it notes. It also references an interview with the military intelligence chief Kyrylo Budanov with the "Philadelphia Inquirer". According to Budanov, aid from the US and Europe, including artillery ammunition, will reach Ukraine quicker than before. However, Budanov clarified that Ukraine requires a vast quantity of weapons, making it "a matter of quantity". Budanov also mentioned that there would be "no Armageddon" at the front but the situation would remain challenging at least until mid-July.

17:12 Ukrainian intelligence to persist with "Drone sanctions" against Russian oil refineriesUkrainian Special Forces have placed over 30 Russian oil refineries, terminals, and depots under surveillance, as per President Volodymyr Zelenskyy during a military briefing according to Ukrainian media reports. He commended the Special Operations Center "A" of the Ukrainian Security Service and emphasized the long-range capabilities of the drones, capable of covering up to 1,500 kilometers. The most recent attacks have targeted areas as far as Tatarstan and Bashkortostan – with no end in sight: "The Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) will continue to impose 'Drone sanctions' on the Russian oil refinery complex and diminish the economic potential of the aggressor, providing the adversary with the means to wage war against Ukraine," as quoted by "Kyiv Independent".

06:50 Denmark terminates F-16 pilot training programDenmark is ending its training program for Ukrainian F-16 pilots by the end of the year due to its transition to F-35 aircraft. Defense Minister Troels Lund Poulsen made the announcement at a press conference, stating, "We will transition to the F-35, so we need to focus our energy on that and cannot continue the training of Ukrainian pilots after 2024." The western F-16 coalition must look for alternative training locations, Poulsen added. Alternative training programs exist in Romania and the USA.

06:39 Russian Governor voices concerns about "extensive" drone attack on BelgorodDuring drone attacks on the Russian city of Belgorod and settlements in the Belgorod region, several buildings, vehicles, and a gas supply pipeline were damaged, and four people were injured. This was reported by "Kyiv independent" and cited statements from Governor Vyacheslav Gladkov, who discussed a "widespread" drone attack. According to Gladkov, an administrative building in the city of Shebekino was completely destroyed. Kiev has not commented on the attacks.

06:16 EU adds companies to sanctions listIn the context of a new set of measures against Russia, the European Union is adding 61 companies to the sanctions list, including 19 Chinese companies. The 14th sanctions package, now formally adopted, includes trade restrictions for two important players in the Chinese satellite industry. The companies are accused of conducting business worth millions with the Russian mercenary group Wagner and selling them satellites.

23:57 ECHR Decision on Crimea Annexation Lawsuit: Kiev vs MoscowThe European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in Strasbourg is deciding today on Ukraine's lawsuit against Russia concerning the annexation of the Crimean peninsula. Kiev alleges numerous human rights violations committed by Moscow between February 2014 and August 2015, on the Crimean peninsula. The allegations include "illegal detentions," "curtailment of non-Russian media," and "uncompensated expropriations."

22:38 Orban stirs Controversy over Ukraine's EU Membership

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has expressed disagreement with the EU's membership discussions with Ukraine, which are taking place in Luxembourg today. Orban expresses his dissent to the Funke Media Group newspapers, stating, "Hungary isn't in agreement with this membership process, but we aren't obstructing it, and we're supporting the initiation of negotiations." Orban considers the process as "purely politically motivated." He pointed out that it's crucial to evaluate the repercussions if they were to accept a country engulfed in war with undefined, practical borders. With Hungary set to take over the EU Council Presidency on July 1, Orban adds.

21:36 EU and Ukraine Kick off Membership Talks

The EU begins membership talks with Ukraine today. Ihor Zhovka, foreign policy advisor to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, states in an interview in Kiev, "The path to full membership, which Ukraine deserves, is irreversible." The ceremony in Luxembourg focuses more on symbolism than the specifics of the negotiations initially. Detailed negotiations will ensue once the EU evaluates the numerous reforms Ukraine needs to implement to meet the EU standards.

20:35 US Blames Russia for Civilian Deaths in Crimea

As per US reports, Ukraine did not target civilians during their Crimean Peninsula attacks over the weekend. Russia apparently intercepted a Tochka-U missile, which was aimed at disabling a launchpad. Debris from the intercepted missile allegedly landed on a beach, resulting in the death of at least four civilians, including two children, and the injuries of 151 people, according to Russian reports. Russia holds the US accountable for this attack. The US government responded by stating that Ukraine has the autonomy to make decisions regarding their attack targets and military deployments.

19:35 US Prepares Additional Ammo Aid for Ukraine

According to government sources, the US plans to provide Ukraine with an additional $150 million worth of ammunition. This decision will reportedly be made public today. The incoming ammunition delivery is expected to include ammunition for the Himars multiple rocket launchers provided by the US, which can also fire Atacms rockets. Russian authorities have accused the US of being a war party due to the Ukrainian Atacms attacks on the Crimean peninsula.

18:36 Moscow Dismisses EU Sanctions as Ineffective

Moscow undermines the new sanctions in the 14th EU sanctions package against Russia as ineffective. The Russian Foreign Ministry in Moscow asserts this. The West is harming itself, the ministry adds. The West disregards the potential consequences on its own economy, or the welfare of people in the EU, says Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Gruschko in Moscow. Russia predicts an economic growth of over 3% this year, more than ten times that of Germany. "The purpose of the sanctions was to strangle the Russian economy and fracture the unity of society. The EU has achieved the opposite," Gruschko claims.

17:28 Unemployed Ukrainians Face Dispute: Schwesig vs Dobrindt

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Minister-President Manuela Schwesig criticizes the proposal made by CSU-Regional Group Leader Alexander Dobrindt to relocate displaced persons from certain Ukrainian areas if they refuse to work in Germany. "There are no safe areas as Russia attacks the entire Ukraine," says the SPD politician in the ZDF "heute journal update." Schwesig finds Dobrindt's statement "very populist" amid the influx of many refugees, including many women with children. She accuses Dobrindt of following the voice of the discontented populace.

16:29 Ukraine Battles Front with Russian Troops: Update

According to Ukrainian reports, over 128 battles with Russian troops have taken place at the front since dawn. As the Ukrainian General Staff reports on Facebook, Russian troops have been focusing intensely on the area around Pokrovsk. A third of the Russian attacks targeted this area today, according to the report. The Ukrainian defense forces successfully repelled the attacks and held the front lines.

9:38 pm: Ukrainian Military: 120 Russian Drones Eliminated in Krasnodar Oblast's Attack

As per the Ukrainian Navy's reports, we took out a massive 120 drones in an attack on the Russian region of Krasnodar on June 21. The joint operation was carried out by the Ukrainian Navy and the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), as stated on our Facebook page. The Ukrainian news outlet Ukrinform reports this. Our forces supposedly targeted practice facilities at the 726th Training Center of the Russian Air Defense in Yeysk where, according to the report, drone pilots were being trained.

Schwesig with Selenskyj in Kiev

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