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19:48 German military assists in flood-stricken areas of Bavaria

Flood updates in real time.

Babenhausen residents are rescued with rubber dinghies.
Babenhausen residents are rescued with rubber dinghies.

19:48 German military assists in flood-stricken areas of Bavaria

German soldiers are helping out in the flood-stricken areas of Bavaria. The Bundeswehr is aiding the districts of Günzburg and Aichach-Friedberg, as they've requested assistance. Near Günzburg, tents and beds are being distributed for those in need. In Aichach-Friedberg, about 50 soldiers are on their way to help locally, along with two Bundeswehr trucks.

Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser has promised more support for the regions affected by the flood in southern Germany. She mentioned that the Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW) is preparing to deploy more forces to tackle the flooding. Faeser stated that they plan to continue assisting the affected federal states with all available troops. As of Saturday evening, 520 helpers from the THW were involved, rescuing people, securing dikes, and pumping water. Faeser expressed her gratitude to those working hard to save lives during this crisis. She urged people in the affected areas of Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg to take heed of the warnings and instructions from authorities seriously.

At the Zugspitze, 29 mountain climbers in distress were successfully rescued. The mountain rescue service arranged for them to be taken to the Gletscherrestaurant Sonnalpin at the Zugspitzplatt. Due to bad weather and heavy snow at around 2500 meters above sea level, they could not continue further. Several groups called for help, stranded about 900 meters before the Sonnalpin. The mountain rescue service had to return, and the Zugspitzbahn staff were sent with snow groomers to search for the missing climbers.

Storm warnings have been issued for parts of Brandenburg by the German Weather Service (DWD). Districts like Dahme-Spreewald, Märkisch-Oderland, and Oder-Spree face the threat of severe thunderstorms with the second-highest warning level until evening. The risks include lightning strikes, falling trees or power lines, fast-rising water levels, landslides, and hail.

The A3 motorway near Regensburg, Bavaria, was closed for about ten kilometers between the junctions of Parsberg and Beratzhausen due to flooding. The water is rising from the fields onto the road, reports the Upper Palatinate police headquarters. The road will be redirected, stated a spokesperson. Emergency services, including the Autobahnmeisterei, fire department, and police, have been dispatched to the site.

The prison in Memmingen, Bavaria, is being evacuated because of possible flooding. With up to 150 inmates in the prison, they will be relocated temporarily to Landsberg, Kempten, and Augsburg. The Mortagau, which flows directly in front of the prison, has become a raging stream and threatens to flood the facility, potentially causing a blackout. Parts of the courtyard are already submerged. The prison management decided on the evacuation. Police arrived with emergency vehicles to assist in the evacuation. They had to navigate through flooded streets due to the approach already being flooded. The fire department also arrived with pumps to drain water from the prison.

The persistent rain has caused high water levels in several swabian gauges above the overflows of level 4. Rivers in Lower Bavaria and the Upper Palatinate are reaching threatening levels. Gauges such as Neu-Ulm Bad Held (Danube), Hasberg (Mindel), Fleinhausen (Zusam), Fischach (Schmutter), and Nattenhausen (Günz) have reached level 4. The Regen in Cham, Upper Palatinate, has also reached the same level. Hundred-year floods are reported in Dasing (Paar).

The river Pegel Wiblingen (Iller) is projected to reach peak condition in Alert Level 3 on Saturday through Sunday, and the water levels are already reducing in the lower sections of Iller. In the northern Donau tributaries such as Wörnitz, Sulzach, Altmühl, Schwarze Laber, and Naab, some gauges are overflowing at Alert Levels 1 and 2, and the situation is rapidly escalating. From Neu-Ulm to Kelheim, the water levels are predicted to hit Alert Level 3 several times across the day, especially in locations like G̈unzburg, Donauwörth, and Neuburg. The Pegel Kelheim should follow at night. In the further Donau section up to Passau, increases in Alert Levels 1 and 2 are being anticipated.

In the meantime, operations at Munich Airport are maintaining normalcy, with no cancellations reported so far. Airport representative Robert Wilhelm informed BR that they can witness water in the meadows surrounding the runways. The airport was designed slightly higher, and its runways have sunken edges, contributing to efficient water draining. He also added that the runways possess grooves, facilitating quick water dispersal, thus impeding aquaplaning. They expect no major interruptions in proceedings for the weekend.

Bavarian Council President Markus Soder is observing the state of affairs in the disaster-stricken region of Diedorf in the Augsburg region. He has expressed gratitude towards emergency responders and authorities for their support. Bavaria possesses a robust crisis-management system, he stated with Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann. He acknowledged that the widespread storm merely represents an "extreme burden" for the public. "This is just the beginning," Soder remarked. Resources like sandbags are being shifted to the Swabia region, where the focus of the storm currently lies. Soder led a plea towards emergency teams like firefighters, Red Cross, police, and the Technical Relief Organization, referring to their commendable feats. The citizens were addressed, underlining the importance of abiding by orders such as evacuations and refraining from entering basements or trying to drive out of garages.

Rail transport is also experiencing repercussions from the storms in Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria. Deutsche Bahn has informed about delays, disruptions, and annulments. The ICE lines between Munich, Bregenz, and Zurich, and Munich, Augsburg, are specifically affected. Further details on tracks, cancellations, and delays can be found on their website.

The district of Unterallgäu in Bavaria is now under the umbrella of a disaster situation. In Babenhausen, the cellular network malfunctioned. Anyone needing assistance but unable to make phone calls should expose a white cloth or sheet from their window to receive aid. In Babenhausen, residents are being rescued from their homes using inflatable boats.

In South Germany, 400 members of the Technical Relief Organization (THW) are actively engaged in combating the effects of the storms. The THW in Bonn has confirmed their involvement in the operations. They are extracting water, reinforcing dikes, and assisting in evacuations well in advance. The THW hopes to bring additional forces if the situation persists and the imminent floods intensify. They are also installing and monitoring mobile flood meters in the affected areas. Extra forces are on standby nationwide. Each relief group comprises of around 40 THW members, who operate three sewage pumps, a generator, a reconnaissance vehicle, and a command post, capable of extracting up to 30,000 liters of water per minute.

A team of 26 mountaineers is believed to be stranded several hundreds of meters under the peak of Zugspitze mountain. As per broadcaster BR, the area has received approximately 60cm of fresh snowfall in recent hours, while torrential rain continues to fall in the valley. The temperature at Zugspitze is freezing, and visibility is estimated to be around 100 meters. A number of rescue teams have been deployed to find the hikers in the snowstorm, with reports coming in from Garmisch-Partenkirchen Mountain Rescue Service. It's possible that the group is exhausted and without the appropriate gear. The reason they decided to attempt scaling the mountain despite the harsh weather conditions is unknown.

14:52 Donau-Ries district declares emergency measures

The District of Donau-Ries in Bavaria has declared an emergency situation. The mandate is meant to "mobilize all available resources to prepare faster and more efficiently for the predicted water levels," states District Administrator Stefan Roßle in a press release. He adds, "It is crucial to keep calm and avoid low-lying regions as much as possible during this time."

14:20 Dam break in Augsburg - Evacuation warning

In the Swabian district of Augsburg, a levee and a dam have succumbed to the water pressure. The district authority made this announcement. Residents of some streets in Diedorf town are being asked to leave their homes. Preparations are also being made for an evacuation in Anhausen district of Diedorf. "It is no longer secure to remain on the higher floors," says the District Administration of Augsburg. There has been a dam break in Burgwalden, and a dike at the Anhauser Weiher reservoir has given way. Residents in the affected neighborhoods are urged to depart their houses within the next hour and seek refuge in the Diedorf Schmuttertalhalle. Authorities also caution against veering toward railway underpasses, as floods might pool there. There's a potential threat to life.

Söder and Herrmann to visit flood-hit area

In Baveria, Minister-President Markus Söder and Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann will be heading to the water-stricken region in the Swabian district of Augsburg on Saturday. The two CSU leaders plan to get a first-hand understanding of the flood conditions in Diedorf by visiting the location. Additionally, District Administrator Martin Sailer is scheduled to attend. The destination of the visit was changed at the last minute because of the ongoing situation. Previously, the politicians intended to examine the flood situation in Fischach area. In Diedorf, evacuation procedures are now underway. The flooding circumstances are especially severe in the Swabian region. Besides the district of Guenzburg, the districts of Augsburg and Aichach-Friedberg have both declared emergency situations.

The flood situation in Meckenbeuren remains challenging. The Schussen river in Meckenbeuren, Bodenseekreis, is swelling even more significantly. According to a spokesperson for the municipality, the level was 4.72 meters in the afternoon. It is anticipated that the peak will soon be reached. The river reached 4.50 meters during the previous flood in 2021. Usually, it carries just 45cm of water. On Friday evening, the municipality advised roughly 1300 people to exit their homes as a precaution. The majority of them chose to stay with friends or family. Only a few people utilized the emergency shelter. To avert possible damages from flooding, schools, kindergartens, and halls were emptied in advance. In the municipality with 14,000 residents, bridges were also closed as a precaution.

Babenhausen residents are rescued with rubber dinghies.

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