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18 years imprisonment demanded for US reporter in Russia

Behind closed doors in Russia, a correspondent for the "Wall Street Journal" stands trial for alleged espionage. The indictment is present. Now, a quick verdict could be imminent.

Can an American reporter hope for a prisoner exchange between Russia and the USA?
Can an American reporter hope for a prisoner exchange between Russia and the USA?

espionage accusations - 18 years imprisonment demanded for US reporter in Russia

In the contentious trial against US reporter Evan Gershkovich in Russia on charges of alleged espionage, the prosecution has requested 18 years in prison. The verdict was supposed to be pronounced still on Friday, according to the court in Yekaterinburg in the Ural region, Interfax reported. The prosecution office considers the charges brought against Gershkovich in closed court to be proven. Gershkovich, who works as a correspondent for the "Wall Street Journal" in Russia and the newspaper itself, as well as the US government, have consistently dismissed the allegations. Washington is demanding his release.

The 32-year-old US reporter was arrested in March 2023 under the charge of espionage. The Russian domestic security service FSB brought the accusations against Gershkovich. According to the indictment, he allegedly gathered confidential information about the Uralvagonzavod arms factory on behalf of the US intelligence service CIA.

Behind the scenes, negotiations are underway

According to official Russian reports, secret negotiations are taking place over an exchange of Gershkovich with the USA, but no agreement has been reached yet. Russian observers see a quick verdict as a possible sign that Gershkovich may be released for exchange soon. According to Russian justice practice, a judgment is required for an exchange to take place.

The power apparatus in the USA has repeatedly pressured to free detained Russians. In addition, the Kremlin is interested in releasing a Russian convicted in Germany for the murder in the Berlin Tiergarten in 2021. The murderer, according to the German verdict, shot a Georgian citizen in Germany on behalf of state Moscow institutions in retaliation for the Georgian killing of Russian soldiers in the Chechen war.

Gershkovich has spent most of his more than a year-long investigative detention in a Moscow prison. He repeatedly unsuccessfully petitioned against the extension of his detention.

The trial against him began on June 26. According to media reports, a local deputy from Yekaterinburg, who had met with Gershkovich, testified in court. The politician had previously reported that the US citizen had shown interest in military matters.

Warning to western journalists

Gershkovich, like many western journalists in Russia, had worked and researched with an accreditation from the Moscow Foreign Ministry. After that, there were also official warnings to western reporters to travel to Yekaterinburg, 1,800 kilometers east of Moscow, known for its arms industry, during wartime. Due to the Russian aggression against Ukraine, the situation in the country is particularly tense. Representatives of western media, who come from officially hostile states, run a high risk of being denounced as spies.

  1. The process in the court against Evan Gershkovich, the US reporter accused of espionage in Russia, has been heated and controversial.
  2. The Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) alleges that Gershkovich gathered confidential information about the Uralvagonzavod arms factory for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
  3. The Public Prosecutor's Office strongly believes that the charges against Gershkovich, who works for the "Wall Street Journal", have been proven in a closed court hearing.
  4. Despite the allegations, Gershkovich and both the "Wall Street Journal" and the US government continue to deny the espionage charges.
  5. The United States of America has been calling for Gershkovich's release, considering his detention a violation of media freedom and diplomatic relations.
  6. It has been reported that secret negotiations are underway for an exchange of Gershkovich with someone from the USA, but no agreement has yet been reached.
  7. If an exchange does take place, it would require a judgment from the Russian court, following the country's justice practices.
  8. Western journalists in Russia, including Gershkovich, often face warnings and high risks, given the tense situation due to Russian aggression against Ukraine and the nation's hostile stance towards officially hostile states.

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