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17-year-old inline skater killed - verdict expected

A 43-year-old man is alleged to have killed a 17-year-old skater with a knife and a few days later injured two other women. The motive remains unclear throughout the entire trial.

The verdict in the trial for the murder of an inline skater is expected. (Archive image)
The verdict in the trial for the murder of an inline skater is expected. (Archive image)

Processes - 17-year-old inline skater killed - verdict expected

In the process of sentencing for the murder of a 17-year-old inline skater and attacks on two other Women, the verdict is expected. It will be spoken at the Landgericht Verden on Monday (12:00 pm). The motive for the three violent acts in Lower Saxony remains unclear. The 43-year-old accused claims he can only remember the events fragmentarily.

He is alleged to have killed the inline skater in September 2023 in the Landkreis Diepholz. Three days after the crime in Barenburg, he is accused of attacking two more women in Sulingen (Landkreis Diepholz) and in the Hannover region. According to the Prosecutor's Office, in these cases they assume double attempted murder.

All three women were random victims. According to a psychiatric report, the accused is fully responsible for his actions. Both defense and prosecution demanded in their pleas a life sentence. Additionally, the prosecution requested the determination of aggravated responsibility and the order of preventive detention.

  1. The trial for the 43-year-old accused, involving charges of murder and double attempted murder against women in the District of Diepholz and Hannover region, is being handled by the District Court Verden in Germany.
  2. The Public Prosecutor's Office in Lower Saxony is aggressively pursuing the case, as they believe the accused is responsible for a series of violent acts against women in the district.
  3. Despite the severe nature of the crimes committed, the District Court Verden in Germany will deliver its verdict for the process involving the 17-year-old inline skater's murder and the assaults on two other women, in the District Court of Verden, Germany at 12:00 pm on Monday.
  4. The 43-year-old accused, who claimed to only remember the events fragmentarily, is being held accountable for his actions against women in Lower Saxony, Germany, which resulted in charges by the Public Prosecutor's Office and a trial in the District Court Verden.

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