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17:35 Police and firefighters are needed to save onlookers.

Live Updates on Floods

Babenhausen residents are rescued with rubber dinghies.
Babenhausen residents are rescued with rubber dinghies.

17:35 Police and firefighters are needed to save onlookers.

In Dörzbach, Baden-Württemberg, emergency responders were summoned to assist a man trapped in his submerged car on a flooded sports field. The 54-year-old individual had driven onto the flooded area early in the morning to observe the water levels nearby, as reported by the Heilbronn Police. After driving a short distance, his car became stuck in the rising waters, eventually reaching up to the side windows. The driver eventually sought help and was unharmed, but would be required to pay for the expenses of the rescue services.

Mayor's Report: Seven Fire Departments were Dispatched - One ArrivedThe mayor of Schorndorf, Bernd Hornikel, described harrowing flood conditions in his area. The rapid advancement of the floodwaters had required firefighters to be rescued themselves. All seven fire departments in the district of Rems-Murr were dispatched to the community of Rudersberg, yet only one vehicle managed to arrive before becoming trapped in the water. Unfortunately, the local fire department had suffered significant losses, losing three vehicles. "They're totally submerged," he said of the damaged fire trucks. Rescue efforts were made by taking refuge on the roof of the lone vehicle that escaped the floodwaters.

12:41 Dam Break on the Amper - Evacuations NecessaryIn northern Bavaria near Moosburg an der Isar in the Landkreis Freising, a dam breach on the Amper River led to mandatory evacuations for over a dozen residents in two smaller areas. The district administration reported that a refugee shelter was evacuated the day before, and the river's water level reached historical highs. The gauge at Inkofen indicated 3.98 meters, while the previous record, from 1994, was 3.66 meters.

12:22 More Dam Breaches Expected in SwabiaThe district of Donau-Ries in Swabia reported potential dam breaches as a result of the fierce floodwaters. The towns of Heißesheim and Auchsesheim in Donau-Ries faced a threat of complete flooding, prompting officials to urge immediate evacuations. Multiple towns could be totally flooded, according to the district office in Donauwörth, whose announcement followed a warning issued the previous evening. Emergency shelters have been established.

11:52 Drinking Water Recommendation ExpandedThe health department within the Donau-Ries district administration expanded its recommendation to boil drinking water for residents in certain towns and regions due to the ongoing flood situation. Initially, the residents of Mertingen and Oberndorf were advised to boil their water. Now, the following communities and areas are also encouraged to take this precaution: Eggelstetten, Genderkingen, Bäumenheim, Heißesheim, Überfeldsiedlung, Asbach-Bäumenheim, Hamlar, and the Kaisheimer districts of Sulzdorf and Gunzenheim.

11:27 Severe Weather Warning for the Central and Eastern AlpsThe German Meteorological Service has issued a warning for heavy thunderstorms, with heavy rainfall amounts of 40-60 liters per square meter in six hours, intense wind gusts reaching 60 kilometers per hour, and the potential for small hailstone showers. Affected areas include Bad Toelz-Wolfratshausen, Berchtesgaden, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Miesbach, Rosenheim, Traunstein, Weilheim-Schongau, and the city of Rosenheim.

11:08 Two Deaths Occur in Baden-WuerttembergTwo fatalities stemming from the flood in Baden-Wuerttemberg have been confirmed by Aalen police headquarters. In Schorndorf, Rems-Murr district, the bodies of a man and woman were found inside a home. This brings South Germany's flood death count to at least four, with two in Bavaria having previously perished.

10:55 Sandbag Filling Nonstop by the THWRelief workers in South Germany are staying busy day and night, coping with the flood situation. The Technical Relief Organization in Donauwoerth alone is filling 2000 sandbags per hour. In Gunzburg, volunteers from the German Lifesaving Association are helping rescue people from flooded homes. In Bavaria, the rescue operation is in full swing. Sleep is a luxury few can afford.

10:29 Cars Floated Away in the Flooded Town of RudersbergCars have been swept away by powerful water masses in the flood-stricken town of Rudersberg in Baden-Württemberg. Numerous vehicles ended up on railroad tracks, and one car even landed in a well. Images show piles of flood damage and debris from flooded houses on the streets. On a bridge, a large accumulation of debris can be seen. The town of Rudersberg, located within the Rems-Murr district, is severely impacted by the floods.

09:52 Water Transporting Vehicles in RudersbergRudersberg, a town in the district of Rems-Murr, is battling floodwaters. Water surge has carried away cars, depositing them in various environments, including on railway tracks and in a well. Photographs depict piles of materials and debris from the inundated properties scattered across the streets. At a bridge, a considerable accumulation of debris is evident. This small town is severely affected by the floods caused by the massive rainfall.

14:06: Almost a decade since the disastrous flood, the Donau dam may collapse

In the Bavarian region of Niederalteich, residents have been affected by a severe flood disaster nearly eleven years ago. Since then, the Donau dams have been under repair, but one section has yet to be completed. Now, there are worries that this portion of the dam could fail.

13:40: A9 reopens partially for traffic in Bavaria

The partially closed A9, a road connecting Ingolstadt and Langenbruck, is now open for travel in one direction. However, there's a limit of 300 vehicles per passage in this section, due to an ongoing emergency. The reason behind this measure remains unclear. The segment of A9 towards Nuremberg has been safe and open since early morning. "Bear in mind that things could change at any moment," warn the authorities.

13:17: Scholz emphasizes the need for solidarity

German Chancellor, Olaf Scholz, visited the flood-stricken area in Bavaria and stressed that support is crucial. "Nature is powerful," said Scholz of SPD in the town of Reichertshofen near Ingolstadt. "We need each other's solidarity right now. Federal help is essential too." Many emergency crews and aid are on-site, including the Bundeswehr personnel. Scholz appreciates the help given and honored a firefighter who lost his life during the ordeal. This year, Germany has encountered several flash floods due to climate change. It was Scholz's fifth time visiting an emergency zone.

12:50: Tourist trapped by flood - firefighters rescue elderly driver

In Upper Palatinate, the fire department rescued an 81-year-old driver stranded in the flood waters of the Vils river. The man had driven onto a deluged street in Hahnbach to observe the raging waters of Vils. After getting his car stuck and with the water rising, the driver climbed onto his car's sliding door and made a call for assistance. A bystander informed the police who, in turn, alerted the fire department. They came with a specialized rescue vehicle and saved both the car and the driver from the flood.

12:25: Passengers of Danube cruise ship await rescue

Deggendorf is witnessing an evacuation of a Danube cruise ship, according to the Bavarian Broadcasting Company. The ship with 150 passengers from the USA and England is stuck on the Danube due to the flood. A workboat from the harbor will help 25-30 passengers at a time to disembark.

12:00: Donau flood expected to reach level from 2002 - likely to "unleash a second wave"

The Danube river's water level is rapidly reaching a state similar to that of 2002, with the Isar inlet in Deggendorf as a prime example of this growing crisis. The Bavarian Flood Information Service has noticed an anticipated, considerable water flow on the Danube. At Passau, the water level reached 10.80 meters in 2002. On Monday, it had risen to 7.77 meters2. ntv's meteorologist, Paul Heger, detailed the flood situation's tense state and identified potential risks in the upcoming days.

11:27: Remains of a woman found in flooded basement

Rescue teams retrieved the body of a missing 43-year-old woman in Schrobenhausen in Upper Bavaria, where heavy flash floods occurred.

11:21: Rising water levels of Rems and Murr threaten another urgent evacuation

The deadly floods in Ludwigsburg district experienced a truce in heavy rains, but authorities prepare for an imminent and increasing risk in the water levels of Rems and Murr. The district administrator, Dietmar Allgaier, remains ever-vigilant. No further deaths have been reported as officials monitor Remseck's situations and keep all response teams on call. On Monday, a nursing home in Steinheim an der Murr was relocated to spare its residents any potential flooding risks. The residents were placed in other establishments.

10:54: Inland shipping on the Rhine is paused

Inland navigation on the Rhine has been halted because of the persistent flood; also posing a hazard to its vessels.

Due to heavy rainfall, Germany's primary waterway, the Rhine, is partially shut for inland shipping. "The Rhine is currently restricted for transportation," reports a representative for the Waterways and Shipping Authority (WSA). "Critical levels have been surpassed at the Rhine." The impacted regions include Maxau near Karlsruhe, Mannheim, and Worms. At the Middle Rhine - which is the area between Mainz and Bonn - there might be closures on Tuesday or Wednesday. "As per the current forecasts, these shouldn't be very long," says the representative. The closures are designed to prevent harm to the banks brought on by the shipping traffic. The vessels generate waves that can overflow the shores and flood basements, for instance.

10:27 North Rhine-Westphalia sends helpers and boats to the Bavarian flood area

North Rhine-Westphalia is dispatching five water rescue teams with 48 personnel, ten automobiles, eight trailers, and six vessels to the flooded zone in Landau an der Isar in Bavaria. According to the Düsseldorf Interior Ministry, the Free State of Bavaria agreed to the aid proposal on Sunday evening. The rescuers were subsequently deployed.

10:04 Residents in Ebersbach an der Fils evacuated

In the very flood-affected community of Ebersbach an der Fils south of Stuttgart, residents of various streets are being evacuated. A city spokesperson cannot initially provide information on how many people are affected. The people had already been cautioned and urged by the city to pack their documents and most essential possessions. Given the flooding predicament, all schools and municipal daycare centres are to remain closed today, as stated on the city's Facebook page.

09:41 Rescuers search for 43-year-old in Schrobenhausen

With a helicopter and divers, the police in Schrobenhausen in the Pfaffenhofen district are still looking for a missing 43-year-old woman. In the night, it was announced that the 43-year-old had been discovered dead. The Bavarian Broadcasting Corporation has since retracted this information, and the search for the woman is ongoing. Since divers could not navigate the flooded cellar of the house on Saturday, pumps are now being utilized in the building to search for the 43-year-old woman, who was last seen in the cellar of her house.

09:12 Söder: Floods will persist in Bavaria for several more days

Bavaria's Minister President Markus Söder predicts that the floods will continue to hold the attention of disaster control authorities in the state for several more days. "Things are improving slightly, but we can't issue a blanket warning," he stated on Monday morning on Deutschlandfunk. Even if the rain stops, the water levels of the larger rivers will still increase due to the inflows, he highlighted. "The majority say it will last until Wednesday or Thursday."

08:41 Third dam break in Pfaffenhofen region

The dam of the Paar River in the Upper Bavarian district of Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm has now ruptured at three points. This is reported by a representative for the district administration. In the impacted areas in Baar-Ebenhausen and Manching, all residents are instructed to leave the ground floor of their homes and apartments and seek refuge in higher levels. Approximately 800 individuals were evacuated in Baar-Ebenhausen. About 250 affected individuals were lodged at the Grund- and Mittelschule Reichertshofen. The Paar is a tributary of the Danube. In Vohburg, the Danube is being monitored more carefully, safety measures are being implemented. The A9 is still closed on both sides between Ingolstadt and Langenbruck, according to the data.

08:21 Dam in Manching breached,nw-100.html

In Manching-Pichl in the Landkreis Pfaffenhofen, another dam has broken, as several media report, citing the district administration. Residents are urged to leave the ground floor of their homes and apartments and find refuge in higher levels. Affected streets include Benediktstraße, Martinstraße, and Peterstraße.

08:01 Firefighters in Rudersberg trapped by water

In Rudersberg in the Rems-Murr-Kreis in Baden-Württemberg, even the firefighters were caught off guard by the rapidly increasing water levels, as an ntv reporter at the site reported. Firefighters had to abandon a rescue operation when they attempted to aid residents. The firefighters could only save themselves by fleeing to the upper floors of the houses and needed to remain there for many hours. The fire department's station was also submerged, according to the fire department. Vehicles were pushed onto a raised area - which was then flooded minutes later. Two vehicles couldn't be safely moved.

The Danube's waters are rising rapidly. Regensburg has now been declared a disaster zone, where the water level at the Eisernen Brücke gauge reached 5.90 meters, reports the Bavarian Flood Information Service. Just last week, this same gauge held an average level of 2.70 meters. Expert data indicates the water level during the significant flood back on June 4, 2013, was precisely 6.82 meters high.

7:20 Water rescue teams in Günzburg save twelve via helicopterIn Günzburg, specialists from the Water Rescue Service went above and beyond by using a police helicopter to rescue twelve individuals from balconies and roofs. Among those rescued was a family with three kids, one being just a week old. Unfortunately, with the rising waters, a traditional boat rescue was no longer an option.

6:50 Emergency services fear Manching's dam failureThe Integrated Control Center in Ingolstadt has issued a warning for a potential dam collapse in Manching, in Bavaria's Pfaffenhofen district. Residents are instructed to stay in upper floors and avoid basements or underground parking lots. A local dam near Baar-Ebenhausen collapsed Sunday.

6:16 People are evacuated south of Stuttgart due to floodingIn Uhingen, south of Stuttgart, authorities have evacuated residents from houses as a result of the flooding in the Filstal. The police spokesman reported that individuals have been evacuated from the town in the Göppingen district. So far, no one has been harmed. However, in the district of Göppingen, several people are in danger. This flooding has caused significant impact in the residential area of Uhingen. The local government has ordered an extraordinary emergency response.

5:33 Ostalbkreis communities evacuated due to floodingThe serious flood situation in the Ostalbkreis region of Baden-Württemberg intensifies further. People are evacuated from parts of the communities of Leinzell, Heuchlingen, and Göggingen. The district's spokeswoman reported that Täferrot was scheduled to be entirely evacuated. The first floodwaters had already begun reaching the town at dawn. Approximately 250 to 300 people have been taken to temporary, safe locations so far.

5:13 Baden-Württemberg is sending emergency services to GünzburgAmid the ongoing flood condition, Baden-Württemberg has authorized emergency responders to help in the neighboring district of Günzburg. The Free State of Bavaria made a plea for these services, and three "Sanitation and Care" units and a water rescue unit from Ulm are being sent to assist in relocating people whose homes were impacted by flooding.

4:30 Esslingen constructs a makeshift dam to impede floodingThe city of Esslingen am Neckar is constructing a temporary dam to prevent potential flooding in its inner city. The peak flooding is expected early in the morning, posing a risk of flooding in the town's canals. In addition to the Water House area, traffic disruptions may occur. Esslingen had already warned its inhabitants against entering basements and underground garages due to the impending flooding.

3:26 Select residents in Ebersbach are being readied for evacuationThe flood-hit community of Ebersbach an der Fils, south of Stuttgart, is preparing some of its residents from certain streets for evacuations. The city issued an advisement early in the morning via Facebook that people should gather important documents and essential items, intending to spend the night outside their homes. The fire department of Ebersbach is on standby.

3:11 Severe weather warnings are lifted - but torrential rains are possibleThe German Weather Service (DWD) has lifted all warnings for heavy storms with severe rain in Germany. However, localized severe rain showers are still expected, particularly in southern Germany and around the Bavarian Forest. Further, there is a potential for heavy rain throughout the day.

2:04 Tourists causing problems for flood helpers in the Augsburg districtInflux of flood tourists are proving difficulty for rescue teams in the Augsburg district. The many people disregarding the warnings and approaching dikes, underpasses, and waters are disrupting the teams. Authorities admonish visitors to avoid these areas. "Flood waves can surprise you and the banks can collapse," the agency cautions. Likewise, drivers and pedestrians are urged to avoid flooded streets and flooded underpasses, as manhole covers could be lifted by the pressure in the sewer and potentially suck in people.

01:14 Kretschmann and Strobl traveling to two flood-hit regionsBaden-Württemberg's Governor Winfried Kretschmann and Interior Minister Thomas Strobl are scheduled to visit two flood-affected areas in the state on Monday. First, they plan to go to Meckenbeuren in the Bodenseekreis, followed by a visit to Erbach in the Alb-Donau-Kreis, as stated by a government spokesperson. Governor Kretschmann had initially decided against visiting the affected areas on Sunday, instead opting to stay informed continuously and closely. "I personally chose not to visit the scene until the urgent situation, where every hand is needed and every sandbag can make a difference, but to stay informed constantly," he said. According to him, the rescue teams are overworked.

23:50 Ebersbach an der Fils declares emergency alert - noise barrier surpassed

In the city of Ebersbach an der Fils near Stuttgart, a state of emergency was declared due to the flood on Sunday night. This means that all firefighters are on the job. Large bodies of water have breached a noise barrier and inundated the Federal Highway 10, as seen in a video shared on the city's Facebook page. The population was warned strongly: "Stay at home (sic!) and do not go to the emergency sites. There is a partial risk to life, as shown in the video." Citizens were advised not to go into their basements and instead remain on the upper floors.

23:16 A missing 43-year-old found dead in a cellar (Correction: This is no longer accurate, the conclusion was that the woman was found dead; the Bayerischer Rundfunk has since reported that the 43-year-old is still being searched for)

Following the bad weather in southern Germany, another casualty has occurred. A 43-year-old missing person was discovered dead in a cellar, as per Bayerischer Rundfunk.

22:16 Lightning strike disrupts signal box - disruption of regional train traffic near Dresden for a while

Due to a signal box disruption caused by a lightning strike, regional train traffic in the Dresden region of the railway was disrupted in the evening. A spokesperson for the railway states that the regional train from Dresden to Bautzen and Görlitz was mostly affected. The lightning bolt damaged the signal box in Radeberg east of the regional capital at 5:10 pm. The signal box was repaired by the evening. After approximately two hours, normal train service was restored, the spokesperson adds.

22:00 Lauingen nursing home evacuated

A nursing home located near the Danube in Lauingen is being evacuated caused by the flood. The city reports on its website that they want to guarantee continuous care for the residents. The residents can be accommodated and cared for at an educational center.

21:30 Dam collapse: Certain areas between the Danube and the Schmutter must be abandoned

In the Swabian district of Donau-Ries, several settlements near the Danube and the Schmutter must be abandoned due to a dam breach. Equally affected are the places Auchsesheim, Heißesheim, parts of Nordheim, Mertingen, Asbach-Bäumenheim, and Urfahrhof. The authorities are calling for calm, allowing people to pack their things, and following the instructions of the emergency services. Other agencies are also providing notification centers.

21:03 Faeser to visit Bavarian flood sites as well

After further flooding in southern Germany, Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser will visit the Bavarian flood area on Monday. Along with Bavaria's Prime Minister Markus Söder and State Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann, they plan to see the situation in Reichertshofen in the Upper Bavarian district of Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm. The president of the Technical Relief Organization, Sabine Lackner, is also expected to attend the meeting.

7:30 PM: Schools in several Bavarian districts will remain closed on Monday due to the flooding crisis. Approximately 40 schools across eight districts, including Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm, Aichach-Friedberg, Neuburg-Schrobenhausen, Freising, Fürstenfeldbruck, Dachau, Dillingen, and Augsburg, will not have in-person classes in the coming week. In Aichach-Friedberg, for instance, Grund-, Mittel- and Realschulen, along with local gymnasiums, vocational and professional high schools, and special education centers, will all be closed on Monday. Wertingen in the Dillingen district will also have all its schools shut down. Some schools in the Pfaffenhofen district will also be closed. The Pfaffenhofen district administration additionally mentioned that several kindergartens would be closed on Monday as well. On Monday and Tuesday, face-to-face instruction will be terminated at Grund-, Mittel- and Realschulen in Schrobenhausen in addition to the vocational school, special education center, and gymnasium.

7:48 PM: Power failures are affecting around 30 towns in Swabia. Nearly 30 towns have experienced some sort of power outages. The power grid operator LEW has confirmed this. The outages appear to be chiefly isolated to the districts of Günzburg, Augsburg, and Dillingen. The LEW team is making a concerted effort to restore power supply by connecting to alternative lines wherever possible. The length of the outages is contingent on the situation at each individual location.

7:11 PM: Over 1,000 people from Günzburg have been transported to gyms and Legoland. Günzburg's district administrator Hans Reichart shared this information with Bayerischer Rundfunk. The evacuees are being taken to gyms and, in certain cases, Legoland. The decision to augment evacuation measures came after the Günz River's water level increased dramatically in the past few hours.

6:42 PM: The weather service issues a warning for more heavy rains in the southern regions. The German Meteorological Service (DWD) is advising of substantial rainfall, particularly in southern Germany. The meteorologists in Offenbach anticipate that the Stuttgart area may experience severe rain in the early hours of Sunday night. The Alps could also see heavy thunderstorms and copious rainfall, as well as from Saxony to southern Brandenburg and Berlin. For Monday morning, the Alpine foothills south of the Danube are predicted to have showers, progressing to stronger thunderstorms in the afternoon, and then again in the Bavarian Forest. Once more, there is a potential for heavy rain, up to 40 liters per square meter per hour.

6:07 PM: Straubing's mayor Markus Pannermayr has declared a disaster alert due to the worsening flood situation on the Danube. The mayor made this announcement because of the high demands for resources and the necessary effort. The Danube has risen to over six meters in Straubing. The city is expected to reach disaster level 4, which indicates that built-up areas are likely to be significantly inundated. The flood warning service employs four alert levels. The first level predicts minor overflows, while the fourth level suggests widespread flooding of built-up areas. Safety measures are being effectively implemented and will continue. Some streets have already been closed because of the flooding.

5:34 PM: The partially flooded municipality of Meckenbeuren in the Bodenseekreis urges against flood tourism. This would hinder emergency services and put people at risk, according to the municipality. People are requested to abstain from visiting the deluged areas, respect any bridge or road closures, and refrain from venturing outside. Throughout the weekend, police and firefighters have repeatedly cautioned adults and children about the perilous current. The Schussen River flooded the banks on Saturday evening, inundating streets and houses in the neighborhoods of Kehlen and Brochenzell.

5:11 PM: Severe thunderstorms pose a threat in the Brandenburg Oder-Spree region. The German Weather Service (DWD) has issued an official warning of dangerous thunderstorms in the Brandenburg Oder-Spree district. The risk of lightning strikes, uprooted trees, damaging winds, and falling objects is present until Sunday evening. House damage, landslides, and hail are also potential outcomes.

4:53 More districts call for disaster alerts

In light of the flood, the districts of Dachau and Kelheim have issued disaster alerts. Kelheim's district administrator Martin Neumeyer said, "The current circumstances, along with predictions about water levels, remain tense." This move aims to streamline the coordination and equipping of relief efforts. Dachau's district administrator Stefan Löwl echoed those feelings. The need for this action arose because local authorities can no longer handle all the emergency sites in the coming hours, Löwl commented. Consequently, aid deliveries may now come from outside districts too.

16:15 Train passengers should prepare for restrictions on Monday

Owing to the poor weather in Southern Germany, train passengers need to be prepared for limitations on Monday. Deutsche Bahn (German Railways) has extended its leniency policy to cover Monday. Ticket holders for Sunday to Monday can postpone their journey due to weather issues without penalty. The entire train connection for these tickets has been terminated, as the railway company announced. Although exact details of the impact on traffic are still unclear, several long-distance routes in Southern Germany are affected. For instance, Munich-Nuremberg-Berlin, Stuttgart-Mannheim-Frankfurt, and Karlsruhe-Stuttgart-Crailsheim-Nuremberg, as well as Karlsruhe-Stuttgart-Ulm-Augsburg-Munich, have had train services cancelled. The railway company cautions against traveling in flooded areas in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg.

15:56 Nearly 3,000 individuals in Bavaria forced to evacuate

Approximately 3,000 people have been impacted by evacuations in Bavaria due to flooding. This information was shared by the Ministry of the Interior in Munich. Over 20,000 officials are currently handling the operations related to the flood. Since the start of the situation, 40,000 personnel have been involved.

The Danube had already burst its banks on Sunday.

15:25 Weather forecaster: "I can't even imagine the devastation"

Bernd Fuchs, an ntv weather expert, says the flooding in southern Germany is far from improving. "Every drop is too much," emphasized Fuchs. He also vowed that the current scene was a "clear sign of where we're heading."

14:52 Electric shock during flood assistance work - man seriously wounded

A 27-year-old employee of an energy company received a serious electric shock while working on the floods in the Upper Bavarian district of Freising. The incident occurred near Allershausen's town hall. The local police reported that the man was airlifted to the hospital via a rescue helicopter. It is presumed that the accident occurred during flood management efforts.

14:22 Shipping on the Upper Rhine halted

Due to heavy rainfall in South Germany, water levels along the Rhine have climbed, prompting a halt in shipping. The Rhine High Water Forecast Center (RHWFC) Rhineland-Palatinate reports that since Saturday evening, no ships have been allowed on a section of the Upper Rhine near Karlsruhe. On Sunday afternoon, the water level at Maximiliansau hit 8.20 meters, but the anticipated fall during the night isn't expected to significantly lessen flooding. Water levels are predicted to rise further downstream in Mannheim, Worms, and Mainz. Similarly, on the Middle and Lower Rhine, significant water levels could affect shipping. In Koblenz, a target of 6.10 meters by Tuesday may prevent ships from sailing once that threshold is reached. The highest levels are expected in Cologne and Düsseldorf on Wednesday.

14:02 Autobahn A9 shut down for approximately 50 kilometers

The A9 Autobahn in the Pfaffenhofen district is now closed for around 50 kilometers due to a dam break. This affects the segment between Allershausen and Ingolstadt. A police representative indicated that this scenario is new to the officers in this area. Electricity outages have also been reported. The district administration urged residents of Reichertshofen, Baar-Ebenhausen, and Manching to abandon the ground floors of their homes and apartments and instead relocate to higher floors.

Update 3:23 p.m.: As per the Autobahn GmbH, the obstructed stretch is between Ingolstadt-South and Langenbruck in both directions. In addition, the segment between Pfaffenhofen and the Neufahrn interchange has severe limitations. It is advised to avoid the entire region. There are also limitations on the A8 towards Munich in the Sulzemoos section.

13:59: Climate Change Causing Heavier Rainfall

Economy Minister Robert Habeck emphasizes the importance of climate protection after the flood disaster in southern Germany. He visited the heavily flooded area of Reichertshofen in Bavaria, where he stressed that reducing CO2 emissions and adapting is vital to buy time. Habeck stated, "The containment of greenhouse gas emissions should not be trivialized or marginalized, but is our top priority." He also pointed out that the rising frequency of such disasters indicates that nature and climate are changing. Once a century-flood now occurs "every few years."

13:34: Chancellor Scholz Visits Flood Victims on Monday

Chancellor Olaf Scholz plans to visit the flooded regions on Monday to gain a first-hand understanding of the situation. Source: German

Source: German

13:21 Missing Firefighter in Offingen

A 22-year-old firefighter is missing following an evacuation operation in Offingen, Günzburg district. Police headquarters reported that the firefighter had been with his colleague from the voluntary fire department and three helpers from the DLRG in a boat for evacuation around 2:50 a.m. when the boat capsized. Four of the helpers were rescued from the water, but the young firefighter couldn't be found. He has been searched for since the early hours of the day, with two helicopters also being deployed. A 42-year-old firefighter lost his life in the flood catastrophe.

13:11 Unrelenting Rain and Thunderstorms

The challenging weather continues in the southern German flood zones. Bjoern Alexander, ntv's meteorologist, said that "the massive, widespread continuous rain persists, but local thunderstorm centers have formed."

12:52 Imminent Danger: Paar Dam May Break

The dam at the Paar is also facing the threat of a break. The municipalities of Rottmannshart, Westenhausen, Lindach, Ernsgaden, Irsching, and Knodorf in the Pfaffenhofen district are affected. Authorities advise residents to immediately move to upper floors and avoid basements and cellars. In case of urgent needs, they can call the emergency number 112.

12:39 Söder: 40,000 Emergency Personnel Engaged in Bavaria

Bavaria's Minister President Markus Söder shared that approximately 40,000 emergency personnel are working on managing the flood crisis throughout Bavaria. Söder mentioned, during his visit to Upper Bavarian Reichertshofen, "The essential task now is organizing the reliefs effectively in the next few hours." Veteran responders should be relieved, as fatigue increases the risk of errors, potentially putting lives in danger.

12:29 Dam Guard Establishment in Straubing

The Donaupegel in Straubing is expected to reach the highest alert level four soon. The city has set up dam guards from 3:00 p.m. Firefighters on site will monitor the dam and report water levels and any damages. Additionally, more sandbags are being filled.

12:03 Dam Break at Baar-Ebenhausen

A dam break has occurred in the Landkreis Pfaffenhofen, close to Baar-Ebenhausen. The municipalities of Reichertshofen, Baar-Ebenhausen, and Manching are affected. Residents are asked to instantly leave their ground floors to ensure safety.

11:37 Scholz Pays Tribute to Rescue Workers

This is what Meckenbeuren currently looks like from above.

Chancellor Olaf Scholz acknowledges and appreciates the efforts of rescue workers and volunteer helpers in the flood-stricken areas. "The death of a firefighter in Pfaffenhofen has left a strong impact on me," Scholz stated. The SPD politician added, "My thoughts are with his colleagues and friends." In the Tuttlingen region of Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm, a firefighter fatally crashed during a rescue operation.

11:25 Catholic Day: Flooding Addressed by Bavaria's Bishop

Georg Bätzing, chairman of the German Bishops' Conference, extends a special message to those affected by the floods during the closing mass of the Catholic Day in Erfurt. He said, "Let us pray for human lives to be protected and preserved."

10:59 Submerged Parts of Meckenbeuren in Bodenseekreis

The communities of Kehlen and Brochenzell in Meckenbeuren, Bodenseekreis, are currently submerged in water. The Schussen river has overflowed and flooded the streets, with a spokesperson for the community confirming this. Approximately 1300 people voluntarily evacuated their homes on Saturday to ensure their safety. However, some residents chose to remain in their residences and took refuge on the upper floors. The water level of the Schussen reached a record height of more than 4.86 meters on Saturday evening; however, it's been gradually decreasing since then. The Schussen is usually around 45 centimeters deep in that particular area.

In a heartfelt statement, Bavarian Minister President Markus Söder pays tribute to the firefighter who lost his life during rescue operations in the flood-stricken region of Bavaria. "His unwavering dedication and commitment towards fellow human beings shall always be remembered,” Söder wrote. “Our deepest condolences, thoughts, and sympathies go out to the family and coworkers. We all grieve." As per police reports, this 42-year-old volunteer firefighter died when a rescue boat capsized near the towns of Affalterbach and Uttenhofen, as houses and immersed in water.

Due to heavy downpours, Ukraine's national football team is unable to conduct their scheduled final training session before the EM test match against Germany. Instead, the team will hold a training session in Erlangen, as the football field at the Max-Morlock-Stadion in Nuremberg is undergoing damages. It was decided to preserve the stadium's lawn, and thus the team's final training before the match will take place elsewhere. The Ukrainian team is scheduled to play against Germany's national football team on Monday at 8:45 pm on ARD.

Munich has experienced numerous rain showers for hours. Since 6:00 am on Saturday, the fire department in Munich has been called out for 290 interventions, according to authorities. The firefighters primarily assist in extracting water from basements and underground parking lots, and uprooting fallen trees, and subsequently closing off roads. The flood warning level 2 for the Isar was exceeded on Saturday night.

In the town of Anhausen, situation is showing signs of improvement after a dam collapse resulted in waters inundating the entire area. Niklas Diemer, a reporter for ntv, stated that people who had been evacuated from the area are gradually returning. Nonetheless, water levels in various places remain critical.

The Technical Relief Organization (THW) is dispatching more volunteers to regions of severe flooding in southern Germany. The THW has over 1800 personnel actively working, who are filling sandbags, securing dams, and assisting the evacuation of residents. Firefighters and other emergency services are also presently on the ground.

In Baden-Württemberg, there's a serious threat of a hundred-year flood. Torrential rains have increasingly placed rescuers and helpers under tremendous pressure.

The ICE train stuck in a landslide in Schwäbisch Gmünd, Baden-Württemberg's, is expected to be recovered in the morning. The regional train is unable to proceed due to the collapsed landslide, causing a disruption on the tracks. While rescuers are working to remove the train, a rescue locomotive is set to provide support during the operation, though it's unclear how long this blockade would last. The regional train already managed to pass around the ICE.

A missing person has been reported in Schrobenhausen, Bavaria. The individual was believed to be in the basement of a house when the floodwaters reached the area. However, the rescue team is incapable of reaching the house at the moment. In Neuburg-Schrobenhausen, the district administration officer disclosed the details.

Habeck is traveling in the flood area together with Bavaria's Minister President Söder and Interior Minister Herrmann.

A firefighter lost his life in floodwaters in Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm, Upper Bavaria. The firefighter was out with his colleagues in a rescue boat, but the boat overturned, resulting in the death of the 42-year-old man. The district administration spokesperson begrudgingly confirmed the grim development.

07:30 Flooding relocates further downstream - level 4 alerts remain in Bavaria

In Bavaria, several gauges continue to measure record-breaking flood levels, categorized as level 4. The primary concerns are the southern tributaries of the Danube such as Gunz, Mindel, Zusam, Schmutter, Paar, Abens, Ilm, and Amper, in addition to the upper Danube. As stated by the flood warning service, these areas experienced their peak last night. Consequently, the focus shifts downstream towards Swabia, Lower Bavaria, and Upper Palatinate. Potentially affected areas include Neuburg, Kelheim, Regensburg, and Straubing, although the peak wave won't make its way through until the beginning of the next week. Both Muelried in the Schrobenhausen district and Manching and Geisenfeld in Upper Bavaria, as well as Abensberg in the Kelheim district, anticipate experiencing increasing water levels this Sunday.

06:56 German meteorologists predict severe thunderstorms with heavy rainfall

According to the German Meteorological Service's (DWD) forecast, a multitude of Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg regions are at risk of experiencing intense thunderstorms accompanied by multiple hours of heavy rainfall. The DWD expects these thunderstorms to occur from noon on Sunday until Monday evening. Further instances of flooded streets and basements are possible, and there's even a possibility of potential lightning damage.

05:38 Augsburg district institutes more evacuations

The districts of Augsburg in Bavaria are expanding evacuation efforts due to the escalating flood situation. Authorities are urging residents to leave the communities of Kühlenthal and Allmannshofen as soon as possible, and buses are available for those who cannot evacuate on their own. Evacuations have also been called in other parts of the district, predominantly in those along the Schmutter River - a tributary of the Danube.

05:07 Wiesbaden prepares for rising water levels on the Rhine and Main

Wiesbaden officials are implementing measures to deal with potential rising water levels on the Rhine and Main rivers. A flood protection wall is under construction in Kostheim, while a pump has been installed in the Rhine-facing district of Schierstein. Parking lots near the rivers should be avoided in the near future, as warned by the fire department. Currently, there's no indication of additional steps being required.

04:07 Train services between Stuttgart and Munich suspended

In the Baden-Württemberg municipality of Schwäbisch Gmünd, long-distance train traffic between Stuttgart and Munich has been suspended due to a landslide. A railway spokesperson is uncertain about how long the line will remain closed in the early morning. A landslide has blocked the bypass between Aalen and Stuttgart, while the line between Ulm and Augsburg was previously closed because of floods in southern Germany. Long-distance trains have been rerouted as a result.

03:10 Thorium high at THW Ulm completes 30,000 sandbags

Overnight, the Technical Relief Organization (THW) in Ulm filled 30,000 sandbags for the flood-stricken and flood-endangered regions of Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria. Bernd Urban, head of the THW Logistics Center, mentioned that they could process 400 sandbags per hour. Thousands of requests for sandbags have been received from various areas in the southwest and neighboring federal states. The unending rainfall in Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria has caused substantial water levels at multiple locations.

Söder during his visit to Reichertshofen.

02:36 Red Cross deploys water rescuers from Unterfranken to Günzburg

The Bavarian Red Cross is sending water rescue teams from Unterfranken to the aid mission in Swabia. These water rescue units are prepared to be dispatched in the heavily hit district of Günzburg, as confirmed by the Red Cross in the evening. Specialized in flood rescue operations, the water rescue teams of Unterfranken consist of two boat and diving squads. In areas of Günzburg, several bodies of water have reached the levels associated with a one-hundred-year flood. This translates to a flood that happens or reaches a certain extent only once in a hundred years.

01:36 Cambodia's Hun Sen vows to punish 'terrorist elements' after Kratie bus bombing

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen has pledged to severely punish "terrorist elements" following the bombing of a bus in Kratie, which resulted in the deaths of at least ten people. He also accused the opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) of being connected to the attack and ordered regional authorities to identify and detain the perpetrators. A separate statement castigated the "evil forces" for escalating violence in the country.

00:48 Cambodian police confirm at least 10 dead in Kratie bus bombing

Cambodian law enforcement officials have confirmed ten fatalities resulting from a bus bombing that occurred in Kratie province. The bombing took place yesterday, with ten killed and at least thirteen wounded. The bus, a minibus, experienced the explosion while on its regular route between Kratie and Phnom Penh. The bus driver, who was killed along with his passengers, was later identified as Im Sopheak. No group has thus far claimed responsibility for the attack.

A car gets hit by a landslide in the German town of Schwäbisch Gmünd. This happened during the night and the fortunate driver didn't get injured, as stated by first reports made by the local police. Interestingly, the landslide occurred close to where a county road and a railway intersect. This city is about 50 km east of Stuttgart. Since last Friday, there have been extensive rainfall in Baden-Württemberg.

In Neu-Ulm, the city has surpassed the peak water level on both the Danube and Iller. According to an estimation provided by the city administration, they have managed to avoid what could have potentially been a devastating 100-year flood. However, it is still unclear as to how much damage has been caused. Two streets, the banks of the Danube and Iller, and some cycling paths along the Danube and Iller will most likely stay closed for quite some time.

There was a warning issued by the Munich fire department due to flooding at the Isar River bank. Additionally, authorities had to shut down two widely used walking paths next to the river. The Isar River in the state capital has reached an alert level 2, meaning that there will be flooding on uninhabited areas or traffic obstructions caused by high water on the roads.

In Upper Bavaria, more than 670 people were planned to be evacuated. This was announced by the Schrobenhausen rescue teams. A district administration representative mentioned that bulldozers and boats are already in use in the Muhlried region and on a nearby river-side street. They even set up a hotline for emergencies. The municipality had declared a disaster situation earlier. The District Administrator Peter von der Grün commented that the southern part of the Upper Bavarian district was in a particularly critical state of affairs.

Numerous interventions by fire fighters were reported in Eastern Thuringia due to heavy rain and thunderstorms. The state alert center in Gera shared this information. The area around Ronneburg in the Greiz district was notably affected by the torrential rain, resulting in flooded streets, fields and cellars. There was also a small stream that overflowed.

The German Weather Service reported that the persistent rain in the southern part of Germany has begun to show signs of slowing down. A meteorologist from the DWD mentioned that the torrential rain that occurred last night won't be reaching the same levels again in the forthcoming night. However, they are expecting a number of showers and thunderstorms from the northern regions to cause some more flooding issues on Sunday afternoon. These storms might be powerful and gradually weaken. If they affect the ground that is already saturated, the meteorologist explained, then flooding will likely occur again. The areas at the most risk are the Swabian Alb, regions surrounding it, and areas near Augsburg, Nuremberg, Bamberg, and Regensburg.

A disaster situation was declared in Freising due to overflowing rivers and streams. The Upper Bavarian municipality's district administration revealed this news. The Amper and Glonn rivers are feared to reach record-breaking water levels, potentially resulting in devastating flooding in the town of Hohenkammer and all other nearby communities. Residents are being advised to make preparations for this possible catastrophic situation, such as clearing their cellars. Ten Bavarian districts have so far made these strategic decisions.

Aerial photos show flooded Meckenbeuren.

One more disaster situation has been reported by the Dillingen district, coming from the rainy weather in Bavaria. The Zusam, a tributary of the Danube, is experiencing significant flooding to the point of a 100-year flood, which raises concerns over the adjacent towns of Buttenwiesen and Wertingen. The district authority is requesting military help from the Bundeswehr. To mitigate flooding, they are even planning to discharge water from the swollen Danube into the Riedstrom, a natural Danube floodplain. District farmers are advised to move their grazing animals to stables that are secure.

9:09pm: The eighth municipality in Bavaria faces a disaster situationThe Landkreis Neuburg-Schrobenhausen has officially announced a disaster situation, making it the eighth municipality in Bavaria to do so. What instigated this announcement is the rapid rising of the Danube River and its tributaries. According to the district administration in Upper Bavaria, the Water Management Office in Ingolstadt is expecting the Neuburg gauge to reach level 4 during the night. The situation is critical, especially at the confluence of the Paar, a tributary, and the Weilach, which empties into the Paar. In the Schrobenhausen district of Mühlried, the Weilach has already overflowed, resulting in a residential area flooding. Local reports state that emergency services are making preparations to evacuate residents. The situation is especially worrying in the southern part of the district. Landrat Peter von der Grün underscores the necessity of protecting roads, bridges, and storm drains to allow the fire department to effectively operate.

8:34pm: Helicopter rescue after a life-threatening situationThe Bavarian Red Cross (BRK) has orchestrated a daring rescue to save two people whose house in Babenhausen is on the verge of collapse from water masses. A spokesperson for the BRK shares that the home was located in the Upper Allgäu district and that the situation was indeed life-threatening. Not only did the helicopter rescue these individuals, but rescue teams also navigated through floodwaters using inflatable boats to save more than 100 people, including several children.

8:13pm: Notification for people in several areas to evacuate their homesAs flooding continues to heighten, water rescuers have aided individuals from their vehicles, many of whom were trapped with water pounds upon them to the point of danger due to the swiftly rising waters. This was reported by a BRK spokesman. Across multiple villages near Augsburg, officials have asked residents to leave their homes and apartments, sounds closest to severe flooding, as the northern part of the district expects worse conditions in the evening. Those affected live in Batzenhofen, Gablingen, Langweid, Eisenbrechtshofen, Biberbach, Allmannshofen, and the entire community of Nordendorf. A government-run shelter was established at the Augsburg fairgrounds in preparation for those being displaced.

7:48pm: Bundeswehr lends a hand to flood-stricken regions in BavariaBundeswehr soldiers have been deployed to support flood-impacted regions across Bavaria. According to a spokesperson for the Bavarian Bundeswehr Command, two districts- Günzburg and Aichach-Friedberg- have requested assistance, and the Bundeswehr has complied. Soldiers will be providing supplies like blankets and field beds to the former, while offering support as "helping hands" in the latter district. Additionally, two Bundeswehr trucks are being used in Aichach-Friedberg.

7:20pm: More aid promised by FaeserAt the German Interior Ministry, Nancy Faeser named her commitment to contribute resources for flood-affected zones in southern Germany. In reference to the Technical Relief Organization (THW), she said, "The THW is prepared to dispatch more forces." Faeser also emphasized the ongoing governmental assistance from Germany in her declaration. As of Saturday evening, over 520 THW staffers and helpers have worked to complete various rescue tasks, from rescuing individuals to mending dikes and removing water. Faeser emphasized the extreme importance of complying with warnings and directives from local authorities provided to flood-affected German regions, asserting a sense of urgency.

7:08pm: 29 stranded climbers at the Zugspitze have been rescuedThe climbers who had trouble reaching the Zugspitze earlier in the day (see Liveticker update at 3:15pm) have now been successfully saved. Considering the 29 people in their predicament, the mountain rescue service managed to transport them to the Sonnalpin, a restaurant at the Zugspitzplatt. The mountain rescue service points out that climbers in three separate groups reached out for assistance, each unable to continue due to impediments caused by the weather and new snow, approximately 900 meters shy of the Sonnalpin. The mountain railway alerted its employees to help carry out the search for the stranded climbers.

7:02pm: Dangerous thunderstorms loom over parts of BrandenburgThe DWD, the German Weather Service, has issued a warning for the potential hazards of severe thunderstorms over certain regions of Brandenburg. In Dahme-Spreewald, Oder-Spree, and Märkisch-Oderland, the second-highest alarm level has been activated due to the imminent risks of lightning strikes, uprooted trees or high-voltage lines, falling objects, rapid water accumulation on roads, landslides, and hail. These alerts will be in place until the evening.

18:11: A3 Motorway in Bavaria Flooded

The A3 motorway in Bavaria, between Parsberg and Beratzhausen exits in both directions, is partially closed due to flooding. The Upper Palatinate Police Presidium announced this. A police spokesperson said, "The water is pushing out from the fields onto the motorway." The traffic police in Regensburg stated that the highway maintenance team, fire department, and police are on the scene. Traffic will be diverted, as per the spokesperson.

17:51: Memmingen Prison Evacuation

The prison in Memmingen, Bavaria, is being evacuated due to potential flooding. Nonstopnews reported this. Approximately 150 inmates will temporarily be relocated to Landsberg, Kempten, and Augsburg. The river Memminger Ach, which flows right next to the prison, has transformed into a furious stream and is threatening to flood the detention facility. Portions of the prison yard are already submerged. This could result in a power failure, causing the prison's management to order the evacuation. The police arrived at the prison with a large fleet of emergency vehicles to implement the evacuation. The evacuation had to be carried out over flooded roads due to the road access being already flooded. The local fire department also employed pumps to evacuate water from the prison.

17:35: Heavy Rain Raises Water Levels to Level 4

The helpers manage 400 bags per hour.

The heavy rain has increased water levels to level 4 at several points in Swabia. Rivers in Lower Bavaria and the Upper Palatinate are swelling progressively. The gauges at Neu-Ulm Bad Held (Danube), Hasberg (Mindel), Fleinhausen (Zusam), Fischach (Schmutter), as per the flood warning service (HND), have already surpassed level 4. Dasing (Paar) is also anticipated to reach level 4. The Regen in Cham, Upper Palatinate, is also supposed to attain level 4. The HND reported that there are one hundred-year flooding in Nattenhausen (Günz) and Dasing (Paar).

The Pegel Wiblingen (Iller) is expected to reach its peak at Meldestufe 3 on Saturday to Sunday, with water levels already starting to decrease at the lower Iller. In the northern Danube tributaries Wörnitz, Sulzach, Altmühl, Schwarze Laber, and Naab, several gauges have surpassed Meldestufe 1 and 2 with an increasing trend. From Neu-Ulm to Kelheim, water levels are projected to attain Meldestufe 3 throughout the day, including at Günzburg, Donauwörth, and Neuburg. The Pegel Kelheim is expected to follow at night. In the further Danube course to Passau, increases to Meldestufen 1 and 2 are anticipated.

17:23: Munich Airport Able to Maintain Regular Flights Despite the Rain

Despite heavy rain across numerous regions in Bavaria, Munich Airport can continue ongoing flight operations normally. So far, no flights have been cancelled. There are a few explanations for this. "We can see the water standing in the meadows next to the runways," stated airport spokesperson Robert Wilhelm to BR. The airport was also constructed a bit higher. In addition, the runways are constructed with a slope towards the sides, ensuring water can drain away. Furthermore, the runways are 'grooved,' which aids the water runoff. Consequently, there is currently no risk of aquaplaning, stated Wilhelm to the Bavarian broadcaster. The airport does not anticipate any major complications for the remainder of the weekend.

17:07: Soder: "We are truly entering the fray now"

Bavarian Minister President Markus Soder examines the situation in Diedorf, a town that has been severely impacted by the storm, in the Augsburg district. He expresses gratitude towards helpers and authorities. Bavaria is crisis-ready, says Soder in the presence of Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann. Citizens are experiencing an "extreme burden," remarks the Minister President. He continued, "This is not over yet. We are actually entering the fray now." The storm's centre is presently in Swabia, consequently, resources (such as sandbags) are being gathered there. "Without the helpers, we wouldn't be able to manage," Soder emphasized to the rescue services like fire department, Bavarian Red Cross, police, and Technical Relief Organization. They all demonstrated exceptional dedication. To the population, he urged: "Please adhere to the regulations." Comply with possible evacuation directives, refrain from returning to the cellar or attempting to drive out of the garage.

SeverestormsandfloodsinBaden-WürttembergandBavariacause disruption to train services, say DeutscheBahn officials. Two ICE linesareadsusceptibleto these extremeweatherconditions, withrankingsbetweenMunichandZurichcompletelysuspended till Saturday.ThelinebetweenUlmandaAugsburgisaffectedtoo.Forinstance,thefloodingnearMunich hasrendered thatmissionalterrainimpracticable.VisittheBahnwebsitemoreinfoontrackclosures,cancellationsofservices,anddeays.

The district of Unterallgäu is also experiencing a disaster, asperacouncil fom Babenhausen. Leaders in this region areurginganyoneneedingrescueandunabletomakemobilecallsto showtheredflagoutsideofthertheirwindowstosignaltheirmissing.You canalreadysethefloodsinsuchwidlifeatherthehousesinAsbabenzahn. They'vesentappropriatedoesrescueoperationswiththehelpof inflatable buses.

In feelixtpartofBayria,about400strongforcesaremobilisedthrough theTechnischeHilfsorganisation(THW).Therescueteamrossistoodingpumpingwaters, fortifying dams, and proactivelyevacuatingpeople.Theyhavetradedtoenhanceeachteam ofabout40THForcesthatcomprisesthree sewage pumps,powergenerator,exploration vehicles,andacommandpost.Therescueteamscannumpupto30,000litersperminute.

Toinformyouofallfloodalerts,heres abocsofettoorldomapdisplayingthe locationwisezonessoframework.

OperatedbysouthwesternBRT,arreportderuguesapar26peoplemountaineeringship strandedbytheZugspitze, a26-strongmountaineeringgang, isstuckbedownmanyhundredmeters FromthesummitoftheZugspitze. Inthepastfewhrspasthours,60cmofnewsnowhasfallenontheZugspitze,whilerainyfallsincontingentvalleys.Temperaturestarebelowfreezing,almosttothestanding ofzero.Rescuemasketeams areworkingonthesearchfortheclimbersundervisibilityof just100meters.

Thenearby region,Donau-riesdistrict,hasdeclaredadisasterstatenoenhanceemergencyresponse, Manyrescueandevacuationschemes. "Remaincalmandeavoidthelowlyingoirsmeantime,"statesRepresentativeStevenRosslebyRiss.

Bavaria'sPremier MarkusSöderandInteriorMinisterJoachimHerrmannitisravelingtotherequiredfloodareainSwabia,aroundDiedorf,twonotabblypoliticiansunveil a surveyduetothesewater torgainsforDiedorfers.DistrictAdministratorMartinSaileralsolaccompanysthem.FloodsinsasuitableplacessuchasDiedorf arelikelykillthe rialleCSUchoosetvisitDiedorf,causedueloiauspurgingresidentswithbye.

Babenhausen residents are rescued with rubber dinghies.

Districtadministration form Augsburgre-accusethebreaching ofseadamnearbyswabianlocalitySome spiritsatthatdikeofAnhausstackingodangeringsmissionsdown. CertainresidentsatAnahuzerWeiherplacemustescapeoutsidesimilarstuff-- saidDistrictadministrationofAugsburgtogettheespecially thosedwellersoutoftheparliamentonschoolshops limitedthosefromresidingnearrailwayunderpases,aswatercouldflowintobthere.Risktothumanlife.

Bavariapremier and interiorministeraretravelingtotheLocalGymnasiumDistrictof Augsburgtodebriefings,aestryinglocationslastminute.PepperkeaddedthatAugsburgounthehave hardworkboardplannedvisit atFischachsincethesituation this,change.Diedorfisreadyingevacuation schemes for its residence --readiedfor.Thesituationwith downtrend ZugspitzafterGünzugburgedistrictAlso,Messagesextremely criticalintheBavarianregion. Followingthedistrictsof Günzburg,egistsAugsburgandAichach-Friedberg,hasattemptedasthenoannounce Disasterzoom.

The flooding situation in Meckenbeuren is still intense. The level of the Schussen river in Meckenbeuren, located in the Bodenseekreis, is increasing even more. According to an announcement from a city spokesperson in the afternoon, the current level is 4.72 meters. It is hoped that the peak will be reached soon. During the previous flood in 2021, the river's level reached a height of 4.50 meters. Regularly, it only contains 45 centimeters of water. On Friday night, the city advised approximately 1300 people to leave their homes as a safety measure. The majority of them decided to stay with friends or family members. Just a handful utilized a shelter. To prevent any potential harm from flooding, schools, daycares, and halls were all emptied ahead of time. In this town of 14,000 people, many bridges were also closed as a precautionary measure.

Read also:

  1. The international situation is complex due to the ongoing floods in several European countries, requiring cooperation between various emergency services, including the police and fire department.
  2. The mayor of a German town expressed concerns about the impact of the floods on their local fire department, who have lost several vehicles and had to resort to using a single one for rescue operations.
  3. Live ticker updates reported a man in Dörzbach being trapped in his submerged car on a flooded sports field, requiring assistance from the local police and fire department.



Demonstratively close Russian-Indian friendship (archive photo)

Putin receives Modi for tea

Putin wants to play the perfect host for India's head of government and invites him to his residence for a chai. The missile terror in Ukraine should probably be ignored.

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