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17:22 Naval inspector: Russians are superior to us in many areas

Ukraine war in the live ticker

A seriously ill girl in front of the damaged children's hospital in Kiev
A seriously ill girl in front of the damaged children's hospital in Kiev

17:22 Naval inspector: Russians are superior to us in many areas

Vice Admiral Jan Christian Kaack, inspector of the German Navy, warns of significant Russian reinforcement in the Baltic Sea region. "It is a fallacy that Russian military forces in the maritime sector have weakened above all in the context of the Ukrainian conflict," he says at the Marine Arsenal Warnowwerft in Rostock. While there have been losses for Russia in the Black Sea, "we also see that the construction rates, the delivery of ships with high-potent weapons in particular, have not decreased." In addition, Russia has significantly invested in communication, navigation, and attack capabilities underwater in the past ten years. "They are superior to us in many areas," warns the Vice Admiral. Russian research vessels have also been moving openly near the critical maritime infrastructure in the Baltic Sea. The German Navy is therefore building an underwater command center in Rostock to counter potential threats. It is expected to be operational by October 1.

16:48 NATO Accession Attempt for Ukraine? "Putin would present success on a silver platter"

In Washington, NATO is discussing further support for Ukraine. The former head of the Munich Security Conference, Wolfgang Ischinger, warns against deviating from the course, as suggested by Viktor Orbán, for example. An attempt to join NATO by Ukraine could also backfire.

16:12 Faeser: Russian Attack on Children's Clinic is a War Crime

Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser condemns the Russian air raid on Kiev, which damaged a children's clinic, sharply. "The rocket attack on a children's clinic is a heinous war crime that once again shows with what unfathomable inhumanity Putin is conducting his war against Ukraine," she states in a press release. "When we see this cruelty of war, it becomes clear how important it is that over 1.18 million people from Ukraine have found protection in Germany from Putin's rockets and tanks." The SPD politician adds, "We have saved many lives." Among the refugees are over 350,000 children and adolescents. "We will continue to protect them in Germany."

15:44 Criticism of Putin? Modi in Moscow: "When innocent children are murdered, it hurts the heart"

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi calls for dialogue to achieve peace during his meeting with Kremlin chief Vladimir Putin in Moscow. As a "friend," he told Putin that peace is of "paramount importance" for the future of our next generation. "War cannot solve problems," says the Indian prime minister. "We must find a way to peace through dialogue." "When innocent children are murdered, when we see them dying, it hurts the heart and this pain is unbearable," Modi says a day after devastating Russian air raids on Ukraine, during which, among other things, the largest children's hospital in the country was hit. Modi and Putin spoke about the war in Ukraine during his visit to Moscow. As is customary among "true friends," they sat together and "discussed a range of issues," said the Indian prime minister. He was "happy" that "we were able to openly and in detail present our views on the Ukraine issue."

15:10 Expert: Russia's "Barbarity is no Collateral Damage"

At 15:10, an expert stated: Russia's "barbarity is no collateral damage."

In the USA, the two-day NATO summit of member states is beginning. Security expert Frank Umbach outlines the signals that the alliance must send to Putin, especially after the devastating airstrike on a children's hospital in Ukraine.

14:37 Volkswagen in Russia ordered to pay millions in damages to GAZ

A Russian court has ordered Volkswagen to pay millions in damages to its former business partner GAZ. The judges set the compensation at 16.9 billion Rubles (approximately 180 million Euros), according to Interfax news agency. GAZ initially demanded 28.4 billion Rubles in compensation for lost profits due to Volkswagen's exit from the Russian market. GAZ had been a contractor for Volkswagen, producing Volkswagen vehicles in its Nizhny Novgorod plant. After Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Volkswagen ended the cooperation.

13:59 Report: Modernest fighter jet damaged? Ukraine allegedly successfully targeted Russian targets

The Ukraine reportedly retaliated against the Russian rocket attack on Kiev and other places with attacks on targets in Russia. According to a report by "Kyiv Independent," the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) and the Military Intelligence Directorate (HUR) successfully targeted the military airport in Achtubinsk, a power station near Rostov-on-Don, and an oil depot in the Volgograd region in the past night. In the 450-kilometer distant Achtubinsk, two models of the most modern Russian fighter jet, the SU-57, are reportedly damaged. Russia has not confirmed the damage, but Russian authorities reported the interception and destruction of several Ukrainian drones.

13:26 Report: Germany's budget for arms deliveries exhausted for 2024

Bundesverteidigungsminister Boris Pistorius, according to "Spiegel," sees a need for an additional 4 billion Euros for further arms deliveries to Ukraine for 2024. The approximately 7 billion Euros allocated in the current federal budget for supporting Kiev are mostly spent or contractually bound. Only around 200,000 Euros remain for new deliveries in the second half of the year. Pistorius has therefore requested an additional 4 billion Euros from Bundesfinanzminister Christian Lindner. With the fresh funds, Pistorius intends to deliver more ammunition, urgently needed spare parts, and possibly also additional Leopard 1A-Tanks to Ukraine. "We are currently working on freeing up additional funds to continue our engagement this year as well," said the SPD politician during a troop visit to Alaska.

A seriously ill girl in front of the damaged children's hospital in Kiev

13:07 US Correspondent: Doubts about further Ukraine support grow

US correspondent: Doubts about further Ukraine support grow.

12:39 Intelligence service and UN: Kinder hospital directly hit by Russian rocket - Moscow denies

According to the hit on a building in a Kiev children's hospital, Russia and Ukraine are disputing the ownership. The Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) claims, based on their own evidence, that the children's hospital was directly hit by a Russian Kh-101 Kalibr rocket. The analysis of the flight path and the type of damage indicate a direct hit, the SBU stated. The SBU also presented images of a rocket engine fragment that was allegedly found at the impact site. The United Nations (UN) shares this assessment: "The analysis of the video material and an on-site assessment indicate a high probability that the children's hospital received a direct hit and was not damaged by an intercepted weapons system," explained the UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission chief in Ukraine. At the time of the attack, there were approximately 670 children being treated in the clinic and about 1000 employees. However, Moscow claims that a Ukrainian ground-to-air missile defense system of the NASAMS type was responsible. The USA and Norway developed this Western air defense system. Even if the Russian claim is true: The Ukrainians use these Western air defense systems to defend against permanent Russian air attacks on civilian targets.

11:50 "Friend of India": Modi courts Putin in Moscow

The Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi praised the relations between his country and Russia and praised President Vladimir Putin. Modi made these statements during a visit to Moscow. "The bilateral relationship is based on mutual trust and mutual respect," Modi said. He also highlighted Putin's leadership qualities. "Every Indian considers Russia as a friend of India in good and bad times." India imports oil, gas, and military equipment from Russia. Several Western countries had urged Modi to distance India more from Russia. However, trade between the two countries continues to grow. On Monday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky had already stated regarding the Russian rocket attacks on Kiev: "It is a great disappointment and a devastating blow for peace efforts that the leader of the largest democracy in the world embraces the bloodiest war criminal of the world on such a day in Moscow."

11:15 Ukraine could lose F-16 fighter jets before first use

10:48 Moscow wants to closely observe NATO summit

Russia intends to closely monitor the NATO summit, according to its own statements. This was emphasized by Vladimir Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov and referred to the fact that NATO declared Russia an enemy to be defeated. The Russian government considers NATO involved in the Ukraine conflict, according to Peskow. He spoke to journalists. The heads of state and government of the 32 NATO countries are meeting today for a three-day summit in Washington. Support for Ukraine in its defense against the Russian attack war is a major focus. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is also expected in the US capital.

10:39 Europe not prepared enough for Trump re-election: Expert

10:05 Awakening against Russia: Poland receives a Two-Billion-Dollar-Credit for US Weapon Purchases
Poland is one of the most political and military allies of Ukraine and at the same time the borderland of NATO: Thousands of kilometers of border Poland shares with the Russian exclave Kaliningrad and with the Russian vassal state Belarus. According to US government information, Poland is to receive a two billion US dollar special credit to support its armament program. With this, the government in Warsaw intends to buy F-35 fighter jets, Patriot air defense systems, and Abrams combat tanks. Washington assumes the responsibility for up to 60 million dollars of the interest costs. In this way, the US government supports the Polish large orders in its own defense industry.

08:42 Attack on Kiev: Body of a Boy Recovered, Number of Killed Children Rising
Rescue workers have found the body of a boy in the ruins of a house in Kiev. The Ukrainian Interior Ministry reported this to "Kyiv Independent". With this, the number of those killed in Kiev on Monday due to the Russian air raid rose to 27, among them now four children. 117 other people were injured. According to ministry information, rescue teams are still in action at three locations in the capital.

08:30 Ukrainian Partisans Report Successful Sabotage of Russian Railway Track
The Ukrainian partisan group Atesh reports that it has disrupted an important railway connection between Russia and the occupied Ukrainian territories. A switch box was destroyed, according to the group's message on its Telegram channel. In addition, a video is shown that shows a burning switch box next to a railroad track. The sabotage action is said to have taken place near the Russian settlement of Schachty. The rails lead from Rostov am Don in the direction of the occupied Mariupol. The railway lines are essential for the supply of the Russian troops with new equipment. Both the Ukrainian army and Ukrainian partisans are therefore taking targeted action against railway lines. Atesh claims to be active not only in the occupied territories but also within Russia.

07:55 Ukraine Claims to Have Eliminated over 1200 Soldiers in a Day
In its daily reports, the Ukrainian General Staff reports that it has inflicted losses of 1220 soldiers on the invaders. In addition, seven Russian tanks, 19 armored personnel carriers, 49 artillery pieces, 29 drones, and 36 missile systems were destroyed from Russia. The figures are not verifiable. The number of 553,410 killed, wounded, or otherwise incapacitated Russian military personnel is significantly higher than the more cautious estimates of Western services and think tanks.

07:37 Russia Reports Four Dead after Ukrainian Attacks
According to official reports, at least four people have been killed in Ukrainian attacks on the Russian border region Belgorod within 24 hours. Another 20 people were injured, Governor Vyacheslav Gladkov reported on Telegram. The past 24 hours were "restless" and "difficult", Gladkov continued. Of the injured, 17 had to be hospitalized, two were seriously injured. Attacks were also reported from other western Russian regions, including Kursk and Volgograd.

This child was rescued from the hospital.

07:22 Over 2000 Children Seek Refuge from Russian Attacks in Kiev's Subway
During massive rocket attacks on Kiev on Monday, the city administration reported that 32,000 people sought shelter in the underground U-Bahn tunnels. Among them were reportedly almost 2200 children. The Ukrainian capital is regularly attacked by Russia. In the past few months, more rockets have gotten through due to the limited ammunition of western air defense systems and their increasing ability to bypass them.

06:50 "Dirty Bastards": At least two dead after attack on children's hospital in Kiev
The strikes on a children's hospital in Kiev during a Russian rocket attack reportedly resulted in 16 injuries, including seven children. Two of the injured reportedly died. According to Health Minister Viktor Lyashko, departments for dialysis, cancer treatment, operating rooms, and the intensive care unit were damaged in the hospital on Monday. Hundreds of residents helped rescue workers clear debris and search for victims. "Little cancer and dialysis patients are sitting on the sidewalk with their mothers," reported German Ambassador Martin Jäger on X from a visit to the hospital.

The Russian Defense Ministry confirmed rocket attacks, allegedly targeting Ukrainian weapons factories and military airfields. However, there were no concrete evidence provided that the damages were caused by a Ukrainian anti-aircraft missile. The Moscow Military dismissed the Ukrainian reports of damage to another hospital on the other side of the Dnipro as "hysteria of the Kiev regime."

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy denies Russian claims that the attacks were due to a Ukrainian anti-aircraft missile error. "What cynicism the scoundrels in the Kreml are displaying, claiming that it was allegedly the Ukrainian air defense and not a targeted rocket strike that killed and injured many people," Zelenskyy said at a press conference with Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk in Warsaw. Zelenskyy thanked all those who posted videos online "on which it is clearly visible that it is not just a part of a particular rocket, but a direct rocket strike that killed and injured many people."

06:19 Germany provides Ukraine with more ammunition and air defense systems
The German government has made additional military supplies available to Ukraine for its defense against the Russian attack. According to the updated list of delivered military goods, the promised third Patriot air defense system has arrived. New on the list are also additional ammunition for the 50 Leopard 1 tanks provided together with Denmark, 11,000 additional rounds of ammunition for the 52 Gepard anti-aircraft tanks, and two ground-based air surveillance radars of the TRML-4D type.

05:43 Attack on Russia: Power plant in Rostov-on-Don is on fire

In the South Russian region of Rostov, according to Russian reports, a fire broke out at an electricity substation due to a Ukrainian drone attack. "Two transformers have caught fire," Governor Vasili Golubev reported via the Telegram short news service. The Russian air defense reportedly shot down "numerous" Ukrainian drones. Golubev did not mention the exact number of drones deployed or intercepted. The border region with Ukraine has been the target of repeated attacks in the past.

04:31 FDP Politician Faber Defends Defense MinistryFDP Politician and new Defense Committee Chairman Marcus Faber defended the only modest increase in the Defense Ministry's budget in 2025 against criticism. "One should not forget that the Defense Ministry's budget, unlike most other ministries, has actually increased," Faber told the "Augsburger Allgemeine." If one includes the special fund of 100 billion euros and additional investments in the troops, one arrives at 140 billion euros. "That can be seen, even if one wishes for more."

03:25 UN Human Rights Commissioner Condemns Attack on Hospital in KievUN Human Rights Commissioner Volker Turk condemned the attacks on a children's clinic in the Ukrainian capital Kiev as "despicable." They had severely damaged the intensive care, surgical, and oncology departments of the Ochmatdyt Children's Hospital, he explained. The dialysis department of the clinic was "destroyed." "Among the victims were the sickest children in Ukraine."

02:05 Biden Announces Support for Kiev at NATO SummitUS President Joe Biden announced new measures to strengthen Ukraine's air defense following attacks with Russian rockets that killed 36 people. The US and its allies would announce this new support at a NATO summit in Washington this week, Biden said. He described the rocket attacks on Ukraine as a "terrible reminder of Russia's brutality" in the war, which began in February 2022.

01:05 Kiesewetter: Defense Ministry Disappointment for SoldiersIn the debate over defense spending, CDU Defense Expert Roderich Kiesewetter called for a new definition of prosperity. "It's disappointing for soldiers that the federal government can't prioritize the Bundeswehr in the budget planning, and that's a disappointment for the soldiers," Kiesewetter told the Funke Media Group newspapers. This shows that "the turning point in the Chancellor's mindset" has not yet arrived, and Olaf Scholz refuses to let the population face the threat situation with a pure wine glass. "It's also necessary to define prosperity anew - away from an individual interpretation, towards social resilience and readiness to defend." Earlier, the defense budget accounted for five or six percent of the country's economic output. "It's possible to prioritize if the political will is there," Kiesewetter said. A continuously increasing defense budget should aim for three percent of the gross national product.

00:01 Green and FDP announce increase in Pistorius-Estate budget
In light of the budget negotiations in the Bundestag, Green budget politician Sebastian Schäfer, who is also the deputy chief of the Bundestag committee for the Federal Defense Special Fund, has announced adjustments to defense spending. Although the coalition's leaders from the Traffic Light Coalition provide a "decent basis for budget negotiations in parliament," Schäfer told the Redaction Network Germany (RND), there will be numerous and significant changes. In particular, in the area of security and defense policy, there are great needs that will be taken into account in the parliamentary procedure, according to the Green. Defence policy spokesperson for the FDP, Alexander Müller, is also open to further adjustments in favor of the defense budget.

22:16 Wreckage falls on clinic - seven deadA wreckage of a rocket has fallen on a hospital in Kiev, killing five doctors and two patients. According to "Ukrainska Pravda," the ADONIS Clinic in the Dniprowskyi district was affected. A Russian rocket attack also shattered windows in a private maternity clinic in the same building.

22:10 Insider: Scholz to deliver clear message at NATO summitThe NATO summit from Tuesday to Thursday, according to German government sources, will send a "clear message" of support for Ukraine. Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz will make it clear in the circle of the 32 NATO state and government heads that Germany is a reliable partner in the transatlantic alliance and will remain so, said the government representative.

21:56 Schmyhal: Looking for alternative location for hospitalThe Ukrainian government is looking for an alternative location for the attacked children's hospital. Premier Minister Denys Schmyhal made the announcement. The attack will be a topic at the next cabinet meeting. "We hope our international partners will draw their own conclusions," Schmyhal was quoted as saying by "Kyiv Independent." "We need effective responses to Russian terror."

The rescue work lasted well into the night.

You can read about earlier developments here.

  1. The German Navy is building an underwater command center in Rostock to counter potential threats from Russia in the Baltic Sea, due to Russian reinforcement and investment in underwater capabilities.
  2. Vice Admiral Jan Christian Kaack warns that Russia is superior to NATO in many underwater communication, navigation, and attack capabilities, a result of significant investment in these areas over the past ten years.
  3. Russian research vessels have been moving near critical maritime infrastructure in the Baltic Sea, prompting concern from the German Navy and potential military response.
  4. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy denies Russian claims that Ukrainian anti-aircraft missiles were responsible for the attack on a children's hospital in Kiev, instead blaming it on a direct rocket strike.
  5. Amidst the ongoing Ukraine conflict, NATO is discussing further support for Ukraine, with experts and politicians warning against deviating from the support course, lest it backfire.

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