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16 children killed in Papua-New Guinea

With spears and axes

Most of the ten million inhabitants of the Commonwealth country live in povertydespite abundant...
Most of the ten million inhabitants of the Commonwealth country live in povertydespite abundant natural resources.

16 children killed in Papua-New Guinea

33 Men Attack and Kill up to 50 People in Papua New Guinea in Neighboring Villages. Trigger is a Dispute over Land and Water Rights. Not the First Tribal War with Multiple Casualties this Year.

According to UN estimates, at least 26 people have been killed in attacks on three villages in the northern part of Papua New Guinea. Among the dead were 16 children, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Turk stated. The violence in the Eastern Sepik Province was reportedly caused by disputes over land and water rights. "I am appalled by the shocking outbreak of lethal violence in Papua New Guinea," Turk wrote. The number of fatalities could rise to over 50, as authorities were still searching for the missing, it was reported. Approximately 200 people had fled, after their homes had been burned down. The massacres occurred on the 16th and 18th of July.

Responsible for the attacks were allegedly a group of 33 men from neighboring villages, who attacked their victims in the early morning hours, according to the "The National" newspaper, citing local police. Many women and children had been raped prior to the attacks. A survivor stated: "The attack came completely unexpected, and we were completely helpless." The inhabitants had run in all directions and some had attempted to escape on canoes. "Some were hit by spears and fell into the river."

Tribal Wars not Uncommon

Turk urged the responsible authorities to "immediately conduct impartial and transparent investigations and ensure that the perpetrators are held accountable." The affected families were also to receive compensation and protection from future attacks.

This was the second major violent outbreak in the island nation. In a tribal feud in the highlands, over 50 people were killed in February. The incident occurred in the Enga Province, over 580 kilometers northwest of the capital Port Moresby.

The tropical island of Papua New Guinea lies north of Australia. It is wild and largely unexplored. Ten million people live in the Commonwealth country, most in extreme poverty - despite rich resources such as oil, gas, and gold. Tribal wars between indigenous groups have been common in the highlands for a long time. Mutual accusations lead to attacks, which are often answered with retaliatory blows.

The international community, including the UN, has expressed concern over the escalating violence and frequent tribal wars in Papua New Guinea, with the latest incident involving 'International' killings of up to 50 people due to disputes over land and water rights in 'Murder and manslaughter' cases. Authorities are investigating the involvement of a group of 33 men from neighboring villages in Papua New Guinea's Eastern Sepik Province.

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