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16:56 Brandenburg refinery without Russian oil at 80 percent capacity utilization

Ukraine war in the live ticker

First explosions were heard and then smoke could be seen over the Ukrainian capital.
First explosions were heard and then smoke could be seen over the Ukrainian capital.

16:56 Brandenburg refinery without Russian oil at 80 percent capacity utilization

The number of casualties from the large-scale Russian rocket attack on Ukraine continues to rise. "Thirty-one people have been killed and 125 have been injured," the Interior Ministry in Kiev reports. In the capital Kiev alone, twenty people were killed and sixty-one were injured. The Ukrainian Air Force reports that the Russian military fired thirty-eight rockets of various types at targets in Ukrainian cities. Thirty of these were intercepted by the air defense. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy had previously spoken of over forty rockets that were fired at the cities of Kiev, Dnipro, Kryvyi Rih, Sloviansk, and Kramatorsk.

16:39 Brandenburg Refinery Operating at 80% Capacity Without Russian OilOne and a half years after the withdrawal from Russian oil, the important refinery PCK in Brandenburg, Germany, is achieving an operating capacity of around 80% with the help of new supply routes. That's what's possible with the current supply sources, said PCK CEO Rolf Schairer on the sidelines of a visit by the Federal Government's Commissioner for Eastern European Policy, Carsten Schneider. The utilization rate is significantly above the utilization rate at the beginning of 2023 but below the rates of previous years. From the perspective of the Federal Government, the location is secure. The refinery had long processed only Russian oil from the Druzhba pipeline.

16:22 Ukrainian Security Service: Russian Cruise Missile Strikes Children's HospitalA lethal attack on a children's hospital in Kiev, according to the findings of the domestic security service SBU, was carried out by a Russian cruise missile. At the scene, "relevant evidence, in particular fragments from the rear part of a Ch-101 missile" including a serial number were found, the SBU statement says. At least two nurses were reportedly killed and seven others injured, including children. Moscow had previously denied responsibility and claimed that the hospital was hit by debris from Ukrainian air defense rockets. No evidence was presented.

15:55 Federal Government Hopes for More Air Defense for Ukraine at NATO SummitThe German government is hoping for more commitments for the delivery of air defense systems to Ukraine at the NATO summit. The talks on the additional Patriot air defense systems requested by Kiev are ongoing and "may even be continued during the summit," says a high-ranking government representative in Berlin. "We understand the priority." Decisions on Ukraine's desired NATO membership are not planned.

15:40 Governor: One Civilian Killed in Attack on Russian Oblast BelgorodAccording to the governor's report, a civilian was killed in a Ukrainian attack on the Russian oblast Belgorod. The man was injured in the village of Nikolskoje and later died. Three other people were injured. The number of injured could still increase. Belgorod borders Ukraine and has long been a target of Ukrainian attacks.

15:24 Zelensky: "What cynicism the cretins in the Kremlin are spreading"

President Zelensky reacts angrily to Russian claims that a missile defense system malfunction caused the damage to a children's hospital in Kyiv. "What cynicism the cretins in the Kremlin are spreading, that it was allegedly the Ukrainian air defense and not a targeted missile strike that caused the damage," says the Ukrainian president at a press conference with Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk in Warsaw. Zelensky thanks all those who have posted videos online "on which it is clearly visible that it is not just a part of one or another missile, but a direct missile strike that killed and injured many people." Previously, the Russian Defense Ministry had stated in a statement that a surface-to-air missile fired from the outskirts had caused the damage.

15:07 German government directly addresses Putin

The German government condemns the heavy Russian missile strikes on Ukraine, including on a children's hospital in the capital Kyiv. The German government spokesperson calls on Putin to "immediately end this war of aggression against so many innocent people." The situation of civilians and children in Ukraine is "dramatic in many parts."

14:55 Insider: NATO summit to clearly support Ukraine

The NATO summit from Tuesday to Thursday will send a clear message of support for Ukraine, according to a German government representative. The 32 NATO countries could pledge around 40 billion euros to Ukraine annually, this is expected at the meeting. NATO itself will not take an active role in Ukraine.

14:47 Tusk: Decision on peace not without Ukraine

President Zelensky announces retaliation for the massive Russian missile attack, in which, according to Ukrainian reports, 29 people were killed. Ukraine will also apply for a UN Security Council meeting, says Zelensky during his visit to Warsaw. In addition, Ukraine expects concrete steps from its allies regarding the strengthening of its air defense at the NATO summit this week.

14:38 Tusk: Decision on peace not without Ukraine

Peace in Ukraine can only be achieved with Ukraine, according to Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk. No one can make a decision about peace without Ukraine's involvement, Tusk says in Warsaw during Zelensky's visit. Both leaders sign a security agreement between their countries. Ukraine can count on Poland's support in its bid to join NATO.

14:24 After Putin's speech: Orban rules out Russian attack on NATO
Putin intends no attack on NATO, Hungary's Prime Minister Orban is convinced: "No serious person can speak of Russia's intention to attack NATO", Orban told the "Bild" newspaper. It is completely impossible for Russia, not just for itself but for anyone in the world, to attack NATO, which is the strongest military alliance, Orban added. However, the condition is that the unity of NATO be maintained and Article Five of the NATO Treaty be respected by all. This article regulates the mutual defense obligation in the Alliance and states that an armed attack against one or more Allies shall be considered an attack against all. Orban also referred to the many problems that Russia already has at the front with Ukraine.

13:58 Ambassador Jäger: "Such is the willingness for negotiations and peace from Russia's side"
Diplomatic representatives of several western countries in Ukraine condemn the latest Russian air raids on Ukrainian cities. At least 30 people have been killed and about 90 injured. A children's clinic in the Ukrainian capital was also hit. "Many victims in Kyiv, dead, injured. This is war against civilians. Such is the willingness for negotiations and peace from Russia's side", writes German Ambassador Martin Jäger on X.

13:46 "Defensive capabilities are still insufficient" - Ukraine demands more air defense systems
The Ukrainian Defense Minister Rustem Umerow is urging the allies of his country to make quick decisions regarding the delivery of additional air defense systems. "Our defensive capabilities are still insufficient", Umerow writes on Telegram after the massive wave of Russian rocket attacks. "We need more air defense systems." In the rocket attacks on several cities in Ukraine, more than 20 people were killed and dozens injured in the morning.

13:30 Russia: Air bases targeted
The Russian armed forces, according to information from the Russian Defense Ministry in Moscow, have attacked Ukrainian air defense bases. Targeted were also military industry installations. "The targets of the attack were hit. The designated objects were struck", the ministry reports. Russia has repeatedly stated that its troops are attacking no civilian targets.

13:05 Kiev: 1200 Russian soldiers "eliminated" in one day
The official losses on the Russian side, according to reports from Kiev, remain high: 1200 Russian soldiers are said to have died or become incapable of further fighting within one day. According to the Ukrainian Defense Ministry, a total of 552,190 Russian soldiers have been "eliminated" since the beginning of the war in February 2022. The Defense Ministry in its daily reports on Russian losses in the Ukraine announces, among other things, the loss of 16 more tanks (8171). Since the beginning of the Russian invasion, Ukraine counts around 15,700 armored vehicles and around 11,900 drones that are no longer in the possession of the Russian military or have been destroyed. The information cannot be independently verified. Moscow itself keeps information on its own losses in the Ukraine to itself.

12:39 Habeck on Orban's "Peace Mission": Hungary's Prime Minister "does not speak for Europe" in Beijing

Although Hungary's Prime Minister may be giving himself the title of a "peace mission" and visiting Kiev, Moscow, and now Beijing to make it seem so: Despite Hungary taking over the EU Council Presidency on July 1st, Orban cannot speak for the European Union in this capacity. German Economy Minister Robert Habeck of the Greens distanced himself from the visit of the Hungarian Prime Minister to Beijing. Orban went to China "as the Hungarian Prime Minister and not as a representative of Europe," Habeck clarified to the TV station Welt. "He can certainly do that. But he is not speaking for Europe in this place." European politicians could and should travel to China, according to the Green politician. "I was there myself just recently. That's not a problem in itself. The question is: What is being discussed there? And Hungarian politics often behaves in a way that is not how it should be," said the Vice-Chancellor. "Instead, it often represents ideas that are, in my opinion, not in line with the core thoughts of the European Union, namely liberty within and European self-awareness without, but rather seeks an unnecessarily close proximity to certain political leaders."

12:25 Governor: Three Dead in Russian Attack on Pokrovsk in Eastern Ukraine

At broad daylight, the Russian military attacked several Ukrainian cities, including the capital Kiev and Kryvyj Rih, the hometown of President Volodymyr Zelensky. In the east of Ukraine, there were missile attacks: At least three people were killed in a Russian attack on the city of Pokrovsk. A rocket hit an unspecified building, the regional governor reported on Telegram.

12:10 Russian Air Raid on Kiev: Death Toll Rises to Nine

The death toll from the Russian air raid on the Ukrainian capital Kiev has risen to nine. Thirty-three people were injured, according to the prosecutor's office. A children's hospital was destroyed in the heavy air raid. The search for victims under the rubble is ongoing.

11:46 Klitschko: One of the Most Severe Attacks on Kiev - Death Toll Rises to Seven

The Russian attack on the Ukrainian capital Kiev is one of the most severe in the conflict that has been raging for more than two years, according to Mayor Vitali Klitschko. "You can see: It's a children's hospital," he told the news agency Reuters, standing next to a heavily damaged building. The death toll from the massive rocket attack on Kiev has risen to seven, according to local authorities.

More about this here.

11:24 Authorities Report Ten Dead, Over 30 Injured in Kryvyj Rih Attack

In the city of Kryvyj Rih in the center of Ukraine, ten people were killed and over 30 were injured in a severe Russian rocket attack, according to local authorities. Several impacts were reported. Damage was also reported at the administrative building of an industrial enterprise.

11:10 Orban on War Developments: "Next Months Will be Much Bloodier than We Think"

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban expects a significant increase in the intensity of war developments in the coming months following his talks with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Russian President Vladimir Putin. "Believe me: The next two, three months will be much bloodier than we think," Orban said in an interview for "Bild" and other Axel Springer Media in his office in Budapest. Orban referred to the influx of high-quality weapons to Ukraine and Russian determination. "The energy of the confrontation, the number of deaths, the number of casualties will therefore be bloodier than in the past seven months," Orban added.

10:47 Five Dead in Russian Air Strikes on Kiev - Children's Hospital Hit

The Russian army has attacked Kiev, the Ukrainian capital, in several waves with rockets. According to the Ukrainian military administration, five people were killed in Kiev during the attacks; nine more were injured. In the city center, there were approximately two dozen explosions, presumably from surface-to-air missiles, as reported by a reporter from the news agency dpa. Mayor Vitali Klitschko reported falling debris in four districts and numerous emergency calls. According to Klitschko and the head of the Presidential Administration, Andriy Yermak, there was also a strike on a children's hospital.

More about this here.

10:40 Selenskyy Meets Polish Leadership Ahead of NATO Summit

Before the NATO summit in Washington, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Selenskyy will meet with Poland's leadership in Warsaw. A lunchtime meeting with Prime Minister Donald Tusk is scheduled, as announced by the Polish government. Tusk had recently announced that he would likely sign a bilateral security agreement with Selenskyy. In the early afternoon, Selenskyy will then meet his Polish counterpart Andrzej Duda. Poland, an EU and NATO member, is one of the most active political and military supporters of the Russia-attacked Ukraine. It also plays a crucial role as a hub for Western military aid to Kiev.

10:18 Creative Air Defense: Ukrainians Shoot Down Russian Drone with Small Aircraft

Deliveries of weapons from the West are delayed. The creativity of Ukraine in dealing with the lack of air defense systems is illustrated by footage of a drone hunt. Ukrainian soldiers shoot down Russian drones from the sky - with a small aircraft and a rifle.

09:54 Xi Calls for Ceasefire and Negotiations in Ukraine

Chinese President Xi Jinping called for a ceasefire and negotiations in Ukraine. This would serve the interests of all parties involved, Xi said at a meeting with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban in Beijing, according to state media. The situation in Ukraine must be de-escalated as much as possible. The international community must create the conditions for Russia and Ukraine to engage in direct dialogue. This requires a "positive energy." Xi did not specify how this should be achieved or who would play a significant role. Orban surprised everyone by suddenly arriving in Beijing today.

Ukrainian Air Force destroys three missiles over Cherkassy and SchytomyrAccording to their own statements, the Ukrainian air defense has shot down three Russian missiles. In total, Russia had attacked with six missiles of the Kh-101 type, reported the Ukrainian Air Force. The three hit missiles were destroyed over the Cherkassy and Schytomyr regions. There is currently no information on possible damages.

09:10 Pistorius upset about NATO summit over insufficient budgetIn his first public statement since the coalition government's budget compromise of the traffic light coalition, Defense Minister Boris Pistorius of the SPD expressed his displeasure over the consequences of the agreement. "Yes, I have received significantly less than I registered. That's frustrating for me because I can't get certain things going as fast as Zeitgeist and the threat situation require," Pistorius said, who is currently visiting Fairbanks, Alaska for the NATO exercise Arctic Defender 2024. Pistorius added: "We'll see what happens in the next weeks and months. I have to adapt and make the best of it."

08:41 Institutions: Sanctions barely affect Russia's war capabilitiesSanctions have had only a minor impact on Russia's war-fighting capabilities, according to a research project by four institutions, including the Munich Ifo and the IfW in Kiel, for the Federal Ministry of Economics. "The economy of the country is growing robustly due to the arms build-up at the moment, but the sanctions are working long-term like a creeping poison," says Vasily Astrov, Russia expert at the Vienna Institute for International Economic Comparisons.

07:58 Media: Russia thwarts capture of strategic bomber by UkraineThe Russian domestic security service FSB has, according to reports from Russian news agencies, prevented Ukrainian troops from capturing a strategic bomber of the Tu-22M3 type and flying it into Ukraine. The state news agency TASS reports that Russia received tips and then attacked the Oserne airfield west of Kyiv.

07:19 Orban: China is an important force in efforts to end the warHungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban describes China as an important force in efforts to end the war in Ukraine. Hungary values China's peace initiative, reports the Hungarian news agency MTI. Orban is currently in Beijing, planned talks with China's President Xi Jinping.

06:53 Four people killed in mine explosion in CharkiwFour people, including a child, have been killed in a mine explosion in the Charkiw region. The regional state administration head, Oleh Syniehubov, announced this via Telegram, according to the news agency Ukrinform.

06:26 Several injured in Russian attack on NikopolSeveral people, including a child, have been injured in Russian attacks in the Dnipropetrowsk region. A ten-year-old boy and four women were injured in attacks on the city of Nikopol in the Dnipropetrowsk region, according to the Ukrainian newspaper "Kyiv Independent," citing regional governor Serhiy Lysak.

05:42 Indian Prime Minister Modi travels to Moscow
India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi is visiting Russia for the first time since the war began. During the official visit, according to Kremlin sources, discussions on Russia's invasion in Ukraine will be held. For western observers, it will be interesting, says Kreml spokesman Dmitri Peskov in advance, considering that Modi snubbed the peace summit initiated by Ukraine in Switzerland in June. India's trade with the natural resources giant Russia has intensified recently.

04:21 Missiles heading towards Kiev - danger averted
After the launch of four strategic bombers from the Russian military airbase Olenya, an alarm was raised for the entire Ukraine. Missiles were reportedly heading towards Kiev and the western city of Schytomyr. The air force reports that the threat has been partially neutralized, and people are advised to remain in shelters in the east and south.

02:18 Self-proclaimed "peace mission": Orban lands in China
The Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has arrived in Beijing as part of his self-proclaimed "peace mission." There, he will meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping. He has already made three surprise foreign trips since Hungary took over the rotating EU presidency at the beginning of July. Before that, he visited Ukraine and Russia, which drew harsh criticism from EU members. The Chinese Foreign Ministry announced that Orban will meet with President Xi Jinping for talks on "matters of mutual interest."

01:43 General Inspector Breuer: Russia could turn against NATO countries by 2029
The Inspector General of the Bundeswehr, Carsten Breuer, is calling for a strengthening of defense spending. Russia could turn against NATO countries around 2029, he warns in the "Süddeutsche Zeitung": "Russia is currently building up potential that far exceeds what it needed for the attack on Ukraine. The Russian armed forces are planning an increase to 1.5 million soldiers, which is more soldiers than in the entire EU. They produce between 1000 and 1500 tanks every year. If they take the five largest NATO armies in Europe, they have only half of what Russia now produces in tanks annually. We must be prepared."

00:57 Zelenskyy meets with Republican Mike Johnson
At the NATO summit in Washington, Ukrainian President Zelenskyy will meet with Republican Mike Johnson, the chairman of the US House of Representatives, on Wednesday. According to Johnson's official schedule, this meeting is scheduled. Support for Ukraine is expected to be one of the main topics of the summit this week. There is concern about future US support for the Kiev government if Donald Trump wins the presidential elections on November 3.

22:50 Family dies in mining explosion in the Charkiw regionAt least four people, including a child, have been killed by an exploding mine in the Charkiw region, according to Oleh Synyehubov, the governor of the oblast, on Telegram. The family was in a car on an unpaved road and hit a Russian mine. The identification of the bodies is ongoing. Relatives indicate that a total of six people were in the vehicle.

21:53 Estonian President Karis warns against forced peaceEstonian President Alar Karis hopes for comprehensive support for Ukraine from the upcoming NATO summit, both during and after the war. "The alliance must send a clear message that NATO will support Ukraine as long as it is necessary. The NATO membership of Ukraine is not negotiable, and the process of accession is irreversible," Karis said to the Estonian news platform ERR. History has shown that aggressors must be held accountable and not appeased, so Karis. A forced peace is always temporary. "If the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine are not respected, it will lead to new and larger wars in the future. Russia and other aggressors will be encouraged to attack again," the Estonian president added.

21:00 New British government announces weapons package for UkraineThe new British Defense Minister John Healey tells Ukraine during his inaugural visit that new weapons deliveries are on the way. The package, presented in Odessa, includes artillery guns, mine detectors, and anti-tank missile launchers. In addition, large quantities of ammunition are part of the offer. President Volodymyr Zelensky thanks Healey for the strong support of Great Britain. During their meeting, they also discussed the security agreement between Ukraine and Great Britain, signed in January. The then British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak signed the treaty "for 100 years or longer" in Kiev. According to Zelensky on the platform X, they also spoke about further cooperation within the framework of this agreement.

20:34 Netherlands confirm pledge of Patriot missile defense systemUkraine will receive a Patriot missile defense system from the Netherlands for the expansion of its protective shield. This was confirmed by the Dutch Foreign Minister Caspar Veldkamp and Defense Minister Ruben Brekelmans during a meeting with Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba, according to the Ukrainian news agency UNIAN. The announcement that a system would be provided was made in June by the previous Dutch government in The Hague. No specific delivery date was mentioned. Previously, Veldkamp also promised "immediate" delivery of F-16 fighter jets in Kiev (see entry 19:08).

20:11 Orban: Putin doesn't believe in ceasefire without peace talks

Hungary's Prime Minister Orban stated that Russian President Putin told him he doesn't believe in a ceasefire agreement without serious peace talks. "He said he had no positive expectations [for such a ceasefire]. Zelenskyy said he had no positive expectations because the Russians would use it against Ukraine, and Putin, that the Ukrainians would use this pause against Russia," Orban told the Swiss "Weltwoche." Orban visited Putin in Moscow on Friday, just a few days after meeting with Ukrainian President Zelenskyy in Kiev.

19:33 Report: EU has no evidence of misused foreign funds by Ukrainian agency

The European Union has no evidence that the Ukrainian Infrastructure Ministry misused foreign funds, EU representatives in Ukraine told "Kyiv Independent." The Ukrainian Finance Ministry accused the state agency for Reconstruction and Development of Infrastructure in the Ukrainian online newspaper "Economic Truth" on Friday of misusing Western funds. The ministry claimed that the EU delegation in Ukraine was unhappy that the agency had not used the 150 million euros provided by the European Commission.

You can read about previous developments here.

  1. The military operations in Ukraine have escalated with Russia accused of launching a large-scale cyberwar attack on the country's critical infrastructure.
  2. In a recent political move, NATO members are discussing increasing military aid to Ukraine, including the provision of air defense systems, in response to Russia's cyberattacks and continued military operations.
  3. Russian president Vladimir Putin has faced international criticism for his role in the Ukraine conflict, with allies like Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban expressing doubt about the intention of a Russian attack on NATO.
  4. In a powerful show of solidarity, President Volodymyr Selenskyy and Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk signed a security agreement, pledging to support Ukraine's NATO aspirations and strengthening its air defense capabilities.
  5. The conflict in Ukraine has drawn the attention of major world leaders, with Chinese President Xi Jinping calling for a ceasefire and negotiations between Russia and Ukraine, emphasizing the importance of creating conditions for direct dialogue between the two parties.
First explosions were heard and then smoke could be seen over the Ukrainian capital.

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