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16:28 Munz: "Putin has mostly resolved the nuclear weapons issue"

Real-time updates on the Ukraine conflict

Mario Czaja was Secretary General of the federal CDU for just one and a half years: from January...
Mario Czaja was Secretary General of the federal CDU for just one and a half years: from January 31, 2022 to July 12, 2023.

16:28 Munz: "Putin has mostly resolved the nuclear weapons issue"

While Russian forces keep striking Ukrainian power plants and infrastructure, Russia initiates an atomic weapons exercise together with Belarus. This is considered normal, claims ntv reporter Rainer Munz and asserts that the threat is no longer taken seriously by anyone.

16:01 Russia conducts exercises with high-precision long-range weapons in the AtlanticRussia's Defense Ministry announces exercises in the Atlantic. The nuclear-powered submarine "Kasan" and the frigate "Admiral Gorshkov" practiced the deployment of high-precision weapons. The exercises involved hitting targets from a distance of more than 600 kilometers, according to the statement.

15:38 Zelensky raises concerns about the growing influence of pro-Russian parties in EuropeUkrainian President Zelensky expresses worry about the rising popularity of pro-Russian populists in the recent elections in Europe. During the reconstruction conference in Berlin, he cautions Europeans: "Radical pro-Russian rhetoric poses a threat to your countries." In response to aggressive actions, he emphasizes, "it's crucial for people not to choose pro-Russian solutions." Pro-Russian skepticism about Ukraine's support also led to gains in the German election on Sunday - the AfD and the Wagenknecht party BSW.

15:15 AfD skips Zelensky's speech - and follows Putin's narrativeThe AfD faction in the German Bundestag criticizes the speech of Ukrainian President Zelensky in the general assembly. "We decline to listen to a disguised speaker," say the two AfD faction leaders Alice Weidel and Tino Chrupalla. "Zelensky's term is over. Now, Ukraine needs a negotiating peace president instead of a war president." The AfD faction leadership determined to boycott Zelensky's speech in the Bundestag. The decision was then supported by the faction assembly. However, four AfD parliamentarians attended Zelensky's speech in the Bundestag.

With their statement, Weidel and Chrupalla echoed Putin's narrative by claiming that Zelensky's term of office had ended. For more details on why this claim is false and what Putin aims to achieve with the misinformation campaign, please read here:

15:00 Zelensky appeals for courage in confronting Putin's Russia in his Bundestag speechUkrainian President Zelensky urges resolve in standing up against Putin's Russia in his Bundestag address. "Since Putin has switched to using murder instead of deals, the time for compromises is over," says Zelensky in his Bundestag speech. "Russia has left behind numerous graveyards." Putin is accustomed to dominating others. "Russia destroyed Grozny and Aleppo, divided Moldova, forced Belarus to submission," stated the Ukrainian president and also mentioned the murder attempts against Putin adversaries in Western Europe. "It's our common goal that Putin loses."

14:53 Zelensky praises Germany for its support of UkraineUkrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky thanks Germany for its support of the invaded nation. While addressing the Bundestag, he says that Ukraine is combating this war for the sake of all Europe.

14:44 Bas confirms German support for UkraineBundestag President Bas acknowledges Ukraine's rationale and provides backing to the attacked country. "The future of Ukraine lies in the EU and NATO," said Bas ahead of Zelensky's speech in the Bundestag.

14:33 Scholz reaffirms Germany's stance on providing training to Ukrainian soldiersChancellor Scholz vows that Germany will stick to its policy of not training Ukrainian soldiers in their own country. The German military will engage in training Ukrainian soldiers in Germany, he said in response to suggestions from French President Emmanuel Macron about using French experts to train soldiers in Ukraine.

14:17 Gressel: Russia's offensive on Kharkiv was unsuccessfulKiev claims Russia's incursion toward Kharkiv is a failure. Although the objective of penetrating the city itself remains uncertain, Ukraine delivers a blow to Russian territory, which is potentially humiliating for Moscow.

14:01 AfD encourages its MPs to boycott Zelensky's speech in the BundestagThe AfD parliamentary group advises its parliamentarians to boycott the speech of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in the Bundestag later this afternoon. Nevertheless, the final decision about participation rests with the individual parliamentarians. The Left Alliance (BSW) confirms that its MPs will boycott the speech.

13:48 Ukraine refugees are entitled to EU special regulationsThe European Union should continue to provide privilege for Ukrainian refugees.

Ukrainian refugees are expected to have a seamless stay in the European Union until March 2026, as proposed by the EU Commission. They're planning to extend the temporary protection granted to Ukrainian men and women within the EU, given the lack of conditions for a safe, lasting return to Ukraine at this time. The EU's statistics office, Eurostat, shows that there were 4.2 million Ukrainian refugees registered in its 27 member countries, with most of them -1.3 million- in Germany. Some countries have a higher per capita number of Ukrainian refugees, such as the Czech Republic, Lithuania, and Poland.

Meanwhile, Russia remains dedicated to strengthening ties with Iran, despite any potential delays. A spokesman from Brussels has confirmed that they're moving forward with their plans to establish a comprehensive bilateral cooperation agreement, debunking rumors that the project was temporarily suspended due to Iranian issues. The Iranian ambassador to Moscow, Kasem Jalali, also denied such claims. Russia has been expanding its relationship with Iran since the start of the Ukraine conflict, as per Western reports, and allegedly receives drones from Iran.

Germany has taken a step to aid Ukraine's financial reconstruction by signing a memorandum of understanding with its Ukrainian counterpart. The purpose of this agreement is to provide technical assistance and expertise to help Ukraine rebuild its economy. The Ukrainian Finance Ministry will be guided on strengthening its supervisory and control capabilities in post-reconstruction financing. German Finance Minister, Christian Lindner, said, "We want to contribute to the fact that Ukraine can already set the course for future growth with the reconstruction, which should lay the foundations for supporting private companies in Ukraine and promoting investments."

The EU Commission President, Ursula von der Leyen, advocates for EU accession talks with Ukraine beginning at the end of June. Ukraine has completed all agreed-upon reforms and is now recognized as an EU membership candidate. A December summit decided to start negotiations, although a specific date has not been determined yet. There are perceived roadblocks, like added demands from countries like Hungary.

According to Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal, Ukraine will require 10-30 billion dollars in annual investments over the next decade to reconstruct its economy. Key aspects to economic growth include enhanced logistics and access to foreign markets. He also shared that Ukraine's economy has grown by 4.4 percent in the first four months of the year.

NATO Secretary-General, Jens Stoltenberg, assures NATO's eastern members of their support in light of Russia's assault on Ukraine. "NATO has the forces, resources, capabilities, and political will to defend any ally," Stoltenberg said following a meeting with Latvian President, Edgars Rinkevics, in Riga. The Bucharest Nine Group (B9) is comprised of Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and the three Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. Stoltenberg is currently attending the B9 summit in preparation for the NATO summit in July in Washington.

Ursula von der Leyen vows to provide Ukraine with billions of euros in short-term aid from the European Union. In Berlin's reconstruction conference, she announced immediate financial assistance of 1.9 billion euros and plans to use 1.5 billion euros from the interest earnings on frozen Russian assets in July. Ukraine's request for assistance in the energy sector will also be addressed, as it's been adversely impacted by the Russian assault. The EU has set aside almost 500 million euros to help make immediate repairs in this sector. In addition, thousands of solar panels and 1,000 generators will be made available, aiming to decentralize the energy supply and increase the resilience of Ukraine's network. The first agreements worth 1.4 billion euros with partner banks to attract private investments in Ukraine will be signed in Berlin as well.

The Kremlin is defending the bombing of energy facilities in Ukraine, claiming they could supply military industries with power. "There is most definitely a connection between the power grid and military infrastructure in some cases," said Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov to Russian news agencies. Russia's war against Ukraine has been ongoing for more than two years, and it has been systematically and repeatedly attacking energy facilities throughout the country. As per Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, 80% of the capacity of thermal power plants and about a third of the hydroelectric power plants' capacity have been destroyed. Human rights organization Amnesty International has criticized these attacks on Ukraine's energy infrastructure as potential war crimes, as they deprive the population of heat, electricity, and clean water.

11:35 Possible Nuclear Strategy Adjustment

The Russian government is considering changing its nuclear strategy, according to its own statements. The Western stance pushes Russia to reevaluate its nuclear deterrence strategy, says Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov. The details of the potential change are unclear.

11:25 Patriot Air Defense Systems: Zelensky's Appeal

Ukraine requires at least seven Patriot air defense systems, according to President Volodymyr Zelensky, to safeguard their country against Russian assaults. "Air defense is the solution to everything," Zelensky says at the Ukraine reconstruction conference in Berlin. He expresses gratitude to Germany for providing three Patriot systems. Zelensky points out that Russia continuously attempts to strike at Ukraine. He discusses how 50% of Ukraine's power capacity has been destroyed due to Russian attacks. Earlier, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz urged further enhancing Ukraine's air defense against Russian attacks. (see entry 11:15 AM)

11:15 Scholz's Call for More Air Defense for Ukraine

Olaf Scholz has called for an increase in air defense for Ukraine during the international Ukraine reconstruction conference. The German chancellor requests allies' support for a German initiative related to this matter. "Because: The best reconstruction occurs when it doesn't have to take place at all," he states during the conference's opening speech. Scholz discusses offering Ukraine long-term state commitments for reconstruction, in addition to advocating for this at the G7 summit starting on Thursday. He asks private companies to participate in the reconstruction process. "Given the scale of what we're dealing with here, private capital must also be involved," says the chancellor. He highlights that hundreds of German companies are still operational in Ukraine, with 35,000 employees in the automotive sector alone. Despite the war, German investments and trade volume have increased compared to pre-war years. "This shows me how much potential Ukraine has."

10:59 Despair and Determination: The Need for Rebuilding in Isjum

The international Ukraine reconstruction conference is currently taking place in Berlin, with President Zelensky also in attendance. A look at the state of Isjum reveals the despair and determination of its people. They are looking for help from countries attending the Berlin reconstruction conference.

10:41 Baerbock Emphasizes the European Aspiration for Ukraine

Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock has underscored Ukraine's European perspective. "We make it clear at the reconstruction conference that we are not just resisting the ruthless Russian attack together, but paving the way for Ukraine to join our European Union," the Green politician says upon her arrival at the conference. Russian President Vladimir Putin hopes to destroy the very foundation of Ukraine with his brutal war of aggression, Baerbock criticizes. "So, we come together – not just in terms of defense and economic reconstruction, but also on Ukraine's path to the European Union," she states. The people in Ukraine need support for their infrastructure more than anything during the attack on their country, says the German foreign minister. The presence of politicians, mayors, companies, and organizations is crucial at the conference, ensuring that "Ukraine, once victorious in this war, can stand tall in a united Europe."

Before attending the reconstruction conference for Ukraine, President Volodymyr Selenskyj met with German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier in Berlin. Steinmeier will also be present at the conference and plans to attend Selenskyj's speech in the German parliament. No details were disclosed regarding the bilateral talks that took place. The presidents had previously met in May of the previous year at Schloss Bellevue. The relationship between them had been strained at the onset of the Ukraine conflict, as Steinmeier had been invited to Kiev with Polish and Baltic state leaders for a visit in April 2022. Steinmeier later visited Kiev alone. Since then, their relationship has improved.

10:29 Selenskyj's Berlin Visit Disrupts Public Transport

The reconstruction conference in Berlin has led to significant disruptions in the city's public transport. The S-Bahn train service between Friedrichstraße and Tiergarten has been suspended, affecting multiple lines. Regional trains are also not permitted to operate and have been diverted. The two-day reconstruction conference, organized by the German government, aims to provide Ukraine with a long-term development perspective. The conference kicked off at the City Cube congress center in the Charlottenburg district of Berlin, hosted by Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Selenskyj.

09:51 Russia and Belarus Begin Second Phase of Nuclear Exercise

Russia and Belarus have commenced the second phase of their tactical nuclear exercise. The Russian Defense Ministry stated that the exercise in Russia aims to ensure the readiness of its armed forces and equipment to protect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of both countries. It also involves the joint training of units from both sides to prepare for a non-strategic nuclear weapons deployment. Russian President Vladimir Putin had ordered the nuclear exercise last month in response to threats from France, Great Britain, and the United States in relation to the Ukraine conflict. These allies recently allowed Ukraine to use weapons supplied by them against military targets in Russia.

09:31 Sharma on "Race against Time": Ukraine's Expectations from the Reconstruction Conference

At the Ukraine reconstruction conference in Berlin, where approximately 2,000 attendees from 60 countries are expected, it's mostly about connecting relevant parties. NTV reporter Kavita Sharma discusses the goals of Ukrainians and Ukrainians and allegations made at an inconvenient time.

(Note: This is a translation of a German news article. The original German text can be found at

09:05 Hofreiter Urges Improved Air Defense for Ukraine

Chairman of the European Affairs Committee in the German Parliament, Anton Hofreiter, is advocating for better air defense for Ukraine during the Ukraine reconstruction conference. "A fundamental prerequisite for the reconstruction in Ukraine is a comprehensive air defense. Only then can the Ukrainian energy infrastructure be protected, which was severely damaged by Russian air attacks," Hofreiter told the Rheinische Post. "Furthermore, large-scale private sector investments will only be made extensively if Russian air attacks can be reliably repelled. As a result, there is an urgent need for a European initiative in air defense." FDP defense expert Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann also urges the German government to provide additional comprehensive weapon supplies. "I assume that the Federal Chancellor will provide concrete, quick German support to President Zelensky. She will also openly support his wishes," she said. Union deputy faction leader Johann Wadephul also calls on the German government to provide more support to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky during his visit to Berlin and to deliver Taurus missiles to Ukraine.

08:27 Ex-CDU General Secretary Czaja: German Government Could Extend War in Ukraine

Due to the lack of East German representation in the CDU leadership, lesser-heard opinions, such as those on Russia and weapon deliveries to Ukraine, are not as widely heard in the party. Former CDU General Secretary Mario Czaja shared his thoughts on the matter with the Tagesspiegel. "I believe that East Germans bring different experiences in dealing with Russia than Western Germans," he said. In his view, the current approval of the German government to attack targets in Russia with Western weapons could potentially extend the war in Ukraine. "This will be met with great criticism and concern by many people in East Germany," Czaja noted. "I can't imagine German attack weapons landing in front of the gates of Moscow and harming civilians there."

The objective should be for Russian President Vladimir Putin, who initiated this brutal war of aggression, to rejoin the negotiation table mentioned Czaja. One must proceed with caution, though. The conflict should not escalate further, resulting in more innocent lives lost. Czaja and Michael Kretschmer's stance on not giving Taurus missiles to Ukraine is a minority standpoint within the CDU and isn't voiced as often as it should be, according to Czaja.

08:08 Former US Secretary of State Pompeo advocates for additional European assistance to Ukraine

The former American Secretary of State and CIA Director Mike Pompeo is urging more European support for Ukraine, primarily in the form of significant investments from the private sector. He analogizes this process with the post-World War II rebuilding of Germany and asserts that the same approach should be employed in Ukraine. As Ukraine enters its third year in war, "America and Europe must resurrect this old method," writes Pompeo in a guest post for the Tagesspiegel, "their task is to rebuild and bolster Ukraine with extensive foreign direct investments." Ukraine requires a healthy domestic infrastructure and economy to return from this conflict. To achieve this, the country needs an investment environment that is inviting for more private investors to participate in the reconstruction. "If this fails, Putin has succeeded in the annihilation of Ukraine — even if he is unable to capture Kiev," explains the former US Secretary of State.

07:51 Ukrainian military reports 520,850 Russian casualties since military operation began

Since the start of Russia's aggression against Ukraine, there have been 520,850 Russian casualties, according to the General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces on their recent Facebook update. This number includes 1,100 victims inflicted in recent days. The report also details the Russian losses since February 24, 2022: 7,902 tanks, 15,176 armored combat vehicles, 18,676 vehicles and fuel tanks, 13,690 artillery systems, 1,099 multiple rocket launchers, 842 air defense systems, 359 aircraft, 326 helicopters, and 11,023 drones. In addition, the report discloses the losses of 28 ships and boats, a submarine, and one subsonic cruise missile.

07:36 Kyiv School of Economics estimates damage to energy infrastructure at 52 billion euros

Following the Russian air raids on the Ukrainian energy infrastructure, the Kyiv School of Economics (KSE) estimates that the total damages amount to 56.2 billion dollars ($52 billion euros) in a new study published on Monday. This includes the financial losses incurred by energy companies due to the lost revenue. To rebuild and restore the damaged infrastructure, about 50.5 billion dollars is required. According to the Kyiv study, the direct losses incurred from the destruction of energy infrastructure are valued at 16.1 billion dollars, and the missed earnings for energy companies are estimated to be around 40 billion dollars. Especially affected were electricity power plants, power lines, and facilities belonging to the oil and gas sector.

07:18 Union Vice-President calls for Taurus missiles for Kiev once again

With Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky's visit to Berlin, Union Vice-President Johann Wadephul renews the demand for the delivery of Taurus missiles to Kiev. "I hope that President Zelensky does not have to deliver another heart-wrenching plea in the German Parliament and then return empty-handed," Wadephul comments to the Rheinische Post. It is "essential" to provide Ukraine with not only long-range weapons but "especially the Taurus," argues the CDU politician. Zelensky arrived in Berlin on Monday evening (see entry 23:46 pm), participating in a two-day Ukraine reconstruction conference (see entries 06:10 and 06:37 am). Wadephul emphasizes the need for Ukraine to receive "any support possible" at a critical juncture of the conflict against Russia. Germany has not been forthcoming with full support as yet, according to the deputy parliamentary leader of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group. Failing to provide this assistance would be "deadly" for the course of the war's progression and, consequently, for the future of European security.

06:52 Russian bomber crashes in the Caucasus: Crew dead

One of the Russian SU-34 bombers crashed during a training flight in the Caucasus, according to government statements. The crew is reported to have passed away, according to Russian news agencies from the Defense Ministry. The incident occurred in the Russian Republic of North Ossetia-Alania. The specific number of people on board is unknown. This incident is likely to have stemmed from a technical problem.

CDU foreign policy politician Jürgen Hardt lauds the international Ukraine reconstruction conference as a "notable symbol of political and economic solidarity." The event, starting in the morning, is viewed as an "encouraging message" for the Ukrainian people by the CDU/CSU parliamentary group's foreign policy spokesperson for the German Press Agency (see entry 06:10 am). "This gathering demonstrates that the free world has the power and desire to transform Ukraine into a modern and free nation. The potential of Ukraine is vast," comments Hardt. The path for Ukraine to join NATO and the EU will be bolstered by the conference. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz is set to open the conference with a speech at 10:00 am. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is also slated to attend (see also entry 23:46 pm).

06:10 Schulze anticipates reconstruction conference: Unwavering alliance for Ukraine

Germany's Development Minister Svenja Schulze expects the two-day Ukraine reconstruction conference, taking place in Berlin from today, to convey a powerful sense of unification. "For the next two days, people from across the globe will gather in Berlin, not just hoping for a better future for Ukraine, but actively working towards it. This conference underscores the strong partnership behind Ukraine: 60 countries, numerous businesses, municipalities, and civil society representatives," says Schulze to the German Press Agency before the meeting. Russia, whose forces have illegally attacked Ukraine, receives "our unwavering support." She continues, "Ukraine is safeguarding our security and freedom as well." It's essential to tackle reconstruction efforts even amid a war. Schulze says, "Ukraine can't afford to wait until the war is over. Citizens require housing, electricity, water, and hospitals right now." The nation needs non-military support to cope with the war. "It needs doctors, electricians, and craftsmen as much as military assets," Schulze states. Around 2,000 attendees from politics, business, and international organizations are anticipated at the conference until Wednesday. This isn't a funding appeal for reconstruction, but rather a platform for coordinating relevant actors.

05:24 Report: US rescinds arms ban on Azov Regiment

The US government has apparently revoked the ten-year training and armament ban on the Ukrainian Azov Brigade, according to the Washington Post. Quoting a statement from the US State Department, the WashPost reports, "After a thorough review, the 12th Special Unit of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the Azov Brigade, has met the Leahy Amendment criteria from the US State Department." This Leahy Law prohibits providing military assistance to foreign units allegedly engaging in human rights violations. The Azov Regiment is known for far-right and ultranationalist origins and has been part of the Ukrainian National Guard since 2014. It originated from a battalion that fought against the Russia-backed separatists who proclaimed independence in eastern Ukraine.

02:34 Russian destroyer "Admiral Levchenko" ablaze in Barents Sea

A Russian destroyer, the "Admiral Levchenko," is reportedly on fire in the Barents Sea. Ukraine's Naval spokesperson adds that the information is still unverified. Dmytro Pletenchuk, on Facebook, describes the ship as "fighting for survival." It's presumed an overheated engine sparked the fire. The "Admiral Levchenko" was commissioned in 1988 into the Soviet Navy. Rheinmetall-built engines in Mykolajiw, Ukraine, necessitate upkeep in that country alone. Pletenchuk quips, "This is what happens when the Russian state is sanctioned by Ukraine."

00:37 Rheinmetall, Ukraine, inaugurate tank repair facility

German arms manufacturer Rheinmetall and Ukraine have launched their first co-operative tank repair workshop and production site. Per the Ukrainian Ministry of Strategic Industries, they'll service and maintain the infantry combat vehicle Marder. The first joint service center will facilitate prompt repair and maintenance of German equipment in Ukraine, according to the Ukrainian Defense Ministry in Kiev. This will substantially enhance the efficiency of the Ukrainian military. In the shared production facility, Ukrainian technicians will work while Rheinmetall oversees technical aspects.

23:46 Zelensky lands in Berlin

The Ukrainian president, Zelensky, has arrived in Berlin. Via evening updates, Zelensky has publicized his arrival in the German capital for the reconstruction conference for his country. "Talks with Chancellor Scholz will cover further defense aid, the expansion of the Ukrainian air defense system, and joint arms manufacturing," said Zelensky. On Tuesday, he'll address the German parliament.

The Russian Foreign Ministry has withdrawn the accreditation of an Austrian journalist and urges her to leave. This decision was prompted by the withdrawal of the permanent accreditation of a Russian correspondent for Tass in Austria, which occurred on April 30th, according to the ministry in Moscow. The Austrian government has yet to explain why they took this biased action.

At 21:44, Poland announced its plans to establish a buffer zone near its border with Belarus. Prime Minister Donald Tusk's cabinet instructed the Interior Ministry to issue a decree for this at a meeting in Bialystok, Eastern Poland. The buffer zone will stretch 200 meters deep in certain areas, while spanning up to two kilometers in others, covering Poland's 400-kilometer-long border with Belarus. This move aims to prevent the illegal smuggling of migrants across the border and improve working conditions for border guards, the army, and the police. Poland and the EU accuse Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenko of arranging the illegal transport of migrants to the EU's external border to exert pressure on the West.

The German Industry and Commerce Chamber (DIHK) is urging the expansion of certain security measures to promote Ukraine's reconstruction. DIHK's Managing Director, Martin Wansleben, stresses the importance of retaining German foreign trade promotion tools for Ukraine amidst the ongoing conflict. He believes that extending the German investment guarantee practice would help mitigate high risk assessments and facilitate financing. DIHK also emphasizes that German companies need to be aware of other international investment, export, and insurance solutions. In 2022 and 2023, investment guarantees were provided for over 40 projects.

21:14: 32 Ukrainian men cross border in a truck to reach Hungary

Ukrainian authorities report that 32 Ukrainian citizens, all men between the ages of 18 and 60 (except for certain exemptions), crossed the border to Hungary in a truck. "The neighboring side discovered a vehicle and arrested these 32 Ukrainian citizens," says Andrij Demtschenko, a spokesperson for the Ukrainian border guard, as per news portal Ukrajinska Prawda. Normally, exit is only permitted for men within this age bracket. Many attempt to illegally cross the border into neighboring EU countries and Moldova. Bodies of escaped men have repeatedly been found in the Tisza (Theiss) River and the Carpathians.

20:41: Germany and the EU boost funding for Ukraine support project

At the upcoming international reconstruction conference in Berlin, Germany and the EU plan to increase their financial support for a project sponsored by the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) to aid Ukraine. Germany plans to raise its contribution from the previous €27 million to €39 million, and the EU Commission will increase its support from €38 million to €54 million, according to a spokesperson at the German Foreign Office. This initiative falls under the Stabilization Platform of the Foreign Office, aiming to provide direct assistance to strengthen state and civil society actors in regions impacted by the war.

Mario Czaja was Secretary General of the federal CDU for just one and a half years: from January 31, 2022 to July 12, 2023.

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