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150,000 onlookers at Kiel windjammer parade

Around 150,000 onlookers watched the traditional windjammer parade on the fjord on Saturday. The naval sail training ship "Gorch Fock" led the parade with numerous guests on board.

The traditional Kieler Woche windjammer parade has begun.
The traditional Kieler Woche windjammer parade has begun.

Fixed - 150,000 onlookers at Kiel windjammer parade

Under brilliant sunshine and favorable winds, the traditional Windjammer parade of the Kiel Week began on Saturday. The parade was led by the Marine Sailing School Ship "Gorch Fock". It sailed with 71 guests on board - among them were Inspector of the Navy Vice Admiral Jan Christian Kaack, Schleswig-Holstein's State Parliament President Kristina Herbst (CDU), and Kiel's Mayor Ulf Kämpfer (SPD).

"The 'Gorch Fock' is part of my earliest childhood memories, and for me, the 'Gorch Fock' is simply part of the Kiel Week," said Vice Admiral Kaack. His claim is that whenever the Marine Sailing School Ship is available, it should also participate in the parade. For Kaack, sailing will never be routine: Something unexpected can always happen.

According to the city of Kiel, approximately 150,000 spectators followed the show on the Kiel Inner Harbor and from boats and ships. Over 120 ships took part in the parade - among them were also around 60 traditional sailing ships. Besides the leading Marine Sailing School Ship "Gorch Fock", there were also the German Bark "Alexander von Humboldt II", the "Roald Amundsen", the "Thor Heyerdahl", and the "Gulden Leeuw".

For Kiel Harbor Captain Michael Schmidt, this was the last Windjammer parade for him as captain. "The Windjammer sailing parade is always one of the highlights of the Kiel Week. For me, in this year, with a smiling and a crying eye – I will surely not be the last time I have attended the Windjammer sailing parade on the Fjord," he emphasized before the parade.

  1. Jan Christian Kaack, with fond memories, stated that the 'Gorch Fock' is integral to the Kiel Week.
  2. Sailing on the 'Gorch Fock', Vice Admiral Kaack shared that sailing never becomes routine due to the unpredictable nature of the weather.
  3. Among the 71 guests on the 'Gorch Fock' during the parade, Kristina Herbst (CDU) and Ulf Kämpfer (SPD) from the SPD were present.
  4. With a crowd of approximately 150,000 onlookers, the Kiel Inner Harbor was filled with spectators keen to witness the Windjammer parade.
  5. As a fixed tradition, the Kiel Week included a parade with over 120 ships participating, including around 60 traditional sailing vessels.
  6. Schleswig-Holstein's State Parliament President Kristina Herbst observed the parade, highlighting the importance of leisure time activities like sailing.
  7. In his final Windjammer parade as captain, Michael Schmidt expressed his gratitude to attend the parade and shared his emotions for his time at Kiel Harbor.
  8. Sailing along with the 'Gorch Fock' and other sailing ships like the 'Alexander von Humboldt II' and 'Thor Heyerdahl', Ulf Kämpfer enjoyed the vibrant Windjammer parade events.
  9. Serving as the guest of honor in the Windjammer parade, Gorch Fock symbolized a memorable sailing experience for the participants and spectators alike.

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