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14:13 The polling station isn't holding onto Hook for an extended period.

Kretschmer and spouse Annett Hofmann casting their ballots in Dresden
Kretschmer and spouse Annett Hofmann casting their ballots in Dresden

14:13 The polling station isn't holding onto Hook for an extended period.

At the Thuringian state election, the leading candidate of the AfD, Björn Höcke, cast his vote around midday. He didn't spend much time in the Bornhagen polling station and declined to speak with journalists present. Previously, he consistently lost to the CDU candidate in his constituency of Eichsfeld, leading him to shift his allegiance to Greiz. Regrettably, he also faced defeat there against the CDU.

13:50 Thuringian Voter Turnout Almost Equal to 2019 LevelsIn Thuringia, voter turnout approximate to that of the previous parliamentary election is anticipated. According to the state election commissioner, around 32% of eligible voters had cast their ballots at polling stations by 12 pm, with mail-in ballots not considered. In 2019, voter turnout was 31.2% at this same time. There seems to be a higher interest in the state election compared to the European and regional elections earlier this year, with voter turnout in June reaching 24.3%.

13:29 High Voter Turnout Envisioned in SaxonyIn Saxony, a high voter turnout is expected for the state election. By midday, 25.8% of eligible voters had cast their ballots, as reported by the Statistical State Office in Kamenz. At the same time during the previous state election in 2019, the figure was 26.2%. Mail-in ballots have yet to be included in the preliminary figures. It is estimated that 24.6% of eligible voters will exercise their right to vote by mail, compared to 16.9% in 2019. So far, the elections have proceeded without interruptions, with no issues reported.

13:11 Election Outcome Could Weaken Berlin CoalitionThe outcomes of the state elections in Saxony and Thuringia are still uncertain. Political scientist Albrecht von Lucke notes in an ntv interview that if the SPD fails to secure a seat in the state parliament, it would be "almost an earthquake." He discusses the election and its potential consequences.

12:44 Police Investigate Threat in Polling StationPolice in Gera are investigating threats at a polling station. A man wearing an AfD T-shirt entered the polling station to cast his vote in the morning, according to a police spokesperson. The polling station manager then requested that the man remove his shirt, since party advertising was prohibited within the polling station. Although the man obliged, he threatened to return, displeased with how he was treated upon leaving the polling station area. Police subsequently filed a report and reprimanded the man. Additionally, police in Erfurt are investigating political graffiti ("Höcke is a Nazi") near polling stations as vandalism.

12:15 Correctiv Warns Against Circulating False InformationThe research network Correctiv cautions against the recurring false claim that signatures on ballot papers provide protection against vote manipulation. In reality, according to the Federal Returning Officer's office, "the ballot paper must not be signed. Signing the ballot paper by the voter could potentially undermine the secret ballot, rendering the entire ballot paper invalid."

11:51 Voigt Expresses Hope for "Stable Majority Relations"Thuringia's leading CDU candidate, Mario Voigt, has now cast his vote. He expressed gratitude to many individuals who "voted differently in the past" but have now decided to support the "strong force in the bourgeois center," namely the Saxon Union. "This understanding will enable us to form a government that serves this land," Voigt continued. In recent polls, the CDU and the AfD are in a tight race.

11:25 Sonneberg Experiences a Significant Increase in Right-Wing Extremist AttacksSonneberg is the first district in Germany to be governed by an AfD politician. However, activists have since reported receiving multiple threats, leading many to resign from their positions. There has also reportedly been a fivefold increase in right-wing extremist attacks in the area within the past year. Experts attribute this development to the AfD district administrator.

10:57 Kretschmer Speaks at the Ballot BoxSaxony's Minister-President Michael Kretschmer describes the state's parliamentary election as "likely the most significant election in 34 years." While voting in Dresden, he expressed gratitude to many individuals who "voted differently in the past" but have now chosen the "strong force in the bourgeois center," namely the Saxon Union. "This understanding will enable us to form a government that serves this land," Kretschmer continued. In recent polls, his CDU is engaged in a nail-biting race with the AfD.

10:30 Ramelow: Wagenknecht "is not on the ballot"For Thuringia's Minister-President Bodo Ramelow, election day is "a festival of democracy" - regardless of the risk that he may not be re-elected. In an ntv interview, the Left Party politician explains why he does not recommend a minority government and why he harbors doubts concerning the competence of the BSW.

09:59 Historian Upset over Election DateHistorian Peter Oliver Loew criticizes the election date for the state elections in Saxony and Thuringia, which falls on the 85th anniversary of the German invasion of Poland in 1939. "Whoever thought it was an acceptable idea to hold elections on September 1st displays a lack of historical awareness," Loew remarked to the Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland (RND). With regards to the AfD, which is classified as "securely right-wing extremist" by the domestic intelligence service in both states, Loew stated: "This can result in unfortunate associations, especially if a party wins in Dresden and Erfurt whose relationship to the Nazi era is anything but clear."

09:30 "Pivotal vote": All data on the Saxony state voteApproximately 3.3 million eligible voters in Saxony have the chance today to decide who will steer the political direction of the Dresden state parliament in the future. The CDU might lose its position as the most powerful force in the state for the first time since 1990. Saxony's Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer labels it a "pivotal vote." "Everything is on the line here."

09:05 Kretschmer accuses the traffic light coalition of "chaotic pre-election rush"It's election day in Saxony, and the question is: Will Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer extend the CDU's winning streak in the state? In an interview with ntv, he shares his views on the refugee debate, the traffic light government, and the Ukraine war.

08:24 Could the AfD threaten democracy?

Surveys suggest: The AfD is likely to significantly boost its influence in the upcoming elections in Saxony and Thuringia. This is a potential threat to democratic institutions, as emphasized by a research group. For the rule of law is not as solid as many assume.

08:00 Polling stations open in Thuringia and Saxony

Today, new state parliaments are being elected in Thuringia and Saxony. In the polls, the AfD is clearly in the lead in Thuringia. In Saxony, the CDU of incumbent Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer and the AfD are neck and neck. First projections are expected with the closing of polling stations at 6 pm. The elections in the two eastern German states are also a gauge for the traffic light coalition in Berlin.

For the current Thuringian coalition government led by Minister President Bodo Ramelow (Left), there is no majority in the polls. A post-election scenario could be a government composed of CDU, Sahra Wagenknecht's (BSW) alliance, and SPD. In Saxony, it remains uncertain whether the current coalition of CDU, SPD, and Greens still retains a majority. Kretschmer does not rule out an alliance with the BSW. The Left party is at risk of being eliminated from the parliament in Saxony. The same fate could befall the Greens and FDP in Thuringia.

12:15 In response to the ongoing elections, Correctiv, a research network, cautions against the spreading of false information, specifically concerning the belief that signing ballot papers provides protection against vote manipulation.

12:44 During the voter registration process, a man wearing an AfD T-shirt caused a commotion in a polling station by refusing to remove party advertising, leading to threats and a police report being filed.

Kretschmer and spouse Annett Hofmann casting their ballots in Dresden

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