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12 questions you could ask yourself at Christmas

The Christmas season brings us together with our loved ones - and gives us the opportunity to get to know ourselves better. At least if we ask ourselves the right questions.

Many people become particularly thoughtful at Christmas
Many people become particularly thoughtful at Christmas

Self-reflection - 12 questions you could ask yourself at Christmas

"I wish you a peaceful Christmas season." These days, we hear this or similar phrases all too often - and say them ourselves to colleagues, friends and acquaintances. However, for most of us, the Christmas season doesn't end up being a reflective one, at least not exclusively. We have the last deadlines of the year ahead of us, we have to get presents and prepare for the important holidays. As a result, the contemplation that we want so much for ourselves and others at the end of the year often falls by the wayside.

Yet Christmas offers the perfect opportunity to reflect on ourselves. After all, family celebrations have a way of reminding us of old patterns when we visit our parents' house, when we are confronted with problematic relationships, when we all sit around the table for a festive meal, or when the urgent desire for distance and peace is made so clear to us that we should no longer look away.

A little contemplation, please

So what if we simply took a few minutes at Christmas - in addition to spending time with our families - to allow ourselves to reflect? A little silence, a little time to be with yourself and reflect on the year that lies behind you. About the holidays that lie ahead and all the things you really want. It could sometimes be a real enrichment, a gift from us to ourselves.

However, because self-reflection is not child's play and many of us find it difficult, we would like to give you - also as a small Christmas present - 15 questions that you can ask yourself at Christmas to help you get a little closer to yourself. Feel free to use them as inspiration for your own variations, pick out what interests you and, above all, have a wonderful Christmas.

Twelve questions for self-reflection at Christmas

  1. How am I really feeling?
  2. Which people would I most like to be with at the moment?
  3. Why do I spend Christmas the way I do?
  4. How can I organize Christmas so that it gives me something?
  5. What has enriched my life this year?
  6. What have I let go of this year?
  7. What do I really want from the bottom of my heart for Christmas?
  8. What could I do for myself?
  9. What gives me hope in life?
  10. What experience would I like to relive?
  11. What am I most looking forward to next year?
  12. How can I incorporate contemplation into my everyday life?

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During this busy Christmas time, it's easy to ignore the opportunity for self-reflection. Despite the last-minute deadlines and gift-shopping, the holiday season can serve as a reminder of our past patterns and relationships. Therefore, taking a few moments for silent reflection at Christmas could be a valuable gift to ourselves, helping us to better understand our feelings, desires, and future goals.

After self-reflection, we might want to explore ways to incorporate contemplation into our daily lives, ensuring that the introspection doesn't end with the Christmas season.




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