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10 metric tons fruits salad - Orchard sets world record

The Berlin Fruit Court, a wholesale market for fruit, celebrates its 75-year anniversary in September. For the jubilee festival, a world record attempt is planned.

Fruchthof-Chief Nils Doerwald (l.) and market operator Nikolaus Fink plan a world record attempt.
Fruchthof-Chief Nils Doerwald (l.) and market operator Nikolaus Fink plan a world record attempt.

Largest fruit salad in the world - 10 metric tons fruits salad - Orchard sets world record

For the celebration of the 75-year anniversary of the Berlin Fruit Hub, the wholesale trade for fruits and vegetables plans a world record attempt: A nearly eleven tonne heavy fruit salad should be prepared on the day of the festivities in September by volunteers. Fruit Hub CEO Nils Doerwald announced this. Approximately 18 tonnes of fruit are required for this. The salad should be donated to the Berlin Table afterwards. This is an official record attempt, it was stated. It has been registered with the Guinness World Records in London. A notary will check the result on site.

The current record, according to Doerwald, is 10,320 kilograms and is supposed to be surpassed by roughly 400 kilograms. However, for implementation, it seems that companies from the food industry are still needed, which can process the large quantities of salad afterwards. The Berlin Table cannot use the eleven tonnes suddenly, as of yet only the company Florida Ice has committed. The spokeswoman is currently checking whether the fruits can be used for the company's own ice production, she said.

The Fruit Hub Berlin was founded in September 1949 and has since supplied restaurants, weekly markets, caterers and supermarkets in the capital region with fruit and vegetables as an import wholesale market. In 1965, the market moved from Mariendorf to Moabit and has been a tenant of the state-owned Berlin Market Society (BGM) there ever since. On the premises, in addition to the Fruit Hub, there is also a meat and a flower wholesale trade as well as the Berlin Table.

  1. The world record attempt for the largest fruit salad will take place in Berlin, at the Fruit Hub's anniversary celebration.
  2. To surpass the current world record of 10,320 kilograms, the company needs support from other food industry companies for processing the salad.
  3. The nearly eleven tonne heavy fruit salad will be prepared by volunteers and donated to the Berlin Table after the festivities.
  4. Miscellaneous foods, such as obstsalad, will likely be included in the world record attempt fruit salad.
  5. Despite the need for additional companies for processing, only one company, Florida Ice, has committed to handling the excess fruit from the world record attempt.

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