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10:44 Russia: Four firefighters injured in the Donetsk region

Ukraine war in the live ticker

Parked cars were also hit and set on fire.
Parked cars were also hit and set on fire.

10:44 Russia: Four firefighters injured in the Donetsk region

In the region of Donetsk in eastern Ukraine, claimed by Russia, four firefighters were injured in Ukrainian attacks, according to Russian emergency ministry statements. They had extinguished a fire caused by a Ukrainian attack in the Petrovski district and were then hit by new shelling.

10:08 Russia: Ukrainian Forces Repelled from Cherson's Left BankThe fighting in the Cherson region is currently taking place on the islands, as Ukrainian troops have been driven back from the left bank of the Dnipro, according to Cherson Governor Vladymyr Saldo, speaking to the Russian news agency TASS. "The fighting has shifted to the islands, and the Russian army has intensified its activities," he says. The islands and the Dnipro river in the Cherson region form a natural frontline.

09:43 Ukraine: One Dead, Two Injured in Russian Attack on ChersonA man was reportedly killed and two people were injured in a Russian attack on the Ukrainian region of Cherson. This was announced by Cherson Governor Oleksandr Prokudin on Telegram. A 67-year-old man in Odradokamyanka was allegedly killed by a drone attack. A 76-year-old woman in Kozatske was injured by artillery fire and was taken to the hospital with serious injuries. In addition, a 63-year-old woman in Komysany was reportedly injured by Russian troops who fired on a farm. There were no injuries reported in a drone attack on a residential building in Mykhailivka, but the damage is currently being assessed.

09:08 Former NATO Chief: "Putin's Plan A Has Failed"The former NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen believes that the Russian war against Ukraine will last for the rest of 2024 at the very least. "Putin's Plan A, which was to conquer all of Ukraine in a few days, has failed," Rasmussen told in an interview. "His Plan B is now a frozen conflict and the Russian occupation of eastern Ukraine, in the hope that the West will weaken and give in." The presidential elections in the United States on November 5 are particularly significant for Putin in terms of potential changes that could benefit him.

08:40 Russia: 36 Ukrainian Drones Shot DownRussia claims to have shot down 36 Ukrainian drones in various regions throughout the country. Fifteen drones were intercepted over the border region of Kursk, nine over the region of Lipezk several hundred kilometers south of Moscow, and four each over the regions of Voronezh and Bryansk, according to the Russian Defense Ministry in Moscow. The governors of Lipezk and Bryansk reported on Telegram that there were no casualties or major damage.

07:55 Swedish Defense Minister: Russia intends to split EU and NATO
Russia has an interest in politically splitting both the EU and NATO. This is what the Swedish Defense Minister, Pal Jonson, stated in an interview with the "Bild" newspaper. "I believe that those in the Kremlin and with Putin himself are aware that they would lose this war. But I believe that Russia is very interested in politically dividing us, both within the EU and in NATO", says Jonson. To maintain peace, it is best to make NATO strong and focus on deterrence and defense. According to Jonson, this means investing more in European security, especially in military forces. Sweden, under the impression of Russia's attack on Ukraine, gave up its neutrality. In March 2024, Sweden became the 32nd NATO member.

07:24 Zelenskyy: Death toll may rise after Russian attack on Velyka Nova Basanova
After a Russian attack on the Ukrainian town of Velyka Nova Basanova in the region of Zaporizhzhia, the death toll may still rise. According to official reports, at least seven people have been killed, including children. Thirty-one people were injured in the rocket attack, reports the Civil Defense. "Unfortunately, the number of casualties may still increase," writes Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on the platform X.

06:55 Ukraine: Russian troops bombard Derhachy with fighter bombs
Russian troops have attacked the city of Derhachy in the Kharkiv region. This was announced by the head of the Derhachy Military Administration, Vyacheslav Zadorenko, on Telegram. According to Zadorenko, three people were injured. This is the most massive attack on Derhachy since 2022, during which four fighter bombs were dropped. Two men aged 68 and 75 and a 71-year-old woman were taken to the hospital. According to Zadorenko, the shelling damaged several buildings, including at least 25 residential buildings, agricultural buildings, a car cooperative, cars, and a civilian company, and partially destroyed power lines.

06:20 Arms exports have increased again: Germany exports weapons for 7.5 billion Euros
After a record year for arms exports in the previous year, arms export authorizations have significantly increased in the first half of 2024 due to further increasing arms deliveries to Ukraine. According to the Federal Government's response to a parliamentary question by Bundestag member Sevim Dağdelen from the Left Party (Die Linke), the Federal Government authorized the export of military goods for at least 7.48 billion Euros abroad from January 1 to June 18. This represents an increase of approximately 30% compared to the entire first half of 2023. Almost two-thirds of the exports (65% or 4.88 billion Euros) were destined for Ukraine.

05:41 In Wilnjansk, Ukraine: Moscow reportedly targeted a military objectiveAccording to the Russian Defense Ministry, the Russian shelling of the Ukrainian city of Wilnjansk in the Saporischja region resulted in at least seven deaths. Interfax news agency reported from the Russian ministry's statement that a railway station with ballistic Iskander-Raketen was attacked. A military train carrying military cargo was hit, according to the Russian military leadership. Photos and videos show that residential buildings and parked cars in the city center were hit.

04:53 Kyiv's Mine-Clearing Corps: 30,000 square kilometers have been clearedSpecialists from the Ukrainian Defense Ministry have cleared 30,000 square kilometers of Ukraine of mines in the past two years - an area comparable to the size of Belgium or Moldova. The Kyiv Independent reports with reference to Colonel Ruslan Berehulia, head of the department for environmental safety and mine clearance. Since the Russian invasion in February 2022, approximately 174,000 square kilometers of Ukrainian soil have been contaminated with explosives. The Ukraine founded the Mine-Clearing Corps in April 2022. Units of the Defense Ministry and the Ukrainian Armed Forces joined by 2024. These units with 5000 specialists are currently active in the regions of Mykolajiw, Cherson and Charkiw.

03:53 IFO Survey: Nearly half of personnel managers use "Jobturbo"According to a survey by the Munich IFO Institute among 627 personnel managers in Germany, 48% find the "Job-Turbo" and the Skilled Workers Immigration Act unhelpful for businesses. The initiative aims to integrate Ukrainian refugees more quickly into the labor market. Other respondents recognize positive effects: Nearly every fourth company reports that the new regulations have made more skilled workers available. In addition, respondents mention the benefit of mandatory language courses before job placement with fewer language barriers. Every 18% of personnel managers praise shorter hiring procedures and simpler recognition of diplomas. The respondents were allowed multiple answers. Nearly half of them find that the bureaucracy in hiring foreign labor is still too high, but 17% also observe a bureaucracy reduction.

02:37 Governor: Russian region of Kursk under fire all dayAccording to the local governor, the Ukrainian forces have continued to shell the Russian border region of Kursk all day. Governor Alexei Smirnov writes on Telegram that Ukrainian troops have repeatedly shelled eight border villages. Two people were injured. A video Smirnov posted on his Telegram channel shows a destroyed house and debris. Earlier, Smirnov reported the death of five people from a Ukrainian drone attack early on Saturday morning.

01:29 "Putin loves Farage": Activists mock Farage
The British campaign group Led by Donkeys pranked the leader of the right-wing Reform UK party, Nigel Farage, during a campaign appearance. After Farage recently claimed that the West, not Russian President Vladimir Putin, had provoked the war in Ukraine, activists dropped a banner with Putin's image behind him. Farage was not pleased, the activists write laconically.

00:32 Emergency services working through the rubble in Velyka Nova Hrebenka
Emergency services are clearing the rubble of a Russian attack on the city of Velyka Nova Hrebenka in the Zaporizhzhia region. After completing search and rescue operations, it was determined that seven people had been killed, including two children, and 31 people had been injured, including eight children. "The fire was extinguished simultaneously at two locations: in a two-story building and near parked cars on a 300 square meter area, as well as in two one-story buildings on a 150 square meter area. The search and rescue operations are complete," the Ukrainian state emergency service reports.

21:24 Seehofer: No asylum for young Ukrainian men
Approximately 1.2 million Ukrainians have found refuge in Germany from the war in their homeland. CSU state group leader Alexander Dobrindt recently called for Ukrainians to be deported if they didn't work. "The proposal can be misunderstood," says CSU honorary chairman Horst Seehofer to the Augsburger Allgemeine. Mothers and children from the war-torn land found it difficult to work; be it due to language barriers or a lack of childcare. "It belongs to a humane state to provide protection." Young men who evaded military service in Germany, however, should not be granted asylum, he thinks.

20:51 Man lights grenade in Luzk city center
A resident of the city of Chmelnytskyi lights a grenade in the city center of Luzk and is arrested. There are no injuries reported. This was reported by the Ukrainian Security Service SBU. The motive of the 23-year-old is still unclear.

You can read about earlier developments here.

  1. The conflict in Ukraine, specifically in the region of Donetsk, has resulted in Ukrainian attacks on areas claimed by Russia, leading to injuries among firefighters.
  2. Former NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen believes that Putin's initial plan in the Ukraine conflict has failed and the war will continue at least until 2024.
  3. Russia claims to have shot down 36 Ukrainian drones in various regions of the country, in response to ongoing military operations.
  4. Volodymyr Selenskyy, the President of Ukraine, expresses concern about the potential rise in casualties after a Russian attack on Velyka Nova Basanova.
  5. The Swedish Defense Minister, Pal Jonson, believes that Russia is aiming to politically divide the EU and NATO as a result of the Ukraine conflict.
Parked cars were also hit and set on fire.

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