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09:51 Russia and Belarus commence the second stage of their nuclear drills.

Live updates on the Ukraine conflict

Mario Czaja was Secretary General of the federal CDU for just one and a half years: from January...
Mario Czaja was Secretary General of the federal CDU for just one and a half years: from January 31, 2022 to July 12, 2023.

09:51 Russia and Belarus commence the second stage of their nuclear drills.

Russia and Belarus are moving to the second part of their tactical nuclear exercise. The Russian Defense Ministry says this is to ensure their forces and equipment are prepared to defend the sovereignty and territorial integrity of both countries. This includes joint training of units to be ready for non-strategic nuclear weapon use. Russian President Vladimir Putin initiated the nuclear exercise after receiving threats from France, Britain, and the United States in relation to the Ukraine war. Western allies allowed Ukraine to use their supplied weapons against military targets in Russia.

9:31 "Race Against Time" - What does Ukraine hope for at the reconstruction conference? At the Ukraine reconstruction conference in Berlin, around 2000 participants from 60 countries are expected. For the Ukrainians, it's about connecting relevant actors. NTV reporter Kavita Sharma reports on the Ukrainian hopes and "accusations at an inopportune time."

9:05 Hofreiter urges better air defense for UkraineChairman of the European Affairs Committee in the German Bundestag, Anton Hofreiter, calls on the German government to support better air defense for Ukraine during the reconstruction conference for Ukraine. "A fundamental prerequisite for the reconstruction in Ukraine is a comprehensive air defense. Only then can they protect the Ukrainian energy infrastructure, which has been severely damaged by Russian air raids," Hofreiter told the Rheinische Post. "Also, large-scale private-sector investments will only happen if Russian air raids can be reliably repelled. There is thus an urgent need for a European initiative in the field of air defense." FDP defense expert Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann also demands the German government provide more comprehensive weapons support. "I assume the Federal Chancellor will make concrete, rapid German aid promises to the Ukrainian president," she says. "And will openly show support for his wishes." Union faction vice-chairman Johann Wadephul also calls for more support to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky during his visit to Berlin and to supply Taurus cruise missiles to Ukraine.

08:27 Former CDU Secretary General Czaja: German government may escalate war in Ukraine

A lack of Eastern representatives in the CDU leadership means that less strongly supported views on Russia and arms deliveries to Ukraine are underrepresented in the party. This is what former CDU Secretary General Mario Czaja said in an interview with the Tagesspiegel. "I think East Germans have different experiences dealing with Russia that West Germans don't have," says the Berlin Bundestag MP. Czaja believes the current authorization for the federal government to strike Russian targets with Western weapons could potentially widen the war. "This is worrying and criticized by many people in East Germany," he says. "I can't imagine German attack weapons landing on the outskirts of Moscow and harming civilians there."

The goal should be for Russian President Vladimir Putin, who started this brutal war of aggression, to return to the negotiating table, says Czaja. However, it must be done with caution so the war doesn't expand, potentially causing more civilian deaths. The views of Czaja and others who don't want to supply Taurus missile systems to Ukraine are a minority opinion in the CDU.

08:08 Former US Secretary of State Pompeo urges more European support for Ukraine

The former US Secretary of State and CIA Director Mike Pompeo advocates for more European support for Ukraine, particularly in the form of significant private-sector investments. Similar to the post-World War II reconstruction of Germany, this should be done in Ukraine to help the country maintain its infrastructure and economy. "Today, as the war in Ukraine enters its third year, America and Europe must return to this proven approach. They must try to rebuild and strengthen Ukraine with massive foreign direct investments," writes Pompeo in a guest article for the Tagesspiegel. Ukraine must be able to recover from the war. For that, they need an investment climate that attracts more private investors for the rebuilding process. "If this does not happen, Putin has achieved his goal of destroying Ukraine - even if he does not capture Kiev," he analyzes.

07:51 Ukraine reports 520,850 Russian losses since the start of the war

Russia has lost 520,850 soldiers since the start of its war on Ukraine. This is reported by the General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in its latest Facebook update. The tally includes 1,100 deaths in the past few days. The report lists the Russian losses since February 24, 2022: 7,902 tanks, 15,176 armored combat vehicles, 18,676 vehicles and fuel tanks, 13,690 artillery systems, 1,099 multiple rocket launchers, 842 air defense systems, 359 aircraft, 326 helicopters, 11,023 drones, 28 ships and boats, and a submarine.

According to a report by the Kyiv School of Economics (KSE), the destruction of Ukraine's energy infrastructure caused by Russian airstrikes has cost an estimated €52 billion. This includes financial losses incurred by energy companies due to lost revenue. The study estimates that approximately €46.5 billion is needed to restore the damaged or destroyed infrastructure. As of May, direct losses due to the destruction of energy infrastructure totaled €16.1 billion. Power plants, power lines, and facilities in the oil and gas sectors were all significantly affected. The loss of revenue for energy companies is estimated to be roughly €40 billion.

In connection with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky's visit to Berlin, Union faction vice-chairman Johann Wadephul has once again called for the delivery of Taurus missiles to Kyiv. He hopes that Zelensky does not have to make another pleading speech in the German Bundestag only to return empty-handed. Wadephul emphasizes the importance of providing Ukraine with the necessary long-range weapons, particularly the Taurus. Zelensky arrived in Berlin on Monday evening for a two-day Ukraine reconstruction conference (see entries at 23:46 and 06:10 and 06:37). Wadephul cautions that Ukraine needs "any support" during a particularly critical phase of the war against Russia. Germany has not yet provided this support fully, prompting the deputy parliamentary leader of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group to criticize the decision. He warns that this could be detrimental to the course of the war and European security.

A Russian SU-34 bomber has reportedly crashed during a training flight in the Caucasus, according to government sources. The crew is said to be dead. The Russian Defense Ministry attributes the crash to a possible technical malfunction. The crash occurred in the Russian republic of North Ossetia-Alania, but the exact number of people on board remains unknown.

The CDU foreign policy expert Jürgen Hardt praises the international Ukraine rebuilding conference in Berlin as "a significant political and economic symbol of solidarity." The conference gives hope to the people in Ukraine, shows the free world's ability and willingness to transform Ukraine into a modern and free country, and could boost Ukraine's path to NATO and the EU. The conference will begin in the morning, with Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy both expected to attend.

Development Minister Svenja Schulze anticipates that the Ukraine rebuilding conference in Berlin, which will take place today and tomorrow, will send an important message of cooperation. Attendees from around the world will gather in Berlin to support Ukraine's future and take concrete steps towards achieving it. Russia's illegal attack on Ukraine warrants "our unwavering support," since Ukraine is defending "our security and freedom." Schulze also emphasizes the need for rebuilding efforts to come from both military and civilian sources, as Ukraine faces a multitude of pressing needs during the ongoing war. The conference is expected to attract roughly 2,000 participants from various fields.

07:36 An analysis by the Kyiv School of Economics estimates €52 billion of damage to Ukraine's energy infrastructure from Russian air strikes.

07:18 Union faction vice-chairman Johann Wadephul has urged the delivery of Taurus missiles to Kyiv, especially during President Volodymyr Zelensky's visit to Berlin.

06:52 A Russian SU-34 bomber has crashed during a training flight in the Caucasus, killing its crew.

06:37 CDU foreign policy expert Jürgen Hardt praised the Ukraine rebuilding conference in Berlin, stating that it was a "symbol of solidarity."

06:10 Development Minister Svenja Schulze welcomed the Ukraine rebuilding conference, highlighting the need for Ukraine's support during the war with Russia.

05:24 The Kyiv School of Economics has estimated an €52 billion loss due to damage to Ukraine's energy infrastructure.

The U.S. government has reportedly lifted a 10-year ban on training and supplying weapons to the Ukrainian Azov Brigade. The Washington Post quoted a statement from the U.S. State Department: "The 12th Special Unit of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the Azov Brigade, has passed the Leahy Amendment review." No evidence of human rights violations was found during a new analysis. The Leahy Law forbids military assistance to foreign units that violate human rights. The Azov Regiment has conservative and ultranationalist origins and has belonged to the Ukrainian National Guard since then. It was founded in 2014 as a battalion that fought against the Russian-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine.

02:34 A Russian destroyer, "Admiral Levchenko," is on fire in the Barents Sea. A spokesperson for the Ukrainian Navy reported the incident. The ship, with several hundred crew members on board, is struggling to survive. The fire may be due to a severely overheated engine. The "Admiral Levchenko" entered service in 1988 in the Soviet Navy. Its engines were manufactured in Mykolajiw, Ukraine, and can only be maintained in that country. Dmytro Pletenchuk, via Facebook, stated, "This happens when the Russian state is sanctioned by Ukraine."

00:37 Rheinmetall, the German arms manufacturer, and Ukraine are opening their first joint tank repair workshop and production facility. The Ukrainian Ministry of Strategic Industries handed over the keys for the repair and maintenance of the infantry fighting vehicle Marder. The workshop will enable rapid repair and maintenance of German equipment in Ukraine, increasing the efficiency of Ukrainian troops. In the joint production facility, Ukrainian experts will work while Rheinmetall representatives will oversee the technical supervision.

23:46 Ukrainian President Zelensky has arrived in Berlin. He will attend a reconstruction conference for Ukraine and discuss further defense aid, the expansion of the Ukrainian air defense system, and joint arms production with Chancellor Scholz. On Tuesday afternoon, he will deliver a speech in the German parliament.

22:15 The Russian Foreign Ministry has revoked the accreditation of an Austrian journalist and ordered her to leave the country. The ministry's motivations include the previous revocation of permanent accreditation for a Russian correspondent for the state agency Tass in Austria. The Austrian side has not yet provided justification for their decision.

21:44 Poland is establishing a buffer zone at its border with Belarus. The Polish Ministry of the Interior ordered the implementation of the regulation during a meeting in Bialystok in eastern Poland. The buffer zone aims to make it more challenging to illegally smuggle migrants across the Polish-Belarusian border without being easily detected and to improve the working conditions for border guards, the army, and the police. The buffer zone will be approximately 200 meters deep in most places, but in some areas, it will be two kilometers. Poland shares a 400-kilometer-long border with Belarus. Poland and the EU accuse Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenko of orchestrating the illegal transportation of migrants to the EU's external border as a pressure tactic against the West.

21:14 The German Industry and Trade Chamber (DIHK) is calling for the expansion of certain security mechanisms to support the rebuilding of Ukraine. DIHK Managing Director Martin Wansleben said, "We support the fact that important instruments of German foreign trade promotion for Ukraine have been maintained by the federal government during the war." Wansleben emphasizes the importance of expanding the scope of German investment guarantees. He argues for establishing a basis at the upcoming reconstruction conference in Berlin to balance high cost and risk assessments with reinsurance mechanisms that facilitate financing. The DIHK insists that German companies must engage in Ukraine and have an overview of available international investment, export insurance, and other insurance solutions. The German economy continues to cooperate. DIHK figures show that the German investment guarantees provided for over 40 projects in 2022 and 2023.

In the western region of Ukraine, 32 citizens are said to have escaped to Hungary through the border in a truck, as disclosed by Ukrainian officials. Andrij Demtschenko, spokesperson for the Ukrainian Border Guard, shares the news with Ukrajinska Prawda and tells that the neighboring authorities captured a truck with 32 Ukrainians. Men under 18 and above 60 years of age are allowed to leave Ukraine only in rare instances. As a result, many seek refuge across the green border to nearby European nations or Moldova. Frequently, the bodies of the escaping individuals are found in the Tisa (Theiss) river and the Carpathian mountain range.

At 20:09, Germany and the EU make the decision to raise the funding for a GIZ project aiding Ukraine to 75 million euros during the international reconstruction summit in Berlin. The initial German investment of 27 million euros is set to be raised to 39 million euros, while the EU Commission will boost its funding from 18 million euros to 36 million euros. A representative of the Foreign Office in Berlin confirms the news. The initiative is incorporated within the Foreign Office's Stabilization Platform and focuses on backing state and civil society entities in areas most impacted by the war.

You can find more information about all previous happenings here.

Mario Czaja was Secretary General of the federal CDU for just one and a half years: from January 31, 2022 to July 12, 2023.

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