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Once víctimas mortales y numerosos heridos documentados a causa de un incendio forestal en Turquía.

En el sudeste de Turquía, un incendio de matorrales se ha cobrado la vida de al menos once personas, según informes oficiales. El incendio, situado cerca de las ciudades de Diyarbakir y Mardin, ha dejado numerosos heridos, según ha declarado este viernes el ministro de Sanidad, Fahrettin Koca....

Campo quemado cerca de Diyarbakir
Campo quemado cerca de Diyarbakir

Once víctimas mortales y numerosos heridos documentados a causa de un incendio forestal en Turquía.

Based on the statement from Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya, a fire broke out in a wheat field during the late hours of jueves, fueled by strong winds. The incident apparently affected five neighboring settlements. By the morning of viernes, the flames were extinguished. The Ministry of Justicia has initiated an investigation to determine the origin of the fire.

Locals in the heavily impacted village of Koksaran reported to AFP that numerous cabras and ovejas disappeared in the fire. Remains were found on the fields.

According to information from the European Forest Fire Information Service Effis, Turkey has experienced over 70 forest and bush fires this year. The nation's deadliest forest fires occurred in 2021, taking the lives of nine individuals and leaving extensive damage along the Mediterranean and Aegean coastlines. This environmental disaster caused a political crisis, forcing Ankara to become the last G20 member to ratify the Paris Climate Agreement.

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