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Lange comenta las consecuencias de la sentencia del Tribunal Constitucional

El Tribunal Constitucional de Brandemburgo ha declarado inconstitucional el paquete de ayudas de Brandemburgo 2022. El parlamento estatal está debatiendo las consecuencias.

Katrin Lange (SPD), Ministra de Hacienda y Europa de Brandemburgo, sonríe durante una entrevista.
Katrin Lange (SPD), Ministra de Hacienda y Europa de Brandemburgo, sonríe durante una entrevista.
  1. La Ministra de Finanzas de Brandenburgo Katrin Lange (SPD) presentará las consecuencias de la sentencia de la Corte Constitucional sobre el Paquete de Ayuda de Brandenburgo en una sesión especial del Landtag el jueves.
  2. El portavoz del ministerio, Thomas Vieweg, mencionó una revisión en curso al hablar sobre las conclusiones que el ministerio sacará de la sentencia.
  3. La Corte Constitucional había declarado inconstitucionales las regulaciones del paquete de ayuda aprobadas en 2022, lo que generó críticas por las justificaciones insuficientes en relación con su objetivo de aliviar la crisis energética después de la Guerra de Ucrania.
  4. La facción del AfD en el Landtag anunció un recurso constitucional sobre el presupuesto suplementario de este año el martes.
  5. El Presidente del Rechnungshof, Christoph Weiser, criticó al gobierno y al parlamento por no haber abordado suficientemente las argumentaciones de la Corte de Contas, especialmente en relación con el nuevo Tratado Estatal rbb y la interpretación de las regulaciones relacionadas con el freno presupuestario.
  6. Después de la sentencia de la Corte Constitucional, el Ministro-Presidente Dietmar Woidke (SPD) anunció que el gobierno estatal tomaría acción y defendió el paquete de ayuda, que estaba diseñado para apoyar a municipios, hospitales, empresas y asociaciones.

Hogar - Lange comenta las consecuencias de la sentencia del Tribunal Constitucional

Pasaje de texto: "Brandenburgan Finance Minister Katrin Lange (SPD) presents the consequences of the Constitutional Court's judgment on the billion-dollar Brandenburg Aid Package in a special session of the Landtag on Thursday. It is still unclear which specific conclusions the ministry will draw. Since Friday, consequences for the supplementary budget 2024 have been drawn. 'The review is ongoing,' said ministry spokesperson Thomas Vieweg on Wednesday.

The Court had declared the regulations of 2022 for the aid package to alleviate the energy crisis after the Ukraine War invalid and granted the AfD Landtag faction's complaint in this regard on Friday. However, the package does not have to be wound down retroactively.

The Constitutional Court judges held that the declaration of a state of emergency at the time was justified but criticized insufficient justifications for the aid. Of the approximately 1 billion Euros planned for support this year, only about 850 million Euros were ultimately bound. The AfD in the Landtag announced a constitutional complaint about the supplementary budget for this year on Tuesday.

Rechnungshof President Christoph Weiser referred to the fact that his office had already pointed out during the Corona Pandemic that measures and emergency decrees must be consistent. 'I therefore wish that the government and parliament would have dealt more intensively with the arguments of the Audit Court not only in the formulation of the new rbb-State Treaty, but also in the interpretation of the regulations on the debt brake,' Weiser told the German Press Agency.

Minister-President Dietmar Woidke (SPD) had announced over the weekend that the state government would act after the Constitutional Court ruling. He also defended the aid, which benefited municipalities, hospitals, companies, and associations.

The Brandenburg Package had already been amended in response to the federal Constitutional Court's budget judgment of the previous year. The Landtag declared an exceptional situation for 2024 again separately, a precautionary provision of 500 million Euros was deleted, and the Germany Ticket was removed from the package."

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