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El turismo del suroeste establece nuevas marcas durante la temporada de invierno 2023/24.

La industria turística vuelve a prosperar en las regiones que rodean el Lago de Constanza, la Selva Negra y el Palatinado Electoral. Estas zonas se han recuperado totalmente del impacto del coronavirus, y ahora reciben más visitantes que antes de la pandemia.

Toboganistas suben la pendiente de Seebuck con sus trineos. Posiblemente la última nieve fresca de...
Toboganistas suben la pendiente de Seebuck con sus trineos. Posiblemente la última nieve fresca de la temporada invernal cayó este fin de semana en el Feldberg tras el inicio de la primavera en el calendario. Los remontes ya están cerrados.

Disfrutar del tiempo libre - El turismo del suroeste establece nuevas marcas durante la temporada de invierno 2023/24.

[Encabezado: Turismo de Baden-Württemberg disfruta de una temporada invernal récord]

[Lista: - 9,4 millones de llegadas - 23,2 millones de estadías nocturnas - Aumento del 8,2% en llegadas - Aumento del 6,4% en estadías - Niveles récord anteriores en la temporada 2018/19 - 200.000 más de huéspedes adicionales - 900.000 más de estadías nocturnas adicionales]

[Enlace: Oficina Estadística en Stuttgart]

[Cita: "Los actores turísticos locales están bien preparados para ofrecer una amplia gama de actividades invernales que cumplen con las necesidades de nuestros huéspedes." - Secretario de Turismo Estatal Patrick Rapp (CDU)]

[Resaltado: Turistas suizos fueron los más frecuentes.]

Baden-Württemberg's winter tourism season in 2023/24 overcame the challenges posed by snow disruptions and an uncertain global situation, according to figures released by the Statistical Office in Stuttgart. Between November and April, the state welcomed a total of 9.4 million arrivals and 23.2 million overnight stays, representing an 8.2% rise in visitors and a 6.4% rise in stays compared to previous years. The previous record highs were during the winter season 2018/19, which saw an extra 200,000 guests and 900,000 more overnight stays than before the pandemic.

The Southwest region saw a surge in popularity, with domestic and foreign tourists alike flocking to the area. Domestic tourists accounted for an additional 1.1 million overnight stays compared to the season 2022/23, while foreign tourists added a further 300,000 to the total. Swiss tourists were among the most frequent visitors, with a quarter of all foreign overnight stays attributed to them, followed by French and Dutch travelers.

Patrick Rapp, Tourism State Secretary for the CDU, noted that increasingly mild winters with little or no snow are likely to be the norm in the future. However, the high number of arrivals and overnight stays prove that these conditions don't discourage people from enjoying a winter holiday in Baden-Württemberg. Tourist destinations in the area seem to be adapting to the changing weather patterns by expanding their offerings with weather-independent activities. "Local tourist actors are well-prepared to offer a diverse range of winter activities that meet the needs of our guests," Rapp said.

[Imagen: Turistas disfrutando de actividades invernales en Baden-Württemberg]

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