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El ADAC prevé un tráfico intenso con el inicio del Campeonato de Europa y el comienzo de las vacaciones de verano.

Los conductores que circulen por las autopistas la próxima semana deben prepararse para los retrasos. No sólo viajarán los aficionados al deporte, sino también las familias que se dirijan a sus destinos de vacaciones.

Camiones y coches atascados en la A9 frente al cruce de Schkeuditzer Kreuz en dirección a Múnich.
Camiones y coches atascados en la A9 frente al cruce de Schkeuditzer Kreuz en dirección a Múnich.

: La situación de Sajonia - El ADAC prevé un tráfico intenso con el inicio del Campeonato de Europa y el comienzo de las vacaciones de verano.

During the European Football Championship starting on a Friday, drivers in and around Leipzig will have to adapt to crowded streets. Florian Wagner, spokesperson for ADAC Sachsen, highlights that traffic in Leipzig during the EM won't be without disruptions, affecting visitors, commuters, and residents alike.

Additionally, the first week of the EM coincides with the start of summer holidays in the free state (20th of June), which will impact long-distance roads, according to Wagner.

In total, there are four games scheduled in Leipzig. The match between Portugal and the Czech Republic (18th of June) is expected to cause traffic congestion on highways, but the Leipzig police do not anticipate many fans from both countries without an EM ticket.

However, things are expected to be different for the match between the Netherlands and France (21st of June), with significantly more crowded streets as Dutch fans tend to travel extensively and many families could be starting their summer holidays. The traffic level for the match between Croatia and Italy (24th of June) is predicted to be between the first and second matches. For the Round of 16 on the 2nd of July, the ADAC forecasts crowded highways during peak travel times.

Fans traveling by car are advised that they cannot park near the Leipzig football stadium. Vehicles must be parked on designated Park-and-Ride parking lots instead. The EM P&R parking lot on the Agra terrain in the southern part of the city is especially recommended, as it'll be connected to the stadium via special line 51.

For train passengers, public transportation can be used to reach the stadium. It's also approximately a 30-minute walk from the main train station to the stadium.

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