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Desde Taylor hasta Gelsenkirchen: Sorprende a Travis Kelce en concierto de Alemania

sorprendentemente, muchos Swifties no habían esperado esto: en el primer concierto de Taylor Swift en Gelsenkirchen, Alemania, su amigo Travis Kelce estaba presente igual. El jugador de fútbol profesional acompaña a Swift en su gira mundial, pero parece que esto no dure mucho.

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El Tour de las Eras - Desde Taylor hasta Gelsenkirchen: Sorprende a Travis Kelce en concierto de Alemania

They are in love and they travel around the world together: Taylor Swift receives continuous support from her boyfriend Travis Kelce during her "Las Eras" Tour. The professional footballer accompanies the singer also at her concerts in Europe, even standing on stage in London as a dancer with a hat and tuxedo next to her. But it's not always glamour: Kelce was surprisingly spotted at the first Germany concert in Gelsenkirchen. And that quite casually.

En Gelsenkirchen no hubo fiesta para Travis Kelce

Fan photos and videos on social media show the athlete standing in a Polo shirt and cap in the VIP lounge, filming Swift's performance on his phone or singing along to her songs with a grin. Fans were particularly excited that Kelce winked at Swift from a distance. However, while he celebrated extensively in other cities with celebrities like Julia Roberts or Hugh Grant, dancing and drinking tequila, he seemed calmer and more relaxed at the first Germany concert of the "Las Eras" Tour. A reason for this could be that the joint European jet-set is soon coming to an end. After all, work calls.

Starting from Sunday, Kelce is expected back at the Kansas City Chiefs for training and needs to prepare for the NFL. Kelce's detour to Gelsenkirchen came as a surprise: Many Swifties had speculated that he would not take the flight to Europe again. Football games begin in September. The good news: Swift should then have time to cheer him on as a distraction. Her Europa Tour ends in August with three more concerts in London, and she won't be on stage with her program until November in Canada.

In Gelsenkirchen, Swifties could still observe how Travis Kelce waited behind the stage for Swift after the concert and disappeared with her arm in arm. Exactly like they occasionally sing in her song "Karma": "La karma es el chico en los jefes que viene directamente a mi casa."

Despite his lively celebrations with celebrities in other cities during the tour, Travis Kelce maintained a more relaxed demeanor at the Germany concert in Gelsenkirchen. This was unexpected, as many had speculated he might not return to Europe for the tour.

During the Germany concert in Gelsenkirchen, Taylor Swift's boyfriend, Travis Kelce, was spotted in the VIP lounge, casually dressed in a Polo shirt and cap, filming Swift's performance or singing along with a smile.

In contrast to his extravagant partying in other cities with celebrities like Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant, Kelce seemed more subdued at the Gelsenkirchen concert, potentially due to the looming NFL season starting in September.

After the concert in Gelsenkirchen, Taylor Swift's boyfriend, Travis Kelce, was seen waiting behind the stage for her and leaving with her arm in arm, just like the lyrics of her song "Karma" suggest: "La karma es el chico en los jefes que viene directamente a mi casa."

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