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Woman makes astonishing discovery in Christmas tree

"I'm literally going crazy"

The Tiktok user had not expected to find a possum among her Christmas
The Tiktok user had not expected to find a possum among her Christmas

Woman makes astonishing discovery in Christmas tree

When a pair of eyes suddenly flash out from between all the baubles and bows on the Christmas tree, it can come as quite a shock to most people. That's exactly what happened to one Tiktok user. The video of her animal discovery and the subsequent chase promptly went viral.

Dark baubles, a wreath of tinsel, a few bows - and a possum: When a woman who calls herself brettbratt359 on Tiktok saw what was hiding in her Christmas tree, she went into a kind of state of shock. On Tiktok, the woman now reports how she discovered a wild animal among the Christmas decorations in her living room.

She had just made herself comfortable on the sofa when she heard "a kind of sneeze". "I have three dogs and a cat, so I thought it was one of them." Initially unperturbed, she continued to work on her laptop. "Then I heard it again, only a little louder and with different noises," the woman explains to her viewers.

So now she got up to see if her cat was possibly stuck behind the sofa. What she finally found, however, was something completely different: "I first saw this really long tail and just stopped because I was in shock." She then discovered "this huge, gray, breathing ball of fur" in her artificial Christmas tree, as she told the camera.

Rubber gloves for emergencies

The woman then reached for her cell phone and filmed the moment of her discovery: an opossum was perched on the branches among all the baubles and bows. The dark eyes and long nose are clearly visible on the video, which is circulating on Tiktok. "I'm literally freaking out," the woman can be heard saying in the video, which has already been clicked 4.2 million times. She insists that she has no idea how the animal got into her house, as she never leaves her doors open.

Having digested the initial scare, the woman tried her hand at problem-solving in another video. She showed a close-up of the possum and said: "Hey little buddy. You're really cute, but I don't know what to do." She then called her boyfriend, she reports. He advised her to use rubber gloves when removing the animal - "just in case it bites me or gets grumpy".

With the gloves on, the woman tried to pull the possum out of the tree. However, she initially underestimated the four-legged friend's tenacity. "He held on to the tree as if his life was at stake. No matter how hard I tried to pull him out, he wouldn't let go." The animal didn't even respond to the food stimuli. In the end, the woman had no choice but to pluck his fingers off the branch one by one, she continues. "It was a tough fight. When I actually got him off the branch, he fell to the ground with all the tree decorations."

A chase through the living room

The story of the fluffy tree guest could end here. However, the possum had no intention of leaving the woman's house. Instead, it ran under the woman's sofa immediately after the fall. The chase continued: "So I pushed the sofa away and tried to catch it. But then it ran under the other sofa." It went back and forth a total of five times. "I actually thought they were slow animals, but I must have been mistaken: The guy was fast," the woman describes the cat-and-mouse game afterwards.

In the end, she did manage to catch the possum. She "grabbed it like an NFL football player", she says of the successful attempt. She then calmed the animal down and informed animal welfare. The tree guest no longer lives in her house. But the woman could have easily imagined that. "As an animal lover with three dogs, two snakes, a bearded dragon and a cat, I would probably have kept it," says the woman. But only "if it hadn't stunk so terribly".

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The viral Tiktok video of the woman's discovery has garnered attention internationally, with viewers from all corners of the globe delighted by the unexpected guest in her Christmas tree. Despite the initial shock, the woman shows her compassion by seeking humane ways to remove the opossum, even consulting her boyfriend about using rubber gloves to avoid any harm.


