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With over 4 percent: Cyclist rides against car

A cyclist hits a parked car. He flips over and falls. At that moment, he is anything but sober.

A drunk driver collided with a car on a bike.
A drunk driver collided with a car on a bike.

Alcohol cruise - With over 4 percent: Cyclist rides against car

A man with over 4.5% alcohol level rode a bike in Bodenseekreis and collided with a car. The accident occurred in Kressbronn on a Monday, as the police reported based on witnesses. The man refused treatment from the rescue services. An alcohol breath test showed a value of over 4.2%. When the man had to go to the hospital for a blood test, no injuries were detected. He is charged with drunk driving.

According to the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA), adults have a risk of impairing the respiratory center and thus endangering their lives starting at 3.0% alcohol level.

In the Bodensee District, known as Bodenseekreis, where Baden-Württemberg lies, an alcohol cruise might be an appealing attraction, but riding a bicycle under the influence of alcohol is still considered dangerous. The man, who collided with a car in Kressbronn, could have avoided the traffic accident if he had adhered to the traffic rules and stayed sober while cycling. Despite the high alcohol level detected in his breath, the man refused medical attention, and fortunately, there were no injuries reported during the hospital visit for a blood test.

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