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Wind instead of a white Christmas

There will probably only be snow at Christmas this year in cinemas or at altitudes above 700 meters. Otherwise, you can expect a lot of rain and storms.

Dog walkers in a light drizzle on the beach at Schilksee near Kiel.
Dog walkers in a light drizzle on the beach at Schilksee near Kiel.

Forecast - Wind instead of a white Christmas

The weather just before Christmas will be unsettled instead of contemplative. The German Weather Service is expecting rain, a little snow and, above all, a lot of wind. A new area of low pressure is forming near Iceland, which will move towards southern Scandinavia as storm depression "Zoltan" until Thursday. "Its warm front will hit Germany as early as Thursday night with heavy rainfall in places," said meteorologist Christian Herold from the Weather Forecasting Center.

The DWD is expecting large amounts of rain in some congested areas and heavy snowfall in the Bavarian Forest. "The wind field of the storm depression will then hit us on Thursday. There will be widespread squalls, especially with the passage of the cold front in the course of Thursday, including individual heavy squalls," said the meteorologist. "Even if there are enough gale-force winds on the coasts and in exposed mountain areas, "Zoltan" will not go down in the history of major winter storms."

According to Herold, there is a trend in the Christmas weather, which is still uncertain: almost all models for Christmas Eve show "a wide-open warm sector over Central Europe". This means that very mild Atlantic air is likely to reach Germany. "So it will probably be stormy and rainy with double-digit highs in some cases. There is still a chance of a white Christmas in the eastern low mountain ranges and in the Alps above around 700 meters, where the snow cover has not yet melted."

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