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Wilke on exit: The Left represents "naive pacifism"

In his ex-party, one can only criticize Russia if one also sharply condemns NATO and the USA in compensation, says Frankfurt's Mayor Wilke - and has other critical points.

Rene Wilke, Mayor of the city Frankfurt (Oder), makes heavy accusations against his ex-party The...
Rene Wilke, Mayor of the city Frankfurt (Oder), makes heavy accusations against his ex-party The Left.

Exit after 24 years - Wilke on exit: The Left represents "naive pacifism"

The recently expelled mayor of Frankfurt (Oder) from the Left Party, René Wilke, justifies his departure primarily due to the party's stance on the Ukraine War. "A critical stance towards Russia or Putin without earning disapproving glances is difficult. That is, unless one particularly condemns the USA and NATO as a counterbalance," Wilke told the "Tagesspiegel." "In the Left, there is still a naive pacifism: Those who are for arms deliveries want war. And only those who are against arms deliveries are peace defenders. That's too simple for me."

Criticizes the Party's "Dark Side"

Wilke also criticized the party in other areas. He stated that within the Left, all social welfare recipients were considered needy and blameless in their situation. Refugees were seen as people who came out of extreme need - and if something went wrong in their integration, it was the fault of the majority society that did not accept them well. The differences with the Federal Party had grown larger. "During the European elections, I even considered voting for another party because the common ground was greater elsewhere," Wilke said.

He would not join the Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW), Wilke confirmed to the newspaper. Although he shared their views in economic, migration, or social policy, he did not agree with them on the Ukraine War. What bothers him most is Wagenknecht's behavior. "It's hard for me to endure how she denies the goodwill of other political actors and demeans them, makes fun of their appearance, or lack of educational degrees. The way she speaks about the 'dumbest government of all times' - I find that unbecoming."

  1. Rene Wilke, the former mayor of Frankfurt (Oder) who was expelled from The Left Party, expressed concerns about the party's stance on the Russia-Ukraine conflict, as he mentioned in an interview with Tagesspiegel.
  2. Wilke noted that taking a critical stand towards Russia or its leader, Putin, without facing backlash is challenging within The Left, unless one actively opposes the United States of America and NATO as a counterbalance.
  3. The Left Party, according to Wilke, still adheres to a simplistic form of pacifism, where those advocating for arms deliveries are seen as war advocates, while those against are viewed as peace defenders.
  4. In his criticism of The Left, Wilke highlighted an issue within the party where all social welfare recipients are labeled as blameless, and any integration issues are blamed on the majority society.
  5. Wilke conceded that he shares similar views with the Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) on economic, migration, and social policies but cannot align with them on the Ukraine War issue.
  6. The point of contention for Wilke is Wagenknecht's behavior, citing her negative comments towards other political actors, demeaning remarks about their appearances, and lack of educational degrees as unbecoming, stating, "It's hard for me to endure."
  7. Furthermore, Wilke expresses his distress about Wagenknecht's denigration of the German government, referring to it as "the dumbest government of all times," which he finds inappropriate and unsuitable.

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