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Wild boars in Braunlage should be captured and hunted

Wild boars run through the town leaving their tracks. Above all, families with small children are concerned. Now the administration has a concrete plan.

Wild boars are on the move in the city Braunlage. (Archive image)
Wild boars are on the move in the city Braunlage. (Archive image)

Wild boar in the city - Wild boars in Braunlage should be captured and hunted

At least 30 Wildboars are estimated to be roaming in the city of Braunlage, according to the Goslar district spokesperson. The basis for this assumption are drone flights with thermal imaging cameras, as the spokesperson stated. The wild boars have reportedly made Sankt Andreasberg, which belongs to Braunlage, their home. The animals are causing increasing problems, as they not only destroy lawns but also tip over garbage cans. Many people are concerned, especially families with younger children.

Following consultations between the city of Braunlage, the Goslar district, and the hunting association, six locations have been determined where wild boars will be captured using live traps. Five additional possible locations will be tested in the coming week. The district has granted permission for the removal of the wild boars using live traps. The captured animals will be hunted.

In Sankt Andreasberg, trees, shrubs, and hedges will be cut back in the vicinity of a primary school so that the animals no longer have a retreat there. Braunlage's mayor Wolfgang Langer (party-less) asked the owners of plots to also remove hedges. According to the statement, the chairman of the St. Andreasberg hunting association, Volker Jung, will visit the primary school in the town after the summer holidays. He intends to inform the children about the situation and tell them how to behave if they encounter a wild boar.

The city of Braunlage, located in Lower Saxony's Goslar District, shares boundaries with the Commune of Sankt Andreasberg. The wild boar issue has become a significant concern for the residents of both areas, particularly families with children. Recent estimates suggest that at least 30 wild boars call the city of Braunlage home, leading to damage to lawns and tipping over garbage cans.

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