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It is also said that appetite comes with eating. So maybe just give it a try, even if he's not
It is also said that appetite comes with eating. So maybe just give it a try, even if he's not a chef? And she's not a doctor?

One for all - When the doctor snacks with the cook ...

Are you a lawyer? A doctor? Pilot? A millionaire? Well, tough luck then. And you, dear reader? Are you a teacher? A business graduate? A journalist? A beautician? Then forget your luck on dating platforms, where other qualities - and forms of employment - are sought after.

Whether you're looking for a partner for life or something more casual, dating apps are quite helpful: one swipe and you're on a date - or not. Of course, there are ways to present yourself in a more attractive light, but the author of these lines has no idea about dating apps because she is simply too happy to have to resort to them. Lucky her, because she would have really bad chances by now (and no reader emails about age and so on, yawn).

Can make herself free ...

The most attractive profession a woman can have when dating online is *shush*: Doctor! Whether it's commitment and competence, just compassion or the occasional touch - female doctors have a success rate of 87% on dating platforms.

Surprisingly, the second most attractive profession for women is pilot. This makes total sense in my eyes, as stewardesses are now largely male flight attendants, ergo they didn't become pilots, and are primarily responsible for our safety and only secondarily for our comfort, as male flight attendants don't get tired of emphasizing. But at the end of the day, they do bring us a coffee or a single malt.

She boxes me out of there!

Incidentally, the success rate of a female pilot on a dating platform is a whopping 85 percent! With an equally good success rate of 70% - and this is also easy to explain - being a lawyer is the third most sexy profession for women. Logo - a tough female lawyer will get you off if you've been speeding, haven't paid your taxes on time or haven't paid your ex and the children maintenance. At your divorce hearing, man, you thought the lawyer was really hot with her tight bun, pencil skirt and signet ring. (I have to think for a moment whether I have any more prejudices in store ...)

In fourth place with 65 percent is the office administrator. The thought of "boss meets secretary" is not far off, is it? And my choice of words - "lies" - is also quite good. Why doesn't it "stand", "amounts" or "is"? You don't know. Female engineers, on the other hand, are (!) high on the list and have a success rate of 60 percent when it comes to finding a partner. Brooding ... There is certainly a lot of respect involved, because "the man" might have liked to study that too, but had too poor an A-level at the time.

Cute journalist who is a good listener is looking ...

Well, as I said, I'm off the market, and I hope it stays that way, because female journalists don't even appear in the statistics. But we can be so cute. We don't really know anything, but we know a bit of everything, which means we can - and want to - have a say in everything. We can do something about the glass, because how else are we supposed to endure the news we spread every day? (The last sentence may or may not be ironic.) We often look very good because we are or would like to be in front of the camera or at least there is a chance that someone will hold a camera on us. We ask the right questions and are very good listeners. We have to: the boss in the morning at the conference, the interview partners, our colleagues. I think these are ideal conditions for a wonderful partnership. My husband thinks so too. But he can also put up with a lot. created profiles for one female and one male person on popular dating platforms. The information was the same for both profiles, but the job titles were changed after 24 hours. The aim was to find out how a person's job title affects their matches and attractiveness on dating websites.

Now the male readers will want to know which job scores the most points with a woman, right? I'll get to that in a moment. I've just realized that I'm getting my half-knowledge from a site in Switzerland called I just assume that the results would be similar in Germany. You've already heard that the way to the heart is through the stomach (even if it sounds almost disgusting if you say or write it a lot). With a top rate of 22 percent, women find the profession of chef the most attractive for men. You wouldn't have thought that, would you?

The parties of others

Apparently, being cooked for is a totally romantic idea. But being a chef is one of the toughest jobs in the world: working late into the evening between chip fat and meatballs, grumpy guests and cast-iron pans, star ambitions and crash fantasies, hardly any private life and other people's parties. Tough. But sexy. My husband also likes to cook, which is great, but a lot of it ends up on my hips. On mine. It's great that he tries to cook my mom's cabbage rolls, it was terrible when we had tons of supplies and huge portions in lockdown that had to be eaten for the rest of the week. It's a labor of love when I get food that has had zero contact with pork, and it's overkill when I don't want to eat that much and he makes spaghetti aglio e olio. Well, that's high level complaining, and by the way: I didn't choose the man based on his profession. I just knew what he shouldn't be.

In second place after the chef, women want to date a solid craftsman. And that's understandable: gas, water, shit, drills, laying carpets, fitting lamps, painting - it's great when a man can do that. I got a drill as a present from my husband when we moved in together, it was his first present to me. The roles were clear from the start.

Architects on Rudi's leftover ramp

On closer inspection, it occurs to me that I would be in good hands on a dating portal like this, because I could take on the leftovers when it comes to dating, i.e. the ones that no one is interested in. Psychologists and architects, for example. Not that many people want them (only 17 percent). Then there are the pilots, who could be tied to my stomach, but are quite popular with the Swiss ladies, and yes, a lawyer is more likely to cross your path.

Incidentally, doctors are just as unattractive in this experiment as policemen and engineers. The medical profession doesn't even appear in the ranking until 10th place - what's going on in Switzerland? Doesn't anyone get sick? I'm repeating myself, but the doctor is the top woman for the men looking in the ranking of this experiment. The women on Männerschau have probably noticed by now that no doctor looks as good as in the Black Forest Clinic, on Emergency Room or on reality TV, where guys who could be my sons unapologetically lift the belly fat of an unhappy middle-aged woman in front of the camera without batting an eyelid and suggest snipping away her bingo wings in the process.

Incidentally, the least attractive profession for women is teaching. What a pity! Didn't boys used to have crushes on their teachers? Oh no, that was the trainee teacher. Well, it's been a while. I've never had a crush on a single teacher or trainee teacher, and with this good feeling, I hope you'll heat up the cold winter weekend. And if necessary, meet someone with a red nose at the Christmas market around the corner.

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