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when Agnes Bernauer becomes a bathhouse maid daughter

The Agnes-Bernauer-Festspiele end on a Saturday. At the beginning of August, a group from Straubing begins: With the jest "Swim, Agnes, swim", they want to unearth the historical truth.

On August 5th, 6th and 7th, the parody "Schwimm, Agnes, schwimm" will be performed again. The play...
On August 5th, 6th and 7th, the parody "Schwimm, Agnes, schwimm" will be performed again. The play deals with the story of Agnes Bernauer.

Persiflage in Straubing - when Agnes Bernauer becomes a bathhouse maid daughter

The Agnes-Bernauer-Festspieles in Straubing are set to end on Saturday with an additional performance. However, the Bernauer Fever in the city continues: On the 5th, 6th, and 7th of August, the parody "Swim, Agnes, swim" will follow. This piece, penned by author Wolfgang Engel, takes up the history and shows how the love story between Duke Albrecht's son and the non-noble Agnes might have really unfolded - a happy ending is not excluded.

Street Festival Character

"Swim, Agnes, swim" has become a cult character in Straubing. It is not performed like at the festival in the courtyard of the Duke's Castle, but on the square in front of St. Jakob's Basilica. There is room for around 1000 spectators, no tickets are sold. "Swim, Agnes, swim" has more the character of a street festival, says Engel. The crowd was immense during earlier performances.

After the initial performance in 2006 and further performances in 2007, 2009, and 2011, it was supposed to have ended, says Wolfgang Engel. Last year, the idea arose to update the piece and perform it again.

The story of Agnes Bernauer, who was sentenced to death for her non-noble love for Duke Albrecht's son, took place nearly 600 years ago. Duke Ernst had her arrested and drowned in the Danube in October 1435.

Love, Ice Cream, Wedding Show

The author has rewritten the traditional story - or corrected it? Agnes is no longer from Augsburg but from the district of Alburg. Her father is not a bathman, but a bathmaster. As a bathmaster's daughter, Agnes must help her father at work - as an ice cream vendor in the swimming pool. And when Agnes finally dives into the Danube to save her life, the audience loudly cheers: "Swim, Agnes, swim!".

Mayor Markus Pannermayr (CSU) is pleased that the piece exposes possible historical errors: "Straubing is lucky," he wrote on Instagram, because: "Wolfgang Engel possesses a pen that can only tell the truth. And there are brave women and men who will bring this truth courageously to the stage."

As in previous performances, the music comes from Martin Jungmayer. The approximately 20-member ensemble is mostly the same. "They have just grown older by 18 years," Engel says about the actors. Music is played from 18.00 hours and the drink stand opens. At 21.00 hours, the performance begins.

Fundraising instead of Ticket Sales

And they have not only set themselves the big goal of unearthing the truth. They also want to play in the top league when it comes to merchandising, as author Engel jokes. However, they do not charge admission. The costs are to be covered with donations. The rest is for a good cause.

Agnes-Bernauer-Festspiele: Content Chairman Satisfied

The Agnes-Bernauer-Festspieles come to an end after a weather-affected season. Chairman Karl Weber speaks of a "spectacular season" nonetheless. The demand was so great that an additional performance was scheduled for Saturday, 27. July. There were also two replacement performances, as two performances had to be canceled due to bad weather. In total, around 20,000 tickets were sold. The new production by Regisseur Thomas Stammberger was well received by the audience. The next Festspiele are scheduled for 2028. Since 2018, the Agnes-Bernauer-Festspiele have belonged to the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Bavaria.

  1. Wolfgang Engel, the author of the parody "Swim, Agnes, swim," admits that the piece was initially meant to have its last performance in 2011, but due to popular demand, the idea to update and perform it again arose last year.
  2. The character "Swim, Agnes, swim" has garnered cult status in Straubing, no longer performed in the Duke's Castle courtyard, but instead on the St. Jakob's Basilica square, accommodating around 1000 spectators without the need for tickets.
  3. The story's main character, Agnes Bernauer, who once faced a non-noble love affair with Duke Albrecht's son and was later sentenced to death, is now reimagined in the piece: Agnes is from Alburg, her father is a bathmaster, and she works as an ice cream vendor to help him in the swimming pool.
  4. The Agnes-Bernauer-Festspieles, set in Straubing, Lower Bavaria, is grateful for Mayor Markus Pannermayr's support and appreciation, who commends Engel's pen for revealing historical truth and courageously presenting it on stage.
  5. In an effort to fund the performances, merchandising is used instead of ticket sales, allowing the costs to be covered through donations, with the remaining funds going to charity occasions.
  6. As the Agnes-Bernauer-Festspieles come to a close after a weather-affected season, Karl Weber, the chairman, expresses satisfaction with the "spectacular season," managing to sell around 20,000 tickets for the 2022 event.

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