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Wheelchair user dies after fall in creek bed

Actually, the hiking trail was well paved. However, a 63-year-old in a wheelchair veered off the path and fell deeply into a creek - with fatal consequences.

The way was actually well paved, but the man still slipped over the edge and fell ten meters deep.
The way was actually well paved, but the man still slipped over the edge and fell ten meters deep.

accident in Austria - Wheelchair user dies after fall in creek bed

A day after falling into a creek bed, a 63-year-old wheelchair user from Bavaria died in a hospital in Austria. The man from the Landkreis Fürth succumbed to his severe injuries, the police reported. The 63-year-old had driven his electric wheelchair off the edge of a well-secured hiking trail and fallen over a ten-meter cliff in the Austrian Kleinwalsertal on the previous Friday. The man in the water was rescued immediately, given first aid, and flown to the hospital by helicopter. However, he died there the next day.

  1. Despite being evacuated to a hospital in Bregenz, Austria, after an accident involving his wheelchair, the 63-year-old from Bavaria unfortunately did not survive.
  2. The police in Austria were involved in investigating the incident that occurred in Kleinwalsertal, where a wheelchair user from Bavaria had an emergency due to falling off a hiking trail.
  3. Upon learning about the incident, the local Austrian authorities, including the police, swiftly responded and rescued the wheelchair user, who had fallen from a cliff in Bavaria while on a hiking trip in Kleinwalsertal.

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