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What would it mean for Schwerin to be a World Heritage site?

Over 200,000 tourists visit annually Schwerin Castle. Can it handle more? If the state capital becomes World Heritage Site, higher numbers are calculated.

The Schwerin Castle is the most prominent building in the Residence Ensemble, with which the state...
The Schwerin Castle is the most prominent building in the Residence Ensemble, with which the state capital of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern intends to make it to the World Heritage List. (Archive photo)

UNESCO World Heritage - What would it mean for Schwerin to be a World Heritage site?

The UNESCO is expected to decide on Saturday whether the Residence Ensemble Schwerin will receive the coveted title "World Heritage". Along with the obligation to preserve the heritage for humanity, there is hope for many that with the seal more tourists can be attracted. What have other World Heritage sites brought? And is Schwerin really prepared for a possible visitor increase? The most important questions and answers:

What does the title "World Heritage" bring for Tourism?

The UNESCO knows: Most cultural and natural heritage sites gain increased recognition with their inscription on the World Heritage List, which often reflects an increase in visitor numbers. In the Hanseatic City of Wismar, which was admitted in 2002, overnight stays have more than doubled since then, from around 200,000 to 414,000 in the previous year. The numbers have been gradually increasing, says city spokesman Marco Trunk. The World Heritage status is one of several factors. Another is the successful ZDF crime series "Soko Wismar". Around 15% of visitors come because of this. The World Heritage status helps above all to make Wismar known to an international audience.

What can tourists expect in Schwerin?

If Schwerin becomes a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the state capital expects more city tourists - both individual travelers and groups, with a focus on sights and culture. "Of course, there is the expectation that Schwerin, as a World Heritage Site, will gain international recognition," says the city press office further. The current proportion of foreign guests in Schwerin is 7.2%, for all of MV it is 4.4%. Schwerin had a total of 360,000 overnight stays in the previous year. A moderate increase in international visitors is desired.

Was Schwerin prepared for a boom?

In Schwerin, the beds are not enough in the summer to increase the number of overnight stays. "Additional capacities would be needed for that," says a spokeswoman. "It would be desirable if the World Heritage title led to a higher demand and utilization in the off-season." Tourism Association Chairman Woitendorf emphasizes the opportunity that Schwerin could take a step forward internationally. "From this opportunity arise naturally also requirements such as multilingualism, digitalization, and a good orientation and information system for the city's guests, so that the discovery of the designated area becomes an experience for all," he says. According to the city, the World Heritage application includes a management plan that prepares for the use and development of the potential World Heritage site. "We will work on this in tourist terms," says the city spokeswoman.

Does there threaten an overtourism?

This risk is not yet seen, hopes far outweigh fears. Tourism Association Chairman Woitendorf expects positive effects on the MV tourism as a whole, as Wismar, Stralsund, and Schwerin would then form a World Heritage Site trio. The UNESCO knows, however, that uncontrolled, excessive tourism can be a threat to cultural or natural heritage. In Schwerin, visitor streams would distribute themselves on large parts of the Old Town, the Residence Ensemble comprises more than 30 buildings and installations. The focus is on Schwerin Castle, which counts more than 200,000 visitors per year. The summer months are already well-visited, according to the State Palaces, Gardens, and Art Collections Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

Basically, all historical castles that are converted into museums are exposed to uses that were not originally intended. One can find traces of this typically at the floors, which are protected by carpets and cleaning zones. Door frames can also suffer wear. One shares this problem with many houses worldwide and is open for exchange. Protective and countermeasures will be taken. However, it is crucial that the title comes first - we are very excited about it.

But fundamentally, what matters most is that the title arrives first - we are very eager for it.

The UNESCO World Heritage title could potentially bring an increase in tourist numbers to Schwerin, similarly to what Wismar experienced after being designated as a World Heritage site. If Schwerin becomes a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the city expects an increase in city tourists, both individual travelers and groups, with a focus on sights and culture. This could result in an increased demand for accommodations during the summer months, making additional capacity necessary to meet this demand. However, there is currently hope for a possible visitor increase without the threat of overtourism.

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