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Wegner gives no speech at CSD - Fight behind the scenes

Berlin's Governing Mayor Kai Wegner will not give the opening speech at Christopher Street Day this time. He could not agree with the organizers. However, there is also discord in the Senate.

Berlin's Governing Mayor Kai Wegner opened the CSD last year, which was not planned for this year...
Berlin's Governing Mayor Kai Wegner opened the CSD last year, which was not planned for this year (Archival image)

Equalization - Wegner gives no speech at CSD - Fight behind the scenes

Traditionally, the Governing Mayor of Berlin opens the Christopher Street Day. Last year, Kai Wegner was newly in office and couldn't let go. This time, he announced he wouldn't hold the opening speech but would still attend, according to Senatorial Speaker Christine Richter.

The atmosphere between Wegner and the CSD organizers had been better at times. Social Senator Cansel Kiziltepe (SPD) also criticizes Wegner's stance.

Half a million people are expected

The Berlin CSD is considered one of the largest events for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans-, intergender and queer (LGBTQ) community in Europe. The organizers expect around half a million people on July 27. Last year, Wegner could have opened the CSD and hinted at strengthening a Federal Council initiative for the inclusion of queer people in Article 3 of the Basic Law.

The CSD organizers have repeatedly urged Wegner to keep his word and also made additional demands - for example, to further develop measures against hate crimes and secure financing for them. Wegner is in a dilemma.

Two-thirds majority for Federal Council initiatives

An initiative in the Federal Council only succeeds if there is a two-thirds majority in the Chamber of Laender. This is not very likely - especially CDU-led Laender might be difficult to win over. Berlin, for example, failed with a similar proposal in 2018.

And in the Senate Chancellery, there is the fear that with another failed attempt, a new approach would then be almost hopeless. Wegner would therefore rather continue to discuss the matter discreetly with the Land Chiefs. The CSD organizers, however, prefer a quicker solution.

No agreement at the meeting between Wegner and CSD organizers

They met with the Governing Mayor of Berlin in the Red City Hall in the afternoon on Thursday. The talks were reportedly very constructive, according to both sides. But in the end, the result was: Wegner did not open the CSD.

The details of the talks are not entirely clear. The Senate Chancellery has no further information. Wegner is said to have emphasized that he would not be put under pressure. He finally told the CSD that he would not give an opening speech, Marcel Voges from the CSD Board told the "Tagesspiegel".

The association couldn't imagine this under these conditions. "The Governing Mayor could not convincingly present to us that there have been significant progress regarding our demands."

Kiziltepe has a draft for the Federal Council initiative

Senator for Equality and Anti-Discrimination Cansel Kiziltepe is also not satisfied with the pace regarding the Federal Council initiative. She and her senatorial administration have already prepared a draft for it, which the Senate still needs to approve.

It's about Article 3, Paragraph 3 of the Basic Law. It states: "No one may be disadvantaged or favored because of his sex, his origin, his race, his language, his hometown and origin, his faith, his religious or political opinions."

According to the proposal from the Social Administration, which the dpa has access to, the five words "of his sexual and gender identity" should be added behind the statement "because of his sex".

Let us close this loophole in the General Discrimination Prohibition in the face of queerhostile hate and the strengthening of anti-democratic forces, demanded Kiziltepe. "If there is political consensus here, we could even pass the Federal Council initiative next week,"

Whether the Berlin CDU will move in this direction, however, remains uncertain. And even more uncertain is the two-thirds majority in the Federal Council - also because Kiziltepe's administration formulation is quite far-reaching and an agreement with CDU-led states is not facilitated.

  1. Despite Kai Wegner's decision not to deliver the opening speech, the Governing Mayor of Berlin still plans to attend the Christopher Street Day in Berlin.
  2. Christine Richter, the Senate's Speaker, announced Wegner's decision, stating that he would attend the event but not give the opening speech.
  3. The Federal Council Initiative for the inclusion of queer people in Article 3 of the Basic Law was a topic of discussion between Wegner and the CSD organizers during their meeting.
  4. Cansel Kiziltepe, the Senator for Equality and Anti-Discrimination, has prepared a draft for the Federal Council initiative, which aims to close a loophole in the General Discrimination Prohibition by adding "of his sexual and gender identity" to Article 3, Paragraph 3.
  5. The SDP (Social Democratic Party) is pushing for quicker action and a stronger stance on the Federal Council Initiative, but achieving a two-thirds majority in the Federal Council is considered challenging, especially in CDU-led states.
  6. The CSD organizers and the SDP advocate for a swift resolution to the issue, while the CDU is hesitant, and the necessary two-thirds majority in the Federal Council remains uncertain.

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