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Weather: Family struck by lightning, attic burned

After the heat, thunderstorms follow in parts of Lower Saxony, a lightning strike injures two children seriously. But the new week should get cooler.

Part of Lower Saxony experiences bad weather, a family is struck by lightning - two children are...
Part of Lower Saxony experiences bad weather, a family is struck by lightning - two children are seriously injured.

weather - Weather: Family struck by lightning, attic burned

A thunderstorm left traces in parts of Lower Saxony: In Delmenhorst, a lightning strike hit on Sunday and injured eight members of a family - two of them critically. In the Landkreis Diepholz, a fire broke out in a house during a thunderstorm. The Bremen fire department was called out more than 60 times due to heavy rain. Additionally, the second day of the 144th Bad Harzburger Galopprennwoche had to be cancelled. According to German Weather Service predictions, it will be cooler in the coming week.

In a park in Delmenhorst, a lightning strike hit a family who were sitting under a tree. A 5-year-old boy and a 14-year-old girl were revived and taken to the hospital with life-threatening injuries. The 38-year-old mother, her 40-year-old husband, a 2-year-old, a 9-year-old girl, a 12-year-old boy, and a 31-year-old relative were also taken to hospitals.

Family seeks shelter under tree

According to reports, the family was at a public grilling area and sought shelter from the approaching storm in the afternoon. When the adults and children found refuge under a tree, a lightning strike occurred nearby. Two helicopters, six ambulances, five fire trucks, and numerous fire department personnel were sent to the scene.

People often seek shelter under trees when it rains heavily during a thunderstorm. Some even pay attention to the tree species, as they believe in the old saying: "You should yield to oaks, but seek refuge in beeches." However, lightning strikes do occur in beeches. They often don't appear as destroyed afterwards because a water film forms on the tree trunk, acting as a lightning conductor. The water runs down the trunk because the branches of the crown branch off at an angle and the bark is smooth. However, lightning always strikes the highest point - if the beech is the tallest tree in the park, it strikes there.

Old leaf trees usually have strong branches that can fall during strong winds. Conifers are more likely to be uprooted. It is advised against seeking shelter under trees. If you are surprised by a thunderstorm in a forest, it is recommended to take cover under dense foliage with young, low trees. Buildings or cars are much better options.

In a house in Scholen in the Diepholz district, a fire broke out during a thunderstorm. The roof structure of the house reportedly began to burn shortly after a lightning strike and loud thunder, according to police reports. It could not yet be determined whether the lightning was the cause of the fire. The roof structure was almost completely destroyed, with damages estimated at around 200,000 Euros.

Weather Service: It will be cooler

The Bremen fire department reported that they were called out more than 60 times due to the heavy rain. In most cases, the firefighters reportedly had to pump out full basements. There were no injuries reported.

According to the German Weather Service, it will not be as warm as before. Between Ostfriesland and Emsland, new showers and thunderstorms are expected in the night to Tuesday. The Tuesday will start off pleasant in the east of the country, but clouds are thickening from the western direction, and heavy rain following is expected. Temperatures at the sea will reach 21 degrees, in Bremen 24 degrees, and in Braunschweig 25 degrees. In the night to Wednesday, besides clearing up, there might be individual showers, the minimum temperatures are around 13 degrees, at the sea around 15 degrees.

  1. Despite the bad weather on Sunday in Diepholz District, the 144th Bad Harzburger Galopprennwoche was still scheduled to take place.
  2. The local police in Diepholz were also busy handling reports related to the thunderstorm and its aftermath.
  3. The family in Delmenhorst had planned their picnic on Sunday, unaware of the impending thunderstorm and its potential dangers.
  4. The lightning strike in the Diepholz District house occurred near a loft beam, causing significant damage to the roof structure.
  5. The children in Delmenhorst were playing in the park when they sought refuge under a tree, unfortunate events unfolded shortly after.
  6. The Fire department from Hannover was also called to assist in putting out the fire in the Diepholz District house.
  7. Despite the predictions of cooler weather, some parts of Lower Saxony, including Bremen and Delmenhorst, are expected to see showers and thunderstorms in the coming days.
  8. The family in Delmenhorst was initially taken to hospitals in Bremen and Hannover, reflecting the extensive medical facilities available in these Lower Saxony cities.

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