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Washbear population in Saxony-Anhalt contained

Washing bears may look cute, but are indeed controversial among hunters. In the past decades, their numbers have significantly increased. Up to now.

Washing bears are considered domesticated, according to the Saxony-Anhalt state government's view.
Washing bears are considered domesticated, according to the Saxony-Anhalt state government's view.

Invasive Species - Washbear population in Saxony-Anhalt contained

The population of Washbears has reportedly been contained, according to an estimation by the Agriculture Ministry in Sachsen-Anhalt. In the past seven years, the population has stagnated and the number of animals has not increased further, the Ministry revealed in response to a query from the SPD Fraction in the State Parliament.

According to Ministry figures, the number of animals hunted in the 2023/2024 hunting season was approximately 28,500. In the past seven years, this number fluctuated between 28,000 and 30,000 animals.

Previously, there had been a significant increase in the animal population since 2007. However, the Agriculture Ministry noted that even with an estimate, accurate population size data could not be provided.

Statewide Distribution

Wild animals are not countable. However, it can be assumed that there is a statewide distribution of Waschbears, including their settlement areas and city outskirts.

The handling of Waschbears is a contentious issue among hunting associations and nature conservationists. The most significant event for the spread of the North American-origin predator in Europe is considered to be the release of two Waschbear pairs on April 12, 1934, at the north Hessian Edersee.

Additionally, some animals escaped from a fur farm near Strausberg in Brandenburg following a bombing during World War II. Without natural predators, they have been able to spread nearly unchecked since then. Since 2016, they have been listed on the so-called Union List, which contains invasive species in the EU.

Small Query

The Washbear, a species often referred to as an invasive species in Europe, is not easily countable across Saxony-Anhalt due to its wide distribution in both rural and urban areas. The Agriculture Ministry in Saxony-Anhalt uses the term 'BMELV' to refer to the federal ministry responsible for agriculture, indicating a cooperation between different levels of government in addressing the Washbear issue. Despite efforts, accurate population size data for the Washbear remains elusive, making long-term population management strategies challenging.

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