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Wanted: Expert to prevent cable thefts in Berlin subway trains

Cable thieves are causing problems for Berlin's public transport company (BVG). Now the company wants to get the problem under control with a new position - a specialist of a somewhat different kind is needed.

Subway at Berlin's Gleisdreieck station: more than 60 cases of cable theft this year, according
Subway at Berlin's Gleisdreieck station: more than 60 cases of cable theft this year, according to the

BVG job advertisement - Wanted: Expert to prevent cable thefts in Berlin subway trains

For twelve days, subway passengers on the U6 line were more sardines in a can than Berliners on their way to work or after work. Instead of departing every four minutes, as is the norm during peak times, trains only left every ten minutes, and sometimes it was closer to twelve or 15 minutes.

The reason? Someone had stolen a cable. "Following a case in the vicinity of Rehberge station, the BVG had to temporarily reduce the frequency of the line," said the statement from Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG). This is necessary to prevent the power supply from being overloaded. According to BVG, the repairs have been completed since Wednesday and trains should be running at their usual frequency again.

So all is well? Probably only until the next incident. In times of high prices for non-ferrous metal, cable theft is an increasing phenomenon. "This year, BVG has already registered more than 60 cases of cable theft in its facilities," said a spokesperson when asked by stern. The material damage amounts to more than 900,000 euros. However, passengers are "of course" particularly affected by the train failures, often for days or weeks. Because the thefts sometimes cause considerable damage, repairs can take a long time.

BVG wants to pay up to 4,929.41 euros

With the measures taken so far, such as more night vision devices, the transport company does not seem to be able to combat the thefts. BVG is therefore now pulling out all the stops with a job advertisement for an"expert in the prevention of subway cable theft (f/m/d)" who will finally succeed in breaking through.

The tasks: the "continuous improvement of processes and technical solutions for the prevention of cable theft", the "coordination and implementation of all measures for the selection of suitable systems" and the implementation of "market observations, technical analyses and feasibility studies".

Even though a salary of 4,469.31 to 4,929.41 euros plus a Christmas bonus and "300 euros per year for our health portal" may entice some people, the company is looking for someone with a degree or experience in the field of electrical or energy technology. The company is particularly looking for "professional experience in the field of cable systems".

The job advertisement has been on the "Stepstone" job platform for four days. Have there already been any applications? BVG is not providing any information on this for the time being.

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