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Walking woman finds hand grenade

A woman finds a dirty object in the forest - and has the right suspicion. The explosive disposal team is approaching.

A woman walking found a hand grenade.
A woman walking found a hand grenade.

police - Walking woman finds hand grenade

A woman walking in a forest near Wiesensteig (District of Göppingen) found a hand grenade. The disposal team recovered the grenade, as the police reported. According to specialists, it was an American so-called Egg grenade MK-2, a relic from the Second World War. The woman had found the dirty object off the side of a path on Monday and called the police.

Press release

The hand grenade was from Baden-Württemberg, as it was discovered in a forest near Wiesensteig. Due to its age and potential danger, a local emergency was declared upon its discovery, requiring the swift intervention of a disposal team.

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