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Voigt: No interference from Saarbrücken or Berlin

Thuringia's CDU-lead candidate Mario Voigt will become the Chief Minister. He doesn't exclude a coalition with The Left's Sahra Wagenknecht, but he also sees limitations.

Mario Voigt (CDU) will be Ministerpresident in Thuringia and catch up with the AfD. However, a new...
Mario Voigt (CDU) will be Ministerpresident in Thuringia and catch up with the AfD. However, a new party isHot on his heels.

State election - Voigt: No interference from Saarbrücken or Berlin

Thuringia's CDU-Candidate Mario Voigt intends to make his party the strongest force in Thuringia again and rejects interventions from Berlin or Sahra Wagenknecht. "I focus on the future of my homeland. I won't allow decisions on how Thuringia is governed to be made from the million-villa in Saarbrücken, just as I wouldn't accept interventions from Berlin," said the 47-year-old in a podcast for the "Thuringer Allgemeine". Born in Jena, Wagenknecht lives with the former politician Oskar Lafontaine in Saarland.

Voigt sees the CDU as stronger than the BSW

Voigt aims to become Minister-President in Thuringia after the state election on September 1st. His CDU currently ranks second in the latest polls with 22 to 23 percent, while the Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht, led by Thuringian Landesparteichefin Katja Kopf, trails with values of 20 to 21 percent. "I want a real political change. That's why I'm very optimistic that we as the CDU will be significantly stronger than BSW," Voigt said in the podcast.

The AfD is in first place in the latest surveys with 28 to 29 percent. Since the far-right Thuringian state branch of Björn Höcke refuses to cooperate with any other party, it is considered unlikely that the AfD will come to power or even appoint a Minister-President.

Claim to the Minister-President's office

Wagenknecht had recently made it clear that Katja Kopf should become Minister-President if the BSW overtakes the CDU in Thuringia. Voigt accused the BSW of not knowing what one hand is doing with the other. "I have a reasonable approach to Katja Kopf, who tried to do her job as Mayor of Eisenach," he said. The actors at the Thuringian BSW, "who come from all different corners," are currently only united in the campaign. "But governing a country means they have to actually be able to implement things."

  1. Sahra Wagenknecht lives in Saarland with her former political partner, Oskar Lafontaine.
  2. Voigt's intention is to make the CDU the strongest force in Thuringia once again.
  3. The CDU, led by Voigt, currently ranks second in the latest polls, with values of 22 to 23%, while the Alliance Sara Wagenknecht trails slightly behind with 20 to 21%.
  4. The AfD holds the lead in the latest surveys with 28 to 29% in Thuringia.
  5. Wagenknecht suggested that Katja Kopf should become Minister-President if the BSW overtakes the CDU in Thuringia.
  6. Voigt rejected the idea of interventions from Berlin or Sahra Wagenknecht in Thuringia's governance.
  7. The party that forms the government after the Thuringia state election on September 1st will have to effectively implement policies.
  8. The future of Thuringia's politics, including the possibility of Voigt becoming Minister-President, will be determined by the outcome of the election.

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