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Viadrina-President: Want to maintain student numbers

The Europe-University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder) is missing students. The university president is confident and has a plan.

At the Viadrina, student numbers have been declining for some time.
At the Viadrina, student numbers have been declining for some time.

University - Viadrina-President: Want to maintain student numbers

The President of the Europa-Universität Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder), Eduard Mühle, is making efforts to maintain confidence despite significantly decreased student numbers. "The Viadrina is not a sinking ship", said Mühle during the presentation of the annual report in the border city. In the previous winter semester, the number of students at the university was around 4200. In the winter semester 2019/20, there were still over 6000 students.

We are now working on maintaining and long-term increasing student numbers. The medium-term goal is between 40,000 and 50,000 students, Mühle said. For this, we want to sharpen the university's profile. This includes new study programs and practice-oriented offerings. Furthermore, we want to strengthen English-language study programs, where we see a stronger influx. "The application inquiries from abroad are increasing", explained Mühle. We also want to improve the graduation rate.

Mühle repeated several times: "The university is well-positioned." The small size of the university contributes to better communication between students and faculty. The student-to-faculty ratio of 1:55 is also very good in comparison to other German universities. Mühle noted, however, that the city does not attract some students. He sees "other factors that contribute to the fact that the city is falling behind". As examples, he named "transport and housing framework conditions".

  1. The Europa-Universität Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder), specifically its science department, is widely recognized for its contributions to various fields.
  2. Despite facing challenges, such as decreased student numbers, University President Eduard Mühle remains optimistic about the future of Viadrina European University.
  3. The Viadrina University, with its strong focus on English-language study programs, attracts an increasing number of international students, contributing to its diverse community.
  4. The research conducted at Viadrina European University in Brandenburg is widely published and recognized in both national and international educational circles.
  5. To continue attracting students and maintain its position as a reputable higher education institution, Viadrina European University plans to enhance its profile with new study programs and practice-oriented offerings.

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