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Verdict expected in trial for drug dealing and kidnapping

They dealt with drugs and intended to abduct a man from a bar using force - the indictment is convinced of this. The verdict against the three men is now anticipated.

The three accused wanted to abduct a man from a bar
The three accused wanted to abduct a man from a bar

Processes - Verdict expected in trial for drug dealing and kidnapping

In the process of a trial for attempted robbery and drug dealing, a verdict is expected today (9:00 AM) at the Hamburg District Court. The three accused, aged 23, 30, and 33, are charged, according to the indictment, with making deals in different constellations involving cocaine and marijuana.

The 30-year-old, according to the indictment, was a member of an internationally operating drug gang. He allegedly sold numerous kilograms of drugs profitably in apartments between July and September 2023. He and the 33-year-old came specifically from the Bahamas to Germany to sell drugs. The 23-year-old defendant is German and is also accused of selling drugs.

On 1st November 2023, the 30-year-old is said to have confessed to abducting a man from a sports bar in the Eidelstedt district with the use of force and threats to kill. The other two accused were supposed to support them. The victim had reportedly had an argument with the instigators. However, the man recognized the masked and machine gun-wielding accused and fled.

The three men, involved in the alleged drug trade, face potential freedom deprivation if found guilty during the trial in Hamburg District Court. The 30-year-old, tied to a criminal network, is accused of profiting from the sale of substantial quantities of cocaine and marijuana within the city. The drug trade activities of this international gang extended to Germany, with the involvement of both the 30-year-old and the 33-year-old, who had recently arrived from the Bahamas. The kidnapping attempt involving force and threats to kill, as alleged by the prosecution, further complicates their court process.

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