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Up to 34 degrees in Hessen expected at the weekend

In Hessen, it will be warm on Saturday. Strong rain in the night after that brings some cooling again.

This weekend, temperatures up to 34 degrees are expected in Hessen (archive image)
This weekend, temperatures up to 34 degrees are expected in Hessen (archive image)

Weather forecast - Up to 34 degrees in Hessen expected at the weekend

People in Hessen can look forward to a hot summer day at the weekend. The temperature could reach up to 34 degrees Celsius on Saturday, according to the German Weather Service (DWD).

The DWD also forecasts extremely warm temperatures for Friday, with highs of 27 to 29 degrees Celsius in northern Hessen and up to 32 degrees Celsius in the south.

According to the DWD, it will rain at night on Sunday. Due to heavy rain, local thunderstorms are possible, with temperatures dropping to 19 to 16 degrees Celsius. On Sunday, the forecast predicts temperatures between 25 and 29 degrees Celsius. The weather will remain changeable to heavily overcast, with some areas experiencing rain and thunderstorms.

People planning a weekend trip to Offenbach, located in Hesse, might encounter a scorching summer day with temperatures potentially reaching 34 degrees Celsius on Saturday, as suggested by the DWD's weather forecast. Although the DWD has forecasted extremely warm temperatures for both Friday and Sunday, with highs of 27 to 29 degrees Celsius in northern Hessen and up to 32 degrees Celsius in the south on Friday, it predicts a significant drop in temperatures on Sunday night due to heavy rain, leading to local thunderstorms. Temperatures are expected to range between 19 to 16 degrees Celsius on Sunday night, and the weather will remain changeable and heavily overcast, with some areas experiencing rain and thunderstorms, according to the DWD's Sunday weather forecast.

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