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Unknown defiles the facade of Bremen Innenresorts

The building is smeared, the perpetrators unknown. After a color attack on the desk of a Senator in Bremen, the police are investigating.

After a paint attack on the building of the Bremen Interior Senator, the police are investigating...
After a paint attack on the building of the Bremen Interior Senator, the police are investigating for damaging property. Unknown individuals threw paint-filled glasses at the house.

Criminality - Unknown defiles the facade of Bremen Innenresorts

Unknown individuals threw colored bottles at the building of the Bremen Interior Senator. According to the Police, the building was defaced at several locations with various colors during the night. The Police are investigating damage to property and ask witnesses to come forward.

The colorful incident at the Bremen Interior Senator's house facade has sparked discussions in local Politics. Residents in Bremen expressed their concern about the unusual Criminality, citing the Farbattack as a prime example. The police have increased their patrols near the building, hoping to prevent any further incidents and maintain peace in the area.

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