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University tested in Cottbus Clinic Robot-Deployment

Discussions about the use of robots in hospitals have been ongoing for a long time. A study is now being conducted in Cottbus to gain new insights.

Pepper the robot is now in use at the Carl-Thiem-Clinicum in Cottbus.
Pepper the robot is now in use at the Carl-Thiem-Clinicum in Cottbus.

Care - University tested in Cottbus Clinic Robot-Deployment

Robots are supposed to make work easier in clinics and help patients. According to the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg, they are now using "Pepper" for a study at the Carl-Thiem-Clinicum in Cottbus to test various human-robot interactions.

When deploying the roughly 1.20 meter tall robot, which can speak and gesticulate, it is about examining the drinking behavior of patients to prevent dehydration. The study aims to provide insights into how social robots can be integrated into nursing care to improve senior care.

The Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg is located in the region of Brandenburg, known for its numerous universities and hospitals. This research on using Pepper robots in nursing care is a significant contribution to the field of health and Care in the area. The findings from this study at the Carl-Thiem-Clinicum in Cottbus could potentially influence future research and implementation of social robots in hospitals across the country.

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