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UNICEF photo of the year shows girls at war

"Cloud over children's everyday lives"

The work in the background, with UNICEF patron Elke Büdenbender and photographer Patryk Jaracz
The work in the background, with UNICEF patron Elke Büdenbender and photographer Patryk Jaracz in

UNICEF photo of the year shows girls at war

Every year, UNICEF Germany awards prizes for photos and photo reportages that document the living conditions of children in an outstanding way. This year, Polish photographer Patryk Jaracz wins the competition with a photo showing the everyday lives of Ukrainian girls.

The UNICEF Photo of the Year focuses on childlike light-heartedness in the midst of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine. The winning picture by Polish photographer Patryk Jaracz shows three girls in a meadow in western Ukraine. One of them is learning to ride a bicycle, while a cloud of black smoke rises from an oil storage facility in the background.

The winning photos were presented in Berlin. Jaracz had captured a "very moving scene with a very oppressive contrast", said UNICEF patron Elke Büdenbender, wife of German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier. "The war hangs over the children's everyday lives like a really dark cloud." Nevertheless, it also shows hope.

Jaracz's picture in its entirety.

The second prize goes to German photographer Oliver Weiken, who took a look at child labor in Afghanistan. The third prize goes to Russian-born Natalya Saprunova, who photographed the children of an indigenous people in Russia.

Seven other reportages will be honored, including a photo series about the diabetic warning dog Enya and her owner Johannes. Since 2000, UNICEF Germany has been honoring photos and photo reportages once a year in the international and unprized competition, which, according to the information provided, document the personality and living conditions of children in an outstanding way. The pictures will be on display at the Willy Brandt House in Berlin from the beginning of February. All winning pictures since 2000 can be viewed on the UNICEF Germany website.

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