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UN: Number of women murdered worldwide reaches all-time high

Alarming figures: in 2022, more women were deliberately killed worldwide than at any time in the last 20 years. According to the UN, more than half of these murders were committed by family members.

A mural by Irish artist Emmalene Blake with the inscription "When will I be able to walk alone
A mural by Irish artist Emmalene Blake with the inscription "When will I be able to walk alone at night and feel safe?"

UN: Number of women murdered worldwide reaches all-time high

According to the United Nations, the number of women and girls murdered worldwide in 2022 has risen to its highest level in 20 years. Around 89,000 women and girls were deliberately killed last year, the UN organization responsible for women, UN Women, and the UN organization responsible for drugs and crime, UNODC, announced on Wednesday.

More than half of these murders, around 55 percent, were committed by family members or partners, they added. The highest number of murders of women and girls, around 20,000, took place in Africa, followed by Asia.

The UN is urging global action to address the alarming increase in feminicides, echoing the statistics revealed by UN Women and UNODC. This unrelenting crime against women transcends borders, with Africa and Asia bearing the brunt of this tragic trend.




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