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Umwelthilfe: NRW government in penultimate place for company cars

From last place in 2023 to penultimate place among the federal states: In the view of Deutsche Umwelthilfe, the NRW government's company cars still emit too much C02.

In the view of Deutsche Umwelthilfe, the NRW government's company cars emit too much CO2.
In the view of Deutsche Umwelthilfe, the NRW government's company cars emit too much CO2.

Too much C02 - Umwelthilfe: NRW government in penultimate place for company cars

In the new politician's car comparison of the German Environmental Aid (DUH) regarding CO2 emissions, the black-green North Rhine-Westphalia state government ranks on the second to last place among the 16 federal states. The DUH calculated an average real CO2 emission of 202 grams per kilometer for the cars of the Minister President and the state ministers in the report for 2024 - this was 221 grams in the previous year. This currently places them 15th before Mecklenburg-Vorpommern as the last place.

Hamburg took the top spot with a value of 126 grams. For Baden-Württemberg, the Environmental Aid calculated 132 grams - in second place.

Several cabinet members in North Rhine-Westphalia reportedly use Plug-In Hybrid Cars. However, only Minister of Economics Mona Neubaur (Greens) and Environment Minister Oliver Krischer (Greens) use pure electric cars. According to the last DUH report, no NRW government member was on the road with a pure electric car in 2023.

Government leader Hendrik Wüst and Interior Minister Herbert Reul (both CDU) continue to use a specially protected A8 petrol car, whose CO2 emission the Environmental Aid estimates at 380 grams per kilometer. They therefore ranked among the last in the nationwide ranking. The calculations are based on inquiries from January to May 2024, according to the DUH.

However, the numbers of the Environmental Aid are only conditionally comparable with other statistics. For example, the DUH assumes for its ranking that Plug-In Hybrids are only used in combustion engine mode - whether the top politicians and their car management actually do this is open.

  1. The Government of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, aiming to improve its environmental record, is considering transitioning to more eco-friendly company cars to improve its ranking in the next DUH report.
  2. The Deutsche Umwelthilfe e.V., based in Düsseldorf, has called on companies and governments across North Rhine-Westphalia to consider the environmental impact of their choices, including the use of company cars.
  3. Despite the criticism from environmental groups, several companies in North Rhine-Westphalia continue to offer company cars with high CO2 emissions, contributing to the region's poor ranking in emissions.
  4. In an effort to reduce traffic and improve air quality, some companies in North Rhine-Westphalia are introducing incentives for employees to use public transportation or electric vehicles instead of company cars.

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