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Two-year-old's parents cannot explain her disappearance

How did she get down the stairs?

The river in which the toddler presumably drowned was in
The river in which the toddler presumably drowned was in

Two-year-old's parents cannot explain her disappearance

The pain is unbearable, explains the father after the death of the girl from Bingen in Swabia. The cause of the accident is unclear. The nursery from which the little girl disappeared is on the second floor.

The police are assuming that the death of the little girl from Bingen was an accident, but the parents of the two-year-old say they cannot imagine how it happened. "She had her nursery on the second floor," the father told the Bild newspaper. "We can't explain how she came down the stairs all by herself."

They left their home close to the River Lauchert, where the girl presumably drowned - the pain was too great. Instead, they stayed with friends. "We are completely devastated, we told the police everything for hours: that we didn't see Melissa disappear, that we desperately searched for her but couldn't find her," said the father, according to the report. "The pain is unbearable, we miss our sweetheart so much."

Missing for 40 hours

Police are trying to find out how the child disappeared and where she fell into the water. More than 40 hours after she disappeared without a trace, the two-year-old was discovered lifeless in the water underneath a thicket that could not be seen.

According to the police on Monday, the toddler had probably left her parents' house on Sunday between 4 and 5 p.m. in an unobserved moment and probably in her pyjamas. It is only about 25 meters to the bank on the other side of the road. The river, which is normally calm, was at high tide and it was freezing at night. Sniffer dogs, divers, drones and helicopters were used in the search. The girl's family was supported by a crisis intervention team.

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