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Two severely injured in fire at Berlin refugee home

A fire breaks out in a shelter for refugees in the morning. Fifty residents evacuate safely. However, there are severe injuries.

At a fire in a refugee shelter in Berlin-Weißensee, two people were severely injured.
At a fire in a refugee shelter in Berlin-Weißensee, two people were severely injured.

Lake Weissensee - Two severely injured in fire at Berlin refugee home

Two people have been severely injured in a fire at a refugee shelter in Berlin-Weißensee. Approximately 50 residents were safely evacuated from the eight-story building in Nußlerstraße by the fire department, according to a fire department spokesperson.

According to firefighters, the fire broke out in a apartment in the seventh floor of the new building. Firefighters prevented the flames from spreading to neighboring apartments, but there was a greater risk from the smoke development. The cause of the fire was initially unclear.

The Fire Department initially prepared for a larger number of casualties and called for additional rescue services. The operation is now over. It was not yet known whether the uninjured residents could return to the building.

The refugees from the affected apartment in Lake Weissensee's refugee shelter have been temporarily relocated to another facility in Berlin. Thankfully, the fire department's swift action and effective smoke control techniques ensured no further injuries beyond the initial two. In light of the incident, safety drills will be reinforced at all Berlin refugee shelters.

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