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Two motorhomes stolen in one night in Kisdorf

Unknown perpetrators stole two caravans in the community of Kisdorf. Both were stolen on the same night.

The police are looking for witnesses (pictures)
The police are looking for witnesses (pictures)

Criminality - Two motorhomes stolen in one night in Kisdorf

Unknown perpetrators stole two caravans in the community of Kisdorf (Segeberg district). The caravans were located on different plots and were stolen on Wednesday night, according to the police. The damage to the first caravan is estimated to be over 100,000 Euro, due to items found in the vehicle, such as a trike with license plates. The perpetrators had to maneuver several times to get the caravan off the plot. The police estimate the value of the second caravan to be 35,000 Euro. In both cases, investigations are ongoing. The police are asking for tips.

The police in Segeberg District, Schleswig-Holstein, are investigating cases of criminality after two Motorhomes were stolen from Kisdorf, a community within the district. The theft of these recreational vehicles, valued at over 135,000 Euro, has raised concerns about increasing levels of property crime in the area. Despite the efforts of local law enforcement, the perpetrators have managed to elude capture, leaving the Segeberg District police to seek tips from the public to help solve these cases.

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