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Two men injured in confrontation in Chemnitz

Disputes escalate under the influence of alcohol. In Chemnitz, several men got into a fight, a woman was also allegedly involved.

Chemnitz: Two men have been injured during a violent altercation.
Chemnitz: Two men have been injured during a violent altercation.

Body injury - Two men injured in confrontation in Chemnitz

In a violent confrontation, two Men from Latvia were lightly injured in Chemnitz. The rescue forces found a 33-year-old and a 39-year-old in an apartment with two other countrymen and were able to treat them ambulantly, according to the Chemnitz Police Department.

A neighbor alerted the police in the early hours of the night. When the officers arrived, they found a 38-year-old Woman and a 37-year-old man nearby. The two Germans were drunk, according to the police.

During initial investigations, it was found out that the Latvians had gotten into a fight with another group on the street. Several people are suspected to have attacked the two victims. The woman is accused of attacking the 33-year-old with a bottle. The Police are investigating for grievous bodily harm.

The incident in Chemnitz, Saxony, sparked concerns about criminality in the area. The 38-year-old woman from Germany, who was also involved, will face charges of serious assault. The Latvian men, who were injured, were residents of the city. The local rescue power played a crucial role in providing first aid to the victims.

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