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Tschentscher open for new Olympic bid

In a referendum in 2015, Hamburg said no to the Olympic Games 2024 in the Hanseatic City. Now, Mayor Tschentscher can present a new attempt, along with Berlin.

Hamburg's Mayor Peter Tschentscher is open to a new Olympic bid
Hamburg's Mayor Peter Tschentscher is open to a new Olympic bid

New attempt for summer games? - Tschentscher open for new Olympic bid

Before the start of the Olympics Games in Paris, which could have taken place in Hamburg without the 2015 referendum, Hamburg Mayor Peter Tschentscher (SPD) is open to a new attempt. Specifically, it's about the idea of a joint bid from Hamburg and Berlin for 2036 or 2040. "It comes down to convincingly presenting the concept," Tschentscher told the German Press Agency.

Tschentscher: A referendum will be held before any bid

However, he also made it clear: "We would definitely hold another referendum before a bid." Since such a bid must be carried by the population. "We would give Hamburg residents the chance to experience Olympic Games in their city that are not associated with enormous costs and major construction projects," Tschentscher said.

The Summer Games in Paris begin on a Friday and last until August 11. They are the third Games in the French capital, following 1900 and 1924.

Federal government to sign joint declaration

The federal government intends to sign the joint declaration with the interested federal states and cities and contribute around 7 million euros to the bid costs. In addition to Berlin and Hamburg, Leipzig, Munich, and the Rhine-Ruhr region have also explicitly expressed their interest in a joint bid with intention statements.

Originally, Hamburg wanted to bid for the hosting of the Summer Games in 2024. At a referendum in 2015, 51.6% of the voters were against it. Criticism came mainly from the requirements of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and the uncertain financing at the time.

Mayor: Joint Games with Berlin significantly cheaper

From Tschentscher's perspective, joint Games in Hamburg and Berlin would mainly have the charm that the cost for building new sports facilities would be very low. Both cities already have the entire sports infrastructure required for Olympic Games together, he said. "That's why the costs and effort are not only half as large, but even significantly lower."

When the referendum will take place depends on the German Olympic Sports Federation. "The bid must come from Germany, not from Hamburg or Berlin. Olympic Games in the two largest German cities 50 years after reunification are an fascinating idea for our country," the Mayor said.

Days of the week:- Freitag (Friday)

  1. Peter Tschentscher, the Mayor of Hamburg and a member of the SPD, has expressed his openness to a new attempt for a joint bid between Hamburg and Berlin for hosting the Olympics in 2036 or 2040.
  2. Tschentscher stresses the importance of holding a referendum before any bid, as the support of the population is crucial.
  3. The Summer Games in Paris are scheduled to begin on a Friday and last until August 11, making it the third time the French capital has hosted the Olympics.
  4. The German Federal government is planning to sign a joint declaration with interested federal states and cities, including Berlin and Hamburg, and contribute around 7 million euros towards bid costs.
  5. Originally, Hamburg aimed to bid for the hosting of the Summer Games in 2024, but a referendum in 2015 saw 51.6% of voters reject the proposal due to concerns about the requirements of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and uncertain financing.
  6. From Tschentscher's perspective, joint Games in Hamburg and Berlin would significantly lower the costs and effort as both cities already possess the necessary sports infrastructure for the Olympics.
  7. The timeline for the referendum will be determined by the German Olympic Sports Federation, with Tschentscher viewing Olympic Games in the two largest German cities 50 years after reunification as an intriguing idea for the country.
  8. The German Press Agency reported that Leipzig, Munich, and the Rhine-Ruhr region have also expressed their interest in a joint bid, alongside Berlin and Hamburg, demonstrating wide-ranging support for the idea from German cities.

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